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Nursing Field of Study

Senate Bill 148 of the 75th Texas Legislature (1997) mandated Field of Study curricula. The Field of Study curricula, along with core curricula, are intended to facilitate the transferability of courses among Texas public colleges and universities. All public four-year institutions are required to accept Coordinating Board-approved Field of Study courses in fulfillment of lower-division requirements for bachelor’s degrees in majors that correspond to the Field of Study.

To be Nursing Field of Study complete, students need to take all 28 semester credit hours (SCH). Courses are listed using the Texas Common Course Numbering System (TCCNS).

Content Areas Number and type of courses TCCNS
Anatomy & Physiology 2 courses: A&P I with lab and A&P II with lab BIOL 2301/2101 or 2401 and
BIOL 2302/2102 or 2402
Microbiology 1 course: Microbiology with lab BIOL 2320/2120 or BIOL 2420
(or BIOL 2321/2121 or 2421)
Chemistry 1 course: chemistry with lab Any 4 SCH course including lab
Nutrition 1 course: Nutrition & Diet Therapy I BIOL 1322 or HECO 1322
Psychology 2 courses: General Psychology and Lifespan Growth & Development PSYC 2301 and
PSYC 2314
Mathematics 1 course: Elementary Statistical Methods MATH 1342