Leadership & Administrative Contacts
The email addresses are "Email ID@math.uh.edu" unless otherwise indicated.
Department Administration |
Title | Name | Email ID* | Phone | Office | Student Office Hours |
Department Chair |
Dr. Bernhard Bodmann | bgb ; bgb@uh.edu |
(713) 743-3581 | 641A PGH | appointment only |
Associate Chair |
Dr. Annalisa Quaini | quaini; aquaini@uh.edu | (713) 743-3491 | 662 PGH | appointment only |
Department Business Administrator |
Ms. Theirynn Greenidge | tegreeni@central.uh.edu | 713-743-3880 | 609 PGH | appointment only |
Academic Contacts |
Title | Name | Email ID* | Phone | Office | Student Office Hours |
Dr. Alan Haynes | haynes; akhaynes2@uh.edu |
N/A | 613 PGH | appointment only | |
Ms. Katrice Bender | kmbender@central.uh.edu | --- |
625 PGH |
--- | |
Assistant Director of Graduate Studies |
Dr. Jennifer May | jrmay@uh.edu | N/A | 218B PGH | appointment only |
"MAM" Program Scientific |
Dr. Garry Etgen | etgen; etgen@uh.edu | (713) 743-3510 | 695 PGH | appointment only |
"MSDS" Program Director and |
Dr. Mikyoung Jun | mjun@central.uh.edu | (713) 743-7279 | 601 PGH | appointment only |
"MSDS" Program Scientific |
Dr. Demetrio Labate | dlabate; dlabate@uh.edu | (713) 743-3492 | 694 PGH | appointment only |
"MSDS" Program Manager |
Ms. Callista Brown | cbrown10@central.uh.edu | (713) 743-4644 |
11F Fleming |
appointment only |
"MSDS” Associate Program |
Dr. Cathy Poliak | cathy; poliak@uh.edu | (713) 743-7644 | 11C Fleming | appointment only |
Dr. Mehrdad Kalantar | kalantar , mkalantar@uh.edu | (713) 743-0780 | 627 PGH | appointment only | |
Dr. Nicholas Leger | nmleger@uh.edu | (713) 743-6751 | 677 PGH | appointment only | |
Assistant Department Chair for |
Dr. Melahat Almus | almus; malmus@uh.edu | (713) 743-6886 | 212 PGH | appointment only |
Director of Core Level Online |
Dr. James West | jdwest; jdwest@uh.edu | (713) 743-7704 | 204 PGH | appointment only |
Director for Instructional Support |
Ms. Irina Perepelitsa | irina; iperepelitsa@uh.edu | (713) 743-7652 | 214 PGH | appointment only |
Instructional Designer, |
Ms. Jen Marsala | jmarsala@central.uh.edu | N/A | N/A | appointment only |
Communications Manager |
Ms. Treina Tai McAlister | ttmcalis@central.uh.edu | (713) 743-3511 | 204 PGH | appointment only |
I.T. Support |
Title | Name | Email ID* | Phone | Office | Office Hours |
User Services Spec 2 |
Mr. Dave Branda | help@math.uh.edu |
(713) 743-3486 | 660 PGH | appointment only |
Operating Sysems Programmer 3 |
Mr. Jason Tibbitts | help@math.uh.edu | (713) 743-3486 | 660 PGH | appointment only |
Front desk Inquiries |
Front desk staff | frontdesk@math.uh.edu |
(713) 743-3500; Fax (713) 743-3505 |
641 PGH | N/A |
Departmental Contact Information |
Item | Institution | Department | Street | Building | City/State |
Mailing Address |
University of Houston | Department of Mathematics |
3551 Cullen Blvd. | Philip Guthrie Hoffman Hall, 641 | Houston, TX 77204-3008 |