The Production & Design Program offers courses and hands-on, practical experience in scenic, lighting and sound, and costume technology, as well as design classes in each of those fields with the chance to specialize in a particular area of interest. Students may opt to specialize in an area as juniors and seniors or may choose to pursue a broader education in the field. Production undergraduates serve on mainstage productions as crew heads, design assistants, and occasionally as designers. Our studio productions typically are staffed entirely by undergraduate designers and technicians.
Our purpose is to train technicians and designers broadly in the theatre. Recognizing the realities of the job market in theatre and associated industries, it is our goal to train our students for immediate employment as artisans upon graduation or to prepare them well for graduate study in design or technology fields. The School of Theatre & Dance Production faculty and staff take a deep interest in students' progress and strive to consistently serve as examples, as mentors, and as advisors to our students.