The Meet and Greet details:
When: Friday, 10/12/18 @ 2:30—5:00 p.m.
Where: 232 PGH
Who's invited: Click here for more information.
What is the Meet and Greet?: This event is for all Undergraduate Math Majors, including Mathematical Biology, Math Graduate students, Departmental Faculty and Staff. The purpose of this social is to create a pleasant and comfortable environment among faculty and students.
We have three speakers that will present at this event (2:30—3:40 p.m.). Some topics that may be discussed include:
- Which steps were taken to acquire their current positions?
- What was their process like and what was involved in their preparation to find a position?
- Which opportunities did they take advantage of that proved invaluable during the application process.
- Perspectives on “life beyond the degree”.
(2:30—2:50 p.m.) Mark Hughen, is a software developer for Harris County CTS and is an University of Houston Alum. He recently worked with a Data Science graduate student during a summer internship. Mark will discuss his experience with the success and failure developing machine learning models for multiple Harris Country agencies. He will also use this event as a platform for internship recruitment opportunities. So, I encourage all Math Majors graduating this Fall or next spring to bring your resumes to this event and speak to Mark directly after his talk. If you would like to reach out to Mark prior to our Meet and Greet, please contact him via email.
(2:55—3:15 p.m.) Sean M. Andrews, received his B.S. in Mathematics with an Option in Financial Mathematics, as well as his M.S. in Finance, at the University of Houston. He has since been very involved with our alumni and has an extensive background as a Structuring Analyst, Director of Pricing and Supply for various companies, as well holding multiple VP positions within the oil and gas industry. He currently is CPO at Environ Partners and is responsible for the renewable energy, demand response and backup generation, and energy procurement segments. Sean also founded the Andrews Family Scholarship for Math majors, whom graduated high school in Texas or California, in which recipients must commit to community service during the school year.
(3:20—3:40 p.m.) Dr. Paulette Willis received a B.S. in Mathematics and Physics from the Southern University at New Orleans, and obtained her M.S. and Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of Iowa. Dr. Willis served as a NSF Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Houston from 2010—2013. She taught multiple courses, including Linear Algebra and Discrete Mathematics. Since leaving the University of Houston, Dr. Willis applied her knowledge at Reasoning Mind for a few years, in which her position evolved from a Knowledge Engineering Team Lead to a Partnership Engagement Specialist.
(3:45—4:05 p.m.) We will be recognizing our Fall FY19 Benner Scholarship, Grover Scholarship, and Andrews Family Scholarship, as well as our other NSM Scholarships undergraduate recipients.
(4:05—4:10 p.m.) Afterward we will have a PME Induction ceremony for new members!
(4:10—4:30 p.m.) Members of C.H.A.M.P. will also discuss their mentoring activities, and Ms. Lisa Vaughn will give a small presentation about our "MSDS" Program.
The remainder of the event will commence afterward.
Hope to see you there! :)
Mark Hughen
Sean Andrews
Dr. Paulette Willis
Scholarship Ceremony
PME Induction Ceremony