Seminar Calendar Archive - University of Houston
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Seminar Calendar Archive

Date & Time Event
June 17, 2024
PGH 563
REU Seminar
The nature and control of the illicit medical products trade
Nikos Passas, Northeastern University
April 17, 2024
PGH 232
Advancing End-to-End System Design: A Comprehensive Approach to Memory and Storage Systems Optimization
Janki Bhimani, Florida International University
April 12, 2024
PGH 232
Learning Symbolic Concepts and Domain-specific Languages
Paul Krogmeier, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
March 27, 2024
PGH 232
Trustworthy Transfer Learning
Jun Wu, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
March 25, 2024
PGH 232
Towards Socially and Environmentally Responsible AI
Jianyi Yang
March 20, 2024
PGH 232
Towards Reliable Data-centric Machine Learning
Junfeng Guo, University of Maryland
March 18, 2024
PGH 232
A holistic view of Internet security
Liang Wang, Princeton University
March 8, 2024
PGH 232
Go Toxic or Go Viral - the use and abuse of social media
Chen (Cici) Ling, Boston University
March 4, 2024
PGH 232
Hardware-Software Co-design of Efficient and Scalable Deep Learning
Chengming Zhang, Indiana University
March 1, 2024
PGH 232
Robust Learning with Evolving Data Streams for Personalized Healthcare
Jingchao Ni, Amazon -  AWS AI Labs
Feb. 26, 2024
PGH 232
Empowering Graph Neural Networks for Real-world Tasks
Zhichun Guo, University of Notre Dame
Feb. 23, 2024
PGH 232
Managing Exa-scale Scientific Data with Error-bounded Lossy Compression
Jinyang Liu, University of California, Riverside
Feb. 16, 2024
PGH 232
From Theory to Application: Overparameterization and Machine Learning at the Edge
Peizhong Ju, The Ohio State University
Feb. 12, 2024
PGH 232
Towards Practical Automated Software Quality Assurance Techniques Via a Holistic Lifespan-based Approach
Austin Mordahl, University of Texas at Dallas
Feb. 9, 2024
PGH 232
Make LLMs More Accessible: Scale LLM Fine-tuning and Serving Efficiently
Zirui Liu, Rice University
Feb. 5, 2024
PGH 232
Bridging Humans and Technology: Human-Centered Design for Trust and Collaborative Futures
Qiaoning Zhang, University of Michigan
Feb. 2, 2024
PGH 232
Building Trust and Safety on Content Creation Platforms
Renkai Ma, Pennsylvania State University
Nov. 17, 2023
PGH 232
Cryptography in the Blockchain Era
Juan Garay, Texas A&M University
Nov. 3, 2023
PGH 232
Generative AI Models at UIL
Jungfeng Jiao, The University of Texas at Austin
Oct. 20, 2023
PGH 232
Shape-Dependent Contrast and Statistical Image Texture Features in Radiological Imaging
Mini Das, University of Houston
Sept. 29, 2023
PGH 232
Recent Advances in Network Community Detection: Generalized Modularity Density and RenEEL, with Applications in Genetics and Neuroscience
Kevin Bassler, University of Houston
Sept. 25, 2023
MH 150
AI for Cybersecurity and Security of AI
Houbing Herbert Song, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Sept. 22, 2023
PGH 232
Extending the Reach of Tensor Units: Advancing Computational Science and Engineering with AI Hardware
Panruo Wu, University of Houston
Sept. 15, 2023
PGH 232
Computer Science and Healthcare: Challenges and Opportunities
Ioannis Kakadiaris, University of Houston
Mon., July 24, 2023
Online via MS Teams
Distinguished Seminar
Multimodal machine intelligence and its human-centered possibilities
Shrikanth (Shri) Narayanan, University of Southern California
Fri, July 21, 2023
Online via MS Teams
Methods for measuring social and conceptual dimensions of Convergence Science
Alex Petersen, University of California - Merced
Wed. June 7, 2023
PGH 563
Dealing with violence and hateful behavior in social networks through language and vision
Hugo Jair Escalante, National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics (Mexico)
Wed., April 5, 2023
PGH 232
Vision-and-language Models: Opportunities and Limitations
Vicente Ordoñez, Rice University
Mon., Feb. 27, 2023
PGH 232
Attack Surface Reduction through Software Debloating
Seyedhamed Ghavamnia, Stony Brook University / SUNY Stony Brook
Fri., Feb. 24, 2023
PGH 232
Edge-AI in the Making: Algorithm Design and Theory
Sen Lin, Ohio State University
Wed., Feb. 22, 2023
PGH 232
Towards Precision Sensing in IoT for Human Interaction, Healthcare, and Beyond
Chenhan Xu, University at Buffalo SUNY
Mon., Feb. 20, 2023
PGH 232
Distinguished Seminar
Security and Privacy for Distributed Optimization and Learning
Nitin Vaidya, Georgetown University
Fri., Feb 17, 2023
PGH 232
Efficient Deterministic Leader Election for Programmable Matter
Shay Kutten, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
Fri., Feb. 17, 2023
PGH 232
Distinguished Seminar
Leaky Models and Unintended Inferences
David Evans, University of Virginia
Mon., Feb. 13, 2023
PGH 232
Building Trustworthy Machine Learning Systems under Adversarial Environments
Ning (Nicole) Wang, Virginia Tech
Fri., Feb. 10, 2023
PGH 232
Understanding and Enhancing Microarchitecture Security in the Era of AI and Emerging Hardware
Fan Yao, University of Central Florida
Fri., Feb. 3, 2023
PGH 232
Securing Critical Cyber Infrastructures and Functionalities via ML Empowered Designs
Tao Wang, New Mexico State University
Mon., Jan. 30, 2023
PGH 232
Algorithmic Foundation of Parallel Paging and Fast Stencil Computation
Rathish Das, University of Liverpool (England)
Fri, Jan. 27, 2023
PGH 232
Minimum-Spanning-Trees with Kruskal’s and Prim’s algorithms are a-maze-ing!
Daniel Biediger, University of Houston
Mon., Jan. 23, 2023
PGH 232
Analysis and Generation of Visual Data using Deep Learning
Ioannis Patras, Queen Mary University of London
Tues., Dec. 6, 2022
PGH 232
Specializing the Computing System for Graph Algorithms
Xuhao Chen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Fri., Nov. 4, 2022
PGH 232
Co-Optimizing Human-System Performance in VR/AR
Qi Sun, New York University
Wed., Nov. 2, 2022
PGH 232
Distinguished Seminar
Crypto Protocol Analysis with Time and Space
Catherine Meadows, Naval Research Laboratory
Wed., Oct. 26, 2022
PGH 232
From Slide Rules to Smartphones
J-F Paris, Professor Emeritus of Computer Science, University of Houston
Fri., Sept. 30, 2022
Online via Zoom
Sharding and Data Availability Sampling
Dankrad Feist, Ethereum Research
Fri., Sept. 23, 2022
PGH 232
Inspection of Neural Code Intelligence ModelsInspection of Neural Code Intelligence Models
Amin Alipour, University of Houston
Wed., June 1, 2022
PGH 550
The Node Capacitated Clique: Models, Algorithms, and Extensions
John Augustine, Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Tues., May 31, 2022
PGH 550
Byzantine Resilient Algorithms: Foundations and Applications
John Augustine, Indian Institute of Technology Madras
March 23, 2022
Hybrid: PGH 232 and Zoom
Secure and Trustworthy Distributed Resource Management for Data-intensive Applications
Saptarshi Debroy, Hunter College, City University of New York (CUNY)
March 21, 2022
Virtual on Zoom
Towards Scalable and Efficient Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS)
Feng Yan, University of Nevada, Reno
March 11, 2022
Virtual on Zoom
Fairness and Graph Deep Generation through the Lens of Time
Wenbin Zhang, Carnegie Mellon University
March 7, 2022
Virtual on Zoom
AI and Multi-agent Systems for Societal Benefit
Arunesh Sinha, Singapore Management University
March 4, 2022
Hybrid: PGH 232 and Zoom
Probabilistic Machine Learning: Exploring Uncertainties in the Spatial, Temporal, and Deep Architectures' Perspectives
Xuhui Fan, University of New South Wales, Sydney
March 2, 2022
Hybrid: PGH 232 and Zoom
Towards A More Responsible World: When AI, Open Data, and Usable Security Meet Each Other
Yunhe Feng, University of Washington
Mon., February 28, 2022
Virtual on Zoom
Non-convex Optimization for Data Science: Models, Algorithms, and Applications
Songtao Lu, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center
February 25, 2022
Hybrid: PGH 232 and Zoom
Resource-efficient Deep Learning: Democratizing AI at Scale
Dongkuan (DK) Xu, The Pennsylvania State University
Mon., February 21, 2022
Hybrid: PGH 232 and Zoom
Privacy-Preserving Deep Learning
Qian Lou, Samsung Research America
Fri., February 18, 2022
Hybrid: PGH 232 and Zoom
Artificial Intelligence, Security & Privacy
Lichao Sun, Lehigh University
February 16, 2022
Hybrid: PGH 232 and Zoom
Security and privacy in critical applications and services
Ruimin Sun, Northeastern University
January 26, 2022
Virtual on Zoom
Learning from Data
Jesús Ubaldo Quevedo-Torrero, University of North Texas
January 21, 2022
Virtual on Zoom
Decision Trees
Bal Krishna Bal, Kathmandu University (Nepal)
December 3, 2021
Virtual on MS Teams
The Hermes BFT Protocol for Blockchains
Konstantin “Costas” Busch, Augusta University
November 19, 2021
Virtual on MS Teams
Distinguished Seminar
Applying Predicate Detection to Discrete Optimization Problems
Vijay K. Garg, The University of Texas at Austin
April 19, 2021
Comment Maintenance as Software Evolves
Prof. Jessy Li, The University of Texas at Austin
March 12, 2021
Towards Deeper Natural Language Understanding
Prof. Eduardo Blanco, University of North Texas
February 26, 2021
On the Challenges of Modeling Complex Human Behaviors from Visual Information
Dr. Hugo Escalante, National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics (Mexico)
February 24, 2021
Distinguished Seminar
ALGORAND: The Truly Distributed Blockchain
Prof. Silvio Micali, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
February 5, 2021
Faculty Seminar
Adapting Neural Models to Address Challenges in Information Extraction from Social Media Data
Prof. Thamar Solorio, University of Houston
November 9, 2020
11:00 AM
Distinguished Seminar
Multimedia Multilingual Event Knowledge Base Construction
Prof. Heng Ji, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
October 21, 2020
11:00 AM
Faculty Seminar
Using Deep Neural Networks to Advance Concussion Research
Prof. Badri Roysam, University of Houston
October 16, 2020
Advanced Computational Approaches for Understanding Allele-specific Biology of Complex Diseases
Dr. Shilpa Garg, Harvard Medical School
October 7, 2020
11:00 AM
Faculty Seminar
Real-time Facial Performance Capture and Manipulation
Prof. Zhigang Deng, University of Houston
September 4, 2020
11:00 AM
Faculty Seminar
Data Science for Cybersecurity: A Phishing Expedition from 18th Century Literature to Fake News
Prof. Rakesh Verma, University of Houston
Mon., 04/27/2020
PGH 232
Computer Science Distinguished Seminar
Topic: On the Naturalness of Software, and How to Exploit It
Speaker: Dr. Prem Devanbu
Host: Alipour
Mon., 04/20/2020
11:00 AM
Computer Science Focus on Research
Topics: Application Agnostic Network Traffic Modeling for Realistic Traffic Generation | Learning to learn: Meta-Learning in Machine Learning | Attending the Emotions to Detect Online Abusive Language | Let Me Choose: From Verbal Context to Font Selection
Speakers: Oluwamayowa Adeleke | Mikhail Mekhedkin-Meskhi | Niloofar Safi Samghabadi | Amirreza (Reza) Shirani
Hosts: Gnawali, Wu
Mon., 04/06/2020
11:00 AM
Computer Science Focus on Research
Topics: ViPER: Vehicle Pose Estimation using Ultra-WideBand Radios | On the Usefulness of Personality Traits in Opinion-Oriented Tasks | Platform for Interactive Immersion into Imaging Data with an Augmented Reality Interface | Claim Verification Under the Positive-Unlabeled Setting
Speakers: Alireza Ansaripour | Marjan Hosseinia | Jose Daniel Velazco-Garcia | Fan Yang
Hosts: Gnawali, Wu
Fri., 04/03/2020
PGH 232
Computer Science Distinguished Seminar
Topic: In-Memory Computing for Machine Learning Applications and Beyond
Speaker: Dr. Xiaobo Sharon Hu
Host: A. Cheng
Mon., 03/30/2020
11:00 AM
Computer Science Focus on Research
Topics: Adversarial Deep Reinforcement Learning for Cyber-Physical System Security | Metamorphic Malware Detection Using Behavior Graphs | Quasar: A Novel Density Based Framework for Collocation Mining | Voxel Indexing and Compression
Speakers: Taha Eghtesad | Ayman El Aassal | Karima Elgarroussi | Mouad Rifai
Hosts: Gnawali, Wu
Mon., 03/23/2020
PGH 563
Computer Science Focus on Research
Topics: On the Usefulness of Personality Traits in Opinion-Oriented Tasks | Explainable Generative Adversarial Neural Networks | Claim Verification Under the Positive-Unlabeled Setting
Speakers: Marjan Hosseinia | Hadi Mansourifar | Fan Yang
Hosts: Gnawali, Wu
Mon., 03/16/2020
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Fine-Scale Facial-Animation Capture, Generation, and Manipulation
Speaker: Dr. Zhigang Deng
Host: Solorio
Fri., 03/06/2020
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Practicing Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Healthcare
Speaker: Dr. Hua Xu
Host: Solorio
Mon., 03/02/2020
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science in Practice
Topic: Shrinking Production Incidents
Speaker: Annalee Nagami
Host: Gnawali
Wed., 02/26/2020
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Give Me the Full Picture: Using Computer Vision to Understand Visual Frames and Political Communication
Dr. Michelle Torres
Host: Solorio
Mon., 02/24/2020
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Clustering: Basic Approaches and Their Evaluation
Dr. Kriti Bhargava
Host: Toti
Mon., 02/17/2020
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: An Overview of Gradient Descent Optimization Algorithms with Implementation in MapReduce Programming Model
Dr. Kia Teymourian
Host: Shi
Mon., 02/10/2020
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Introduction to Neural Networks
Dr. Arko Barman
Host: Pandurangan
Fri., 02/07/2020
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Neural Networks and Deep Learning
Dr. Russel Pears
Host: Pandurangan
Wed., 02/05/2020
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Distinguished Seminar
Topic: Let's Process Information, Not Bits: Architecture's Expensive Data Movement
Dr. Andrew A. Chien
Host: Johnsson
Tues., 02/04/2020
PGH 563
12:00 PM
Computer Science Special Talk
Topic: Personalizing Our Diner Communications at Grubhub
Dr. Wai Gen Yee
Host: Ordonez
Fri., 12/06/19
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Distinguished Seminar
Topic: Blockchains and the Future of Distributed Computing
Dr. Maurice Herlihy
Host: Pandurangan
Fri., 11/22/19
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Distinguished Seminar
Topic: A Practical Unstructured Spline Modeling Platform for Isogeometric Analysis Applications
Speaker: Dr. Yongjie Jessica Zhang
Host: G. Chen
Mon., 11/18/19
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Distinguished Seminar
Topic: In-Memory Computing for Machine Learning Applications and Beyond
Speaker: Dr. Xiaobo Sharon Hu
Host: A. Cheng
Mon., 11/11/19
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science in Practice
Topic: IOT - Beyond the Consumer World
Speaker: Ron Neyland
Host: Laszka
Mon., 11/04/19
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science Focus on Research
Topics: A Deep Learning based Model for Head and Eye Motion Generation in Three-party Conversations | Visual Summarization of Lecture Videos
Speakers: Aobo Jin | Mohammad Rajiur Rahman
Hosts: Gnawali, Wu
Mon., 10/21/19
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science Focus on Research
Topics: Enhancing Magnetic Resonance Imaging by Utilizing Deep Learning and Compressed Sensing Techniques | Using Compression in MPI-IO: Semantics, Implementation, and Evaluation
Speakers: Nazanin Beheshti | Siddhesh Pratap Singh
Hosts: Gnawali, Wu
Wed., 10/16/19
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science in Practice
Topic: High Performance Computing in Chevron
Speaker: Rafael Salas
Host: Wu
Mon., 10/14/19
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Neuroengineering the Future: From Neural interfaces to Creativity
Speaker: Dr. Jose Contreras-Vidal
Host: Solorio
Mon., 10/07/19
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science Focus on Research
Topics: SMACK: Subjective Measure of Applied Contextual Knowledge | Unsteady Flow Visualization via Physics Based Pathline Exploration | Impact of hex-mesh structure on simulation quality - A first study
Speakers: Mohammed Alshair | Duong Nguyen | Muhammad Naeem Akram
Hosts: Gnawali, Wu
Fri., 10/04/19
Science 120
02:00 PM
Topic: Deterministic Leader Election in Programmable Matter
Speaker: Dr. William Moses
Host: Pandurangan
Note: this seminar does not count towards the PhD seminar requirement
Fri., 10/04/19
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Towards Energy-Efficient Computing in Graphics Processing Units
Speaker: Dr. Xin Fu
Host: Shi
Wed., 10/02/19
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Real Time Character Animation: Deformation, Rendering, and Beyond
Dr. Binh Le
Host: Deng
Mon., 09/30/19
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science Focus on Research
Topics: Incremental Machine Learning Models using a Summarization Matrix for Large Datasets | You Are Not Alone: Helping Users Not to Fall for Phish | Enhancing Subject Matter Assessments Utilizing Augmented Reality and Serious Game Techniques
Speakers: Sikder Tahsin Al-Amin | Shahryar Baki | Brian Holtkamp
Hosts: Gnawali, Wu
Mon., 09/23/19
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science in Practice
Topic: Optimizing on Predictions from Machine Learning Pipelines
Speaker: Dr. Doug Hakkarinen, ConocoPhillips Analytics Innovation Center of Excellence
Host: Gabriel
Fri., 09/20/19
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Towards Energy-Efficient Computing in Graphics Processing Units
Speaker: Dr. Xin Fu
Host: Shi
Mon., 09/16/19
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science Focus on Research
Topics: Fault-Tolerant Regularity-Based Real-Time Virtual Resources | Scalable Distributed Kernel Support Vector Machine Training
Speakers: Pavan Kumar Paluri | Ruchi Shah
Hosts: Gnawali, Wu
Mon., 09/09/19
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Finding the Location of Objects in Indoor Environments Using
Ultra-Wideband Radios

Speaker: Dr. Omprakash Gnawali
Host: Solorio
Fri., 07/12/19
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Autonomous Monitoring of Data Center Operations
Rong Zheng, McMaster University, Canada
Host: Subhlok
Tues., 06/04/19
PGH 550
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Detecting Targeted Attacks with Machine Learning: Overview and Real-World Examples
Yinnon Meshi, Palo Alto Networks
Host: Verma
Thurs., 05/09/19
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science Distinguished Seminar
Topic: Evolution of the Population Protocol Model
Speaker: Prof. James Aspnes, Yale University
Host: Pandurangan
Mon., 04/22/19
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: The Cosmostatistics Initiative - Reshaping Interdisciplinary Science Development
Speaker: Dr. Rafael S. de Souza, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Host: Vilalta
Fri., 04/12/19
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Computing in the Age of Low Memory
Speaker: Dr. Amitabh Trehan, Loughborough University, UK
Host: Dr. Gopal Pandurangan
Thurs., 04/11/19
PGH 563
10:00 AM
Computer Science Distinguished Seminar
Topic: Real-Time Computing and the Evolution of Embedded System Designs
Speaker: Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo, National Taiwan University
Host: A. Cheng
Mon., 04/01/19
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science Focus on Research
Topic: Generating Coherent and Targeted Emails by Leveraging Deep Neural Learners | Visual Content Analysis of Lecture Videos | Assessing the Impact of Video Compression on Foreground Detection
Speakers: Avisha Das | Mohammad Rajiur Rahman | Poonam Beniwal
Host: Wu
Wed., 03/20/19
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Are Face Recognition Systems Biased Relative to Race and Gender?
Speaker: Dr. Michael King, Florida Institute of Technology
Host: Kakadiaris
Mon., 03/18/19
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science Focus on Research
Topics: Adversarial Examples in NLP and Potential Solutions from Cybersecurity Principles | Application Agnostic Learning for Realistic Network Traffic Generation | Semi-Supervised Low Light Face Enhancement for Mobile Face Unlock
Speakers: Daniel Lee | Oluwamayowa Adeleke | Ha Le Anh Vu
Wed., 03/06/19
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Clinical NLP and Deep Learning… It’s Complicated
Speaker: Dr. Kirk Roberts, UTHealth School of Biomedical Informatics
Host: Solorio
Wed., 02/27/19
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science Focus on Research
Topics: A Novel Data Analysis Framework to Understand US Emotions in Space and Time | Study and Mitigation of Platform Related UWB Ranging Errors | Emphasis Selection by Learning from Label Distributions
Speakers: Romita Banerjee | Nour Smaoui | Reza (Amirreza) Shirani
Wed., 02/20/19
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science Focus on Research
Topic: RRP Edge Computing System: Architecture and challenges | Overlapped Two-Phase algorithm: Improving MPI-IO collective write operation performance | Efficient Distributed Community Detection in the Stochastic Block Model | Light-Weight DBMS for Network Monitoring
Speakers: Guangli Dai | Raafat Feki | Reza Fathi | Steve Aigbe
Mon., 02/18/19
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Fast Packet Processing with eBPF and XDP
Speaker: Dr. Marcos A. M. Vieira, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brazil)
Host: Gnawali
Fri., 02/15/19
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Compression of Convolutional Neural Netwroks Based on Kernal Redundancy
Speaker: Dr. Wen-Hung Liao, National Chengchi University (Taiwan)
Host: Shah
Mon., 02/11/19
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: From Theory to Application: Block-Structured Interger Programming Meets Blockchain
Speaker: Dr. Lin Chen, University of Houston
Host: Wu
Fri., 02/08/19
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Toward Robust Structure-Aware Hexahedral Meshing
Speaker: Dr. Guoning Chen, University of Houston
Host: Wu
Wed., 02/06/19
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science Focus on Research
Topic: Study and Mitigation of Non-Cooperative UWB Interference on Ranging | Open Source Face Recognition Performance Evaluation Package | Imbalance Data Classification in Financial Systems: Challenges and Approaches
Speakers: Hessam Mohammadmoradi | Xiang Xu | Hadi Mansourifar
Wed., 01/30/19
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: AI for Identity & Health
Speaker: Dr. Ioannis Kakadiaris, University of Houston
Host: Solorio
Tues., 01/29/19
PGH 563
2:00 PM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Automatic Generation of Temporal Logic Properties
Speaker: Prof. Görschwin Fey, Institute of Embedded Systems at Hamburg University of Technology
Host: A. Cheng
Mon., 01/28/19
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science in Practice
Topic: Continuous Intelligence - Machine Learning - Delivered Continuously
Speaker: George Earle, ThoughtWorks
Host: Gnawali
Fri., 01/18/19
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Distinguished Seminar
Topic: SLATE: Software for Linear Algebra Targeting Exascale
Speaker: Dr. Jakub Kurzak, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Host: Wu
Fri., 12/14/18
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Distinguished Seminar
Topic: Secure Oblivious Storage and Anonymous Communication Through Random Mixing
Speaker: Prof. Eli Upfal, Brown University
Host: Pandurangan
Thu., 12/13/18
PGH 232
9:30 AM
Computer Science Distinguished Tutorial Lecture
Topic: Sample Complexity and Uniform Convergence
Speaker: Prof. Eli Upfal, Brown University
Host: Pandurangan
Thu., 12/06/18
PGH 550
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Dispersion of Mobile Robots on a Graph
Speaker: Dr. William K. Moses Jr., Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
Host: Pandurangan
Tue., 11/13/18
Engr. Lecture Hall L2D2
5pm Reception
6pm Seminar
Data Science Institute Seminar
Topic: Bias on the Web
Speaker: Dr. Ricardo Baeza-Yates,  NTENT & Northeastern Univ. at Silicon Valley
Host: Data Science Institute
Mon., 11/12/18
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Distinguished Seminar
Topic: Gender-Inclusive Software
Speaker: Dr. Margaret Burnett, Oregon State University
Host: Solorio
Wed., 11/07/18
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science Focus on Research
Topic: Detecting Nastiness in Social Media | Improved Probabilistic Guarantees for Influence Maximization | An Adaptive Approach for Demand-Response and Latency Control in Distributed Web Services
Speakers: Niloofar Safi | Nguyen Dinh Pham | Gandhimathi Velusamy
Mon., 11/05/18
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science Focus on Research
Topic: Unsupervised Deep Learning Recurrent Model for Audio Fingerprinting | Training Deep Semantic Models: an Adversarial Transfer Learning Approach | Folksonomication: Predicting Tags for Movies from Plot Synopses Using Emotion Flow Encoded Neural Network
Speakers: Abraham Báez Suárez | Dainis Boumber | Sudipta Kar
Fri., 10/26/18
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: DesignSafe: Building a Science Gateway for Natural Hazards Engineering Research
Speaker: Josue Balandrano Coronel, DesignSafe
Host: Eick
Wed., 10/24/18
PGH 563
1:00 PM
Special Presentation
Topic: Multi-Modaility Opportunities in Pre-Clinical Imaing with New Cryogen-Free Superconducting MRI and Solid-State PET
Speaker: Gilberto Prudencio, MR Solutions
Host: Tsekos
Wed., 10/24/18
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science Focus on Research
Topic: Determining Affine Equivalence of Boolean Functions | Detecting Intruders and Preventing Hackers from Evasion by Tor Circuit Selection | Real-time Facial Expression Reconstruction and Transformation from Video | Satirical News Detection and Analysis
Speakers: Luis Moraes | Zechun Cao| Luming Ma | Fan Yang
Mon., 10/22/18
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Advanced Machine Learning in Genetic Data
Speaker: Prof. Wei Ding, University of Massachusetts Boston
Host: Eick
Thu., 10/18/18
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Providing Personalized Learning Guidance in MOOCs by Multi-Source Data Analysis
Speaker: Prof. Ming Zhang, Peking University, China
Host: Deng
Wed., 10/17/18
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Distinguished Seminar
Topic: AI for Social Good: Decision Aids for Countering Terrorism, Extinction and Homelessness
Speaker: Dr. Milind Tambe, University of Southern California
Host: Laszka
Mon., 10/15/18
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science in Practice
Topic: Test Driven Development in the Real World
Speaker: Tom Adams, ThoughtWorks
Host: Gnawali
Tue., 10/09/18
Engr. Lecture Hall L2D2
5pm Reception
6pm Seminar
Data Science Institute Seminar
Topic: "Does This Vehicle Belong to You?" Processing the Language of Policing for Improving Police-Community Relations
Speaker: Dr. Dan Jurafsky, Stanford
Host: Data Science Institute
Mon., 10/08/18
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science Focus on Research
Topic: Recursive Neural Networks for Named Entity Recognition | Hexahedral Mesh Structure Visualization and Evaluation | UWB Physical Layer Adaptation for Best Ranging Performance within Application Constraints
Speakers: Gustavo Aguilar | Cotrik Xu | Hessam Mohammadmordi
Wed., 10/03/18
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science Focus on Research
Topic: Toward Efficient Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Survival Prediction via Feature Fitting | Robust Tracing and Visualization of Heterogeneous Microvascular Networks
Speakers: Hadi Mansourifar | Pavel Govyadinov
Wed., 09/26/18
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science in Practice
Topic: Web Scale – Creating High-Volume High-Availability Services in the Real World
Speaker: Scott Roberts, Paycom
Host: Gnawali
Fri., 09/21/18
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: An Application of Mangasarian’s Theorem
Speaker: Dr. Michael Laidacker
Host: Cheng
Tue., 09/18/18
Data Science Institute Seminar
Topic: High Performance Computing and Big Data: Challenges for the Future
Speaker: Dr. Jack Dongarra (NAE), University of Tennessee & Oakridge National Laboratory
Host: Data Science Institute
Wed., 08/29/18
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science in Practice
Topic: From Monolith to Microservices: Why Building Smaller Creates Opportunity for Cleaner Code, Scalability
Speaker: Thierry Danard and Dr. Steven Reynolds, INT
Host: Subhlok
Mon., 08/20/18
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Distinguished Seminar
Topic: The Art of Simplicity
Speaker: Dr. Venkat Subramaniam, Agile Developer, Inc. & UH
Host: Subhlok
Fri., 06/08/18
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science Distinguished Seminar
Topic: Back to the Future: All-Systolic Convolutional Neural Networks
Speaker: Dr. H. T. Kung, Harvard University
Host: Huang
Wed., 04/25/18
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science Focus on Research
Topics: Detection of Touching Elongated Cells Using a Stack of Conditional Random Fields | Education and Training Applications of AR and VR | Finding Community Structure in Graphs by Random Walks
Speakers: Ali Memariani | Brian Holtkamp | Reza Fathi
Mon., 04/23/18
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar & Computer Science in Practice
Topic: DDos attacks: The Old and the New
Speaker: Kevin Long
Host: Gnawali
Fri., 04/13/18
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Event Coreference Resolution by Iteratively Unfolding Inter-dependencies Among Events
Speaker: Ruihong Huang
Host: Solorio
Wed., 04/11/18
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science Lecture
Topic: Classification: Basic Concepts and Techniques
Speaker: Abidalrahman Moh’d
Host: Gabriel
Mon., 04/09/18
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science Lecture
Topic: Processes, Threads, Concurrency, and Synchronization
Speaker: Carlos Rincon
Host: Rizk
Fri., 03/30/18
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: An Application of Mangasarian’s Theorem
Speaker: Dr. Michael Laidacker, Department of Mathematics, Lamar University
Host: Cheng
Wed., 03/28/18
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science Focus on Research
Topics: Making Consensus-based Decisions in Person Re-identification using a Graph-based Approach | Enhanced Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Detection through MRI-based Augmented-Reality | Deep Imbalanced Attribute Classification using Visual Attention
Speakers: Arko Barman | Daniel Biediger |  Nikolaos Sarafianos
Mon., 03/26/18
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science in Practice
Topic: Managing Software Projects and Agile Development for the 2020's
Speaker: Claudette M. Mital, IBM
Host: Gnawali
Fri., 03/23/18
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Distinguished Seminar
Topic: Are Typical Instances of Combinatorial Optimization Problems Hard to Solve?
Speaker: Prof. Prasad Tetali, Georgia Tech
Host: Pandurangan
Wed., 03/07/18
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science Focus on Research
Topics: Experiments with Neural Networks for Small and Large-Scale Authorship Verification | Solutions Using Microsoft HoloLens Augmented Reality (AR) Apps | Scaling and Effectiveness of Email Masquerade Attacks: Exploiting Natural Language Generation
Speakers: Marjan Hosseinia | Mohammed Alshair | Shahryar Baki
Mon., 02/26/18
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Smart Contracts, Search of "Good Generals" , Internet of Value
Speaker: Dr. Weidong (Larry) Shi
Host: Solorio
Wed., 02/21/18
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science Focus on Research
Topics: Cost-Delay Aware Web Routing Using Reinforcement Learning | Image Content Analysis in Indexed Captioned Searchable Videos
Speakers: Gandhimathi Velusamy | Mohammad Rajiur Rahman
Mon., 02/05/18
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Proof-of Work Without All the Work
Speaker: Prof. Jared Saia
Host: Pandurangan
Wed., 01/24/18
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science Focus on Research
Topics: The Complexity of Leader Election: A Chasm at Diameter Two | A Framework for Transactive Grids for Cities, Neighborhoods, and Homes
Speakers: Soumyottam Chatterjee | Nacer Khalil
Mon., 12/04/17
Computer Science Distinguished Tutorial Lecture
Topic: Sample Complexity and Uniform Convergence
Speaker: Prof. Eli Upfal, Brown University
Host: Pandurangan
Fri., 12/01/17
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Building Predictable and Adaptable Mobile Systems
Speaker: Dr. Lukasz Ziarek, State University of New York, Buffalo
Host: Cheng
Mon., 11/20/17
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Magnetic Resonance Imaging Sensing and Reconstruction: A Niche Paradigm of Computational Sciences
Speaker: Dr. Nikolaos Tsekos, University of Houston
Host: Subhlok
Wed., 11/15/17
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science Focus on Research
Topics: Effectiveness of a Task-based Residential Energy Efficiency Program in Oahu | Correlation Study on Attributes of Unsteady Flows
Speakers: Hessam Mohammadmoradi | Marzieh Berenjkoub
Thu., 11/02/17
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science in Practice
Topic: Self Driving Technology: Clearing the Hype
Speaker: Prashanth Viswanath, Texas Instruments
Host: Gnawali
Wed., 11/01/17
Computer Science Focus on Research
Topics: Correlation Study on Attributes of Unsteady Flows | SonicDoor: Scaling Person Identification with Ultrasonic Sensors by Novel Modeling of Shape, Behavior and Walking Patterns
Speakers: Marzieh Berenjkoub | Nacer Khalil
Mon., 10/30/17
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Multimodal Deep Learning
Speaker: Dr. Fabio A. Gonzalez, National University of Colombia
Host: Solorio
Tue., 10/24/17
PGH 232
1:00 PM
Computer Science in Practice
Topic: Content Distribution Networks: A Web Server Is Not Enough
Speaker: Mr. Gaurab Raj Upadhaya, Limelight Networks
Host: Gnawali
Wed., 10/18/17
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science Focus on Research
Topics: Multi-task Learning for Commercial Brain Computer Interfaces | An Optimization-oriented Framework for Feature Extraction in Flow Visualization
Speakers: George Panagopoulos | Lieyu Shi (Soumyottam Chatterjee is unable to present as originally scheduled)
Mon., 10/16/17
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science in Practice
Topic: Crypto-Currencies, Icos, and Blockchain: Why Computer Science Majors or Anyone Should Care
Speaker: Dr. Larry Shi, University of Houston
Host: Gnawali
Mon., 10/09/17
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science in Practice
Topic: Secure Software Development: Principles and Practice
Speaker: Wendy Istvanick, ThoughtWorks
Host: Gnawali
Wed., 10/04/17
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science in Practice
Topic: Data Analytics for Corporate Cybersecurity
Speaker: Irene Stein & Kashif Khan, Chevron
Host: Gnawali
Mon., 09/25/17
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science Focus on Research
Topics: Detecting Sockpuppets in Deceptive Opinion Spam | Sequence-to-Sequence and Question Answering
Speakers: Marjan Hosseinia | Fan Yang
Fri., 09/22/17
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Distinguished Seminar
Topic: Resurrecting Laplace's Demon: The Case for Deterministic Models
Speaker: Prof. Edward A. Lee, University of California, Berkeley
Host: Cheng
Fri., 09/15/17
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Distinguished Seminar
Topic: Cryptographic Code Obfuscation
Speaker: Dr. Brent Waters, University of Texas
Host: Solorio
Thu., 08/24/17
PGH 563
1:00 PM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: GovTech:​ ​Transforming​ ​Approaches​ ​to​ ​Delivery​ ​of​ ​USGS​ ​Water​ ​Data​ ​and​ ​Scientific​ ​Information
Speaker: Mr. Sachin D. Shah & Mr. Daniel K. Pearson, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
Host: Alipour
Thu., 07/06/17
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: A Short Tour of Randomized Techniques in Algorithm Design
Speaker: Prof. Sandeep Sen, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Host: Verma
Fri., 06/23/17
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Tools for Detection of Fault Vulnerabilities in Cryptographic Ciphers
Speaker: Prof. Chester Rebeiro, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Host: Verma
Mon., 05/08/17
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Molecular Underpinning of Postsynaptic Calmodulin-dependent Calcium Signaling
Speaker: Prof. Margaret Cheung, University of Houston
Host: Gabriel
Thu., 05/04/17
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Challenges and Methods in Games User Research
Speaker: Prof. Pejman Mirza-Babaei from University of Ontario, Canada
Host: Deng
Fri., 04/28/17
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Subject Book: Reforming Data Management in Human Experiments
Speaker: Dr. Ioannis Pavlidis, University of Houston
Host: Solorio
Mon., 04/24/17
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Finding Interesting Regions in Spatial and Spatio-temporal Datasets
Speaker: Dr. Christoph Eick, University of Houston
Host: Shah
Fri., 04/21/17
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Ethics in Science Lecture Series
Topic: Behavioral Concepts and the Sciences of Human Behavior
Speaker: Professor Helen Longino, Stanford University
Host: Pavlidis
Mon., 04/10/17
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Towards Exascale Programming Models and Runtime Systems
Speaker: Dr. Zoran Budimlic, Rice University
Host: Gabriel
Fri., 04/07/17
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Towards Privacy-Preserving and Secure Mobile Crowd Sensing
Speaker: Prof. Ming Li, University of Nevada, Reno
Host: Gnawali
Mon., 04/03/17
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Human-Centered data science for Crisis Informatics
Speaker: Marina Kogan, University of Colorado Boulder
Host: Pavlidis
Mon., 03/27/17
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Towards Efficient Architecture Design in IoT Big Data Era: Integrating Intelligence into the Communication Path
Speaker: Yang Hu, University of Florida
Host: Gabriel
Fri., 03/24/17
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Towards Practical Program Analysis: Introspection and Adaptation
Speaker: Shiyi Wei, University of Maryland
Host: Shah
Wed., 03/22/17

Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Detecting Software Faults Using Graphs
Speaker: Prof. Anirban Ghosh, University of Central Missouri
Host: Rizk
Mon., 03/20/17
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Addressing Cybersecurity Risks by Considering Physical, Human, and Economic Aspects
Speaker: Prof. Aron Laszka, Vanderbilt University
Host: Gnawali
Fri., 03/10/17
Hilton Hotel
Shamrock AB
3:00 PM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Hacking Oil Rigs for Profit
Speaker: Weston Hecker, Principal Application Security Engineer/Principal Pentester at NCR Corporation
Host: Shi
Fri., 03/10/17
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Security Analytics for Defeating Automated Internet-scale Threats
Speaker: Dr. Aziz Mohaisen, University at Buffalo
Host: Gnawali
Mon., 03/06/17
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Secure Geometric Search on Encrypted Spatial Data
Speaker: Boyang Wang, University of Arizona
Host: Huang
Fri., 03/03/17
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: High Performance Computing at Extreme Scale: Resilience, Energy Efficiency, and Scalability
Speaker: Panrou Wu, University of California Riverside
Host: Pandurangan
Mon., 02/27/17
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Distinguished Seminar
Topic: The Lovasz Local Lemma and its Algorithmic Aspects
Speaker: Prof. Aravind Srinivasan, University of Maryland
Host: Pandurangan
Fri., 02/24/17
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Automated Testing for Large Software Systems
Speaker: Dr. Amin Alipour, Oregon State University
Host: Rizk
Mon., 02/20/17
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Breaking the Monolith: Rethinking Storage System Design
Speaker: Yue Cheng, Virginia Tech
Host: Gabriel
Mon., 02/20/17
PGH 563
10:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Real-Time Reachability for Safety of Autonomous Systems
Speaker: Professor Taylor Johnson, Vanderbilt University
Host: Cheng
Fri., 02/17/17
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Ethics in Science Lecture Series
Topic: Insane Asylums and Genetics: How Human Heredity Became a Data Science
Speaker: Professor Theodore M. Porter, University of California
Host: Pavlidis
Mon., 01/23/17
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Ethics in Science Lecture Series
Topic: The Nature of Pride: The Emotional Origins of Social Rank
Speaker: Dr. Jessica Tracy, University of British Columbia
Host: Pavlidis
Wed., 01/18/17
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science in Practice
Topic: NoSQL Databases, Advantages and Trade-Offs
Speaker: Mr. Pramod Sadalage, ThoughtWorks
Host: Ordonez
Wed., 11/30/16
PGH 563
10:30 AM
Computer Science in Practice
Topic: Cyber Security and the Computer Scientist - How the Fields Meet
Speaker: Mr. James M. Morrison, FBI
Host: Verma
Mon., 11/21/16
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Distinguished Seminar
Topic: Material Appearance Modeling
Speaker: Dr. Holly Rushmeier, Yale University
Host: Solorio
Fri., 11/18/16
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: The Communication Complexity of Distributed Set-Joins
Speaker: Dr. Qin Zhang, Indiana University
Host: Pandurangan
Mon., 11/14/16
F 154
1:00 PM
Computer Science in Practice
Topic: Challenges and Opportunities for Utilizing Cloud Computing at NASA/JSC
Speaker: Mr. Michael Koester, NASA JSC
Host: Shi
Fri., 11/04/16
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Rephil: Text to Concepts with Machine Learning
Speaker: Mr. Russell Howes, Software Engineer, Google
Host: Ordonez
Mon., 10/17/16
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Distinguished Seminar
Topic: Computational Sociolinguistics
Speaker: Prof. Rada Mihalcea, University of Michigan
Host: Solorio
Wed., 10/05/16
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science in Practice
Topic: Internet of Things: Unlimited Opportunities
Speaker: Mr. Jeremy Jones, Comfort Systems USA Inc.
Host: Rizk
Mon., 10/03/16
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Distinguished Seminar
Topic: Cloud services for the Internet of Things
Speaker: Dr. Dilma Da Silva
Host: Solorio
Mon., 09/19/16
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Modelling Socio-Emotional Embodied Conversational Agent
Speaker: Dr. Catherine Pelachaud, Telecom ParisTech
Host: Deng
Fri., 09/16/16
10:00 AM
PGH 563
Special Event
Topic: Faculty Mini-Talks
Speaker: Computer Science Faculty
Host: Shah
Mon., 09/12/16
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Image Segmentation by Spatially Varying Gaussian Mixture Models
Speaker: Prof. Christophoros Nikou
Host: Kakadiaris
Wed., 09/07/16
PGH 563
11:30 AM
Computer Science in Practice
Topic: Developing Apps Using Xamarin Forms
Speaker: Mr. Muhammad Naviwala & Mr. Anthony Sicignano
Host: Rizk
Mon., 08/29/16
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Effective Teaching Based on Designing and Modeling of 3D Printed Artifacts
Speaker: Dr. Stefan Andrei, Chairman of Department of Computer Science, Lamar University
Host: Cheng
Fri., 08/05/16
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Computer Networking Experiments on Protocol Behavior
Speaker: Dr. Deniz Gurkan
Host: Leiss
Fri., 07/29/16
PGH 550
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Robust Object Re-Identification in Large Repository for Mobile Visual Search
Speaker: Zhu Li
Host: Shi
Wed., 07/20/16
PGH 550
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: State-of-the-Art in Information Security
Speaker: Dr. Rolf Oppliger
Host: Verma
Thu., 07/14/16
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Using Data Entanglement to Propagate Redundancy
Speaker: Veronica Estrada Galinanes, PhD Candidate at University of Neuchatel, NE, Switzerland; Visiting Scholar, Storage Systems Research Center, UC Santa Cruz, CA
Host: Paris
Fri., 04/08/16
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Prediction Strategies without Loss
Speaker: Dr. Rina Panigrahy, Google
Host: Pandurangan
Wed., 04/06/16
PGH 563
11:30 AM
Topic: Developing Apps Using Xamarin Forms
Speaker: Anthony Sicignano and Muhammad Naviwala, Pariveda Solutions
Host: Rizk
Fri., 03/25/16
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Interview with Prof. Leiss
Speaker: Prof. Ernst Leiss, University of Houston
Host: Pavlidis
Mon., 03/21/16
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: The Secret Life of Mobile Applications
Speaker: Julia Rubin
Host: Eick
Fri., 03/11/16
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Special Seminar - NSF Ethics Series
Topic: Public Ethics, Politics, and Sociobiology
Speaker: Prof. Myrna Perez Sheldon, Rice University
Host: Pavlidis
Wed., 03/09/16
PGH 563
5:30 PM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: SciFY: Sustainable Sharing of Science and Technology
Speaker: Alexandros Tzoumas, SciFY PNPC Technical Manager
Host: Kakadiaris
Tue., 03/08/16
PGH 232
5:30 PM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: RADIO: Robots in Assisted Living Environments
Speaker: Dr. Vangelis Karkaletsis & Dr. Theodoros Giannakopoulos
Host: Kakadiaris
Mon., 03/07/16
PGH 563
5:30 PM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Big Data Europe: Using Location to Associate Heterogeneous Information About Events
Speaker: Dr. Vangelis Karkaletsis & Dr. Stasinos Konstantopoulos
Host: Kakadiaris
Mon., 03/07/16
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Algorithms for Large Data Analytics via Coresets and Sketches
Speaker: Dr. Jeffrey Phillips, University of Utah
Host: Pandurangan
Fri., 03/04/16
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Toward a Secure, Dependable Mobile Internet
Speaker: Dr. Guan-Hua (Scott) Tu, University of California, Los Angeles
Host: Huang
Thu., 03/03/16
PGH 550
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Project Mélange: I Know When and Why You Switched from Inglés a Español
Speaker: Monojit Choudhury and Kalika Bali
Host: Solorio
Wed., 03/02/16
PGH 563
11:30 AM
Topic: Modern Software Development
Speaker: Anirup Dutta
Host: Rizk
Mon., 02/29/16
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Special Seminar - NSF Ethics Series
Topic: Classifying People by Color: How Racial Categories Change Over Time
Speaker: Dr. Alberto Martinez, Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin
Host: Pavlidis
Wed., 02/24/16
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Empower the Defender with Unpredictability: Game-Theoretic Approaches for Real-World Security and Sustainability Challenges
Speaker: Dr. Fei Fang, University of Southern California
Host: Eick
Mon., 02/22/16
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Automatically Generating Software Documentation from Existing Sources
Speaker: Laura Moreno, University of Texas at Dallas
Host: Solorio
Fri., 02/19/16
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Distinguished Speaker
Topic: SINR Maps and their Algorithmic Applications in Wireless Communication
Speaker: Prof. David Peleg, Weizmann Institute of Science
Host: Pandurangan
Mon., 02/15/16
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: From the Linux Kernel to Cryptography APIs: Supporting and Leveraging Software Product Lines
Speaker: Dr. Sarah Nadi, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
Host: Solorio
Fri., 02/12/16
PGH 563
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Secure Dynamic Spectrum Access: Challenges and Solutions
Speaker: Dr. Rui Zhang, University of Hawaii
Host: Huang
Mon., 02/08/16
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Distinguished Speaker
Topic: Searching in "Harsh" Environments
Speaker: Prof. Ophir Frieder, Georgetown University
Host: Ordonez
Fri., 02/05/16
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: CIP Challenges in an Interconnected World
Speaker: Dr. Daniel Devasirvatham: Director, Wireless National User Facility
Host: Verma
Wed., 02/03/16
PGH 563
11:30 AM
Topic: Securing Critical Infrastructure Through Technology
Speaker: Shan Martin
Host: Rizk
Wed., 01/20/16
PGH 232
10:00 AM
Computer Science Ethics Seminar
Topic: Visual Analytics for Big Video Visualization
Speaker: Robert S. Laramee, Swansea University
Host: Chen
Fri., 12/11/15
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: New Sparsity Models for Image Smoothing and Segmentation
Speaker: Yizhou Yu, Department of Computer Science, The University of Hong Kong
Host: Deng
Fri., 12/04/15
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: The Origin of Social Impulse: E.O. Wilson’s Recent and Controversial Rejection of Kin Selection in Historical Context
Speaker: Dr. Abraham H. Gibson, Virginia Tech University
Host: Pavlidis
Fri., 11/20/15
PGH 232
11:00 AM
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Cyber Attacks: From Phenomena to Prediction
Speaker: Maochao Xu, Department of Mathematics, Illinois State University
Host: Vilalta
Mon., 11/16/15
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Distinguished Speaker
Topic: Big Data Security and Privacy
Speaker: Prof. Elisa Bertino, Purdue University
Host: Verma
Fri., 11/13/15
2:00 - 6:00 PM
SC Ballroom & Theatre
Special Event
Topic: Computer Science Open House Fall 2015
Mon., 11/09/15
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Fault-Based Testing of Combining Algorithms in Access Control Language Policies
Speaker: Dr. Yunpeng (Jack) Zhang, Department of Information & Logistics Technology, University of Houston
Host: Huang
Fri., 11/06/15
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Generating Natural-Language Descriptions of Videos in the Wild
Speaker: Prof. Raymond Mooney, University of Texas-Austin
Host: Solorio
Wed., 11/04/15
11:30 AM
PGH 563
Topic: Writing Clean Code: What I Wish I Knew Going Into My Professional Career
Speaker: David Bushell; Bradley Holmberg; Scott Lee, Flow-Cal
Host: Rizk
Fri., 10/30/15
9:00 AM
SC Ballroom & Theatre
Special Event
Topic: Graduate Research and Scholarship Projects (GRaSP) Day
Speaker: UH Graduate Students
Host: UH Graduate School
Mon., 10/26/15
10:30 AM
PGH 563
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: The R language and its Dynamic Runtime
Speaker: Prof. Carlos Ordonez, UH-Computer Science
Host: Subhlok
Mon., 10/19/15
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Put Yourself in the Shoes of a Sentiment Analysis Tool: The Challenge of Detecting Deceptive Opinions and Irony
Speaker: Prof. Paolo Rosso, Polytechnic University of Valencia
Host: Solorio
Fri., 10/16/15
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Location, Location, Location
Speaker: Prof. Rong Zheng, McMaster University, Canada
Host: Subhlok
Wed., 10/14/15
1:00 PM
PGH 563
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Geometric Modeling and Visualization for Science
Speaker: Prof. G. Elisabeta Marai, University of Illinois at Chicago
Host: Deng
Tue., 10/13/15
2:00 PM
PGH 563
Special Event
Topic: Modern Cyber Threats and Practical Security in Action
Speaker: Mr. Michael van Strien, Independent Consultant
Host: Verma
Tue., 10/13/15
11:00 AM
PGH 563
Special Event
Topic: Big Data and Cyber Security: A Statistical Viewpoint
Speaker: Dr. Davis J. Marchette, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division, Virginia
Host: Verma
Wed., 10/07/15
11:30 AM
PGH 563
Topic: Data Analytics Applications in Traditional Industries
Speaker: Dr. Shuxing Cheng, Chevron
Host: Rizk
Fri., 10/02/15
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Enabling Robust and Efficient Distributed Computation in Dynamic Peer-to-Peer Networks
Speaker: Prof. Gopal Pandurangan, University of Houston
Host: Leiss
Fri., 09/25/15
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Mapping Cellular Alterations in Brain Tissue
Speaker: Prof. Badri Roysam, UH-ECE
Host: Kakadiaris
Fri., 09/18/15
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Facing the I/O Challenge in High Performance Computing
Speaker: Prof. Edgar Gabriel, UH-Computer Science
Host: Leiss
Fri., 09/11/15
10:30 AM
PGH 232
Special Event
Topic: Faculty Mini-Talks
Speaker: Computer Science Faculty (Dr. Chen, Dr. Eick, Dr. Kakadiaris, Dr. Leiss, Dr. Ordonez, Dr. Pavlidis, Dr. Shah, Dr. Shi, Dr. Subhlok, Dr. A. Cheng, and Dr. Vilalta)
Host: Kakadiaris
Fri., 09/04/15
10:30 AM
PGH 232
Special Event
Topic: Faculty Mini-Talks
Speaker: Computer Science Faculty (Dr. Gabriel, Dr. Gnawali, Dr. Huang, Dr. Johnsson, Dr. Pandurangan, Dr. Solorio, Dr. Verma, Dr. Deng and Dr. Tsekos)
Host: Kakadiaris
Wed., 07/15/15
11:00 AM
PGH 563
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Binary Code Analysis on OS Kernels: Techniques and Applications
Speaker: Dr. Zhiqiang Lin, University of Texas at Dallas
Host: Huang
Fri., 07/10/15
11:00 AM
PGH 550
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Applied Computational Game Theory: Progress and Open Problems
Speaker: Dr. Albert Xin Jiang, Trinity University, San Antonio, TX
Host: Huang
Mon., 06/22/15
11:00 AM
HBS 315
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: NASA Behavioral Health and Performance Research Element
Speaker: Dr. Lauren Blackwell Landon and Dr. Jason Schneiderman, NASA Johnson Space Center
Host: Pavlidis
Fri., 06/19/15
12:00 PM
PGH 563
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Detection of Cyber Attacks Utilizing Behavioral Semantics
Speaker: Dr. Victor A. Skormin, Binghamton University
Host: Huang
Fri., 06/19/15
11:00 AM
PGH 550
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Distributed Computation of Large-scale Graph Problems
Speaker: Peter Robinson, Queen’s University, Belfast
Host: Pandurangan
Wed., 06/10/15
11:00 AM
HBS 315
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: A Theoretical Framework to Represent Narrative Structures for Visual Storytelling
Speaker: Ergun Akleman, Texas A&M
Host: Pavlidis
Fri., 05/01/15
1:30 PM
ADB Atrium
Special Event
Topic: UHCS PhD Showcase 2015
Speaker: CS Department Graduate Students
Host: Kakadiaris
Wed., 04/22/15
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: How Can I Improve my Poster Presentation?
Speaker: Chad Wilson, University of Houston
Host: Kakadiaris
Wed., 04/08/15
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: How Can I Improve my Poster Design?
Speaker: Chad Wilson, University of Houston
Host: Kakadiaris
Mon., 04/06/15
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Using Hardware Isolated Execution Environments for Securing Systems
Speaker: Fengwei Zhang, George Mason University
Host: Huang
Fri., 04/03/15
4:00 PM
HBS 267
Special Seminar
Topic: Writing the Origin with Burned Fingers: Darwin’s Penance for the “Sin of Speculation”
Speaker: Dr. Alistair Sponsel, Vanderbilt University
Host: Pavlidis
Fri., 04/03/15
12:30 PM
HBS 267
Special Seminar
Topic: Welfare, Work, and Witness: Why Clinical Research Can Survive the Death of a Healthy Human Subject
Speaker: Prof. Laura Stark, Vanderbilt University
Host: Pavlidis
Fri., 04/03/15
10:30 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Automating Program Transformations based on Examples of Systematic Edits
Speaker: Na Meng, University of Texas
Host: Eick
Wed., 04/01/15
11:30 AM
PGH 563
Topic: CS Career at Two Sigma
Speaker: Scott Lynch and Dat Chu, Two Sigma
Host: Shah
Wed., 03/25/15
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Introduction to the Research Work at the Institute of Informatics & Telecommunications of NCSR “Demokritos”
Speaker: Dr. Vangelis Karkaletsis, National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos”
Host: Kakadiaris
Wed., 03/25/15
10:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Argument Mining from News and Social Web – a Short Tutorial
Speaker: Dr. George Petasis, National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos"
Host: Kakadiaris
Mon., 03/09/15
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Log Engineering: Towards Systematic Mining of Logs to Support the Development of Ultra-Large Scale Systems
Speaker: Dr. Weiyi (Ian) Shang, Queen’s University, Ontario
Host: Shah
Fri., 03/06/15
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Special Seminar
Topic: The Distinctive Significance of Systemic Risk
Speaker: Prof. Aaron James, University of California, Irvine
Host: Pavlidis
Wed., 03/04/15
11:30 AM
PGH 563
Special Seminar
Topic: Simulation & Graphics at NASA/JSC/Engineering
Seminar Slides: Download (PDF)
Speaker: Mr. Eddie Paddock, Johnson Space Center
Host: Shah
Fri., 02/27/15
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Anonymity in the Big Data Era
Speaker: Dr. Sadia Afroz, University of California, Berkeley
Host: Solorio
Wed., 02/25/15
11:30 AM
PGH 232
Special Seminar
Topic: NASA’s Core Flight Software, a Reusable Real-Time Framework
Seminar Slides: Download (PDF)
Speaker: Dr. Lorraine “Lore” Prokop, Johnson Space Center
Host: Shah
Fri., 02/20/15
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Security and Safety for Emerging Technology on the Web
Speaker: Dr. Xinyu Xing, Georgia Institute of Technology
Host: Solorio
Mon., 02/16/15
4:00 PM
PGH 563
Special Seminar
Topic: IEEE University of Houston of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Branch
Speaker: Dr. Paul C. K. Chu, Texas Center for Superconductivity at University of Houston
Host: Rizk
Mon., 02/16/15
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Machine Learning Approaches for Annotating BioData
Speaker: Prof. Huzefa Rangwala, George Mason University
Host: Pavlidis
Fri., 02/06/15
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Faculty Seminar
Topic: The End of a Computer Era as We Know It: Challenges and Opportunities
Speaker: Prof. Lennart Johnsson, University of Houston-COSC
Host: Kakadiaris
Wed., 02/04/15
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Smart Home Cybersecurity: Threat and Defense in a Cyberphysical System
Speaker: Prof. Shiyan Hu, Michigan Technology University
Host: Shi
Wed., 01/28/15
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Special Seminar
Topic: The Devil’s Heritage: Masuo Kodani, the “Nisei Problem,” and Social Stratification at the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission in Japan (1946-1954)
Speaker: Prof. Vassiliki Betty Smocovitis, University of Florida
Host: Pavlidis
Date & Time Event
Mon., 12/08/14
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Special Seminar
Topic: Atypical Combinations and Scientific Impact
Speaker: Prof. Brian Uzzi, Northwestern University
Host: Pavlidis
Fri., 11/21/14
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Faculty Seminar
Topic: Indexed Captioned Searchable Videos
Word Sense Disambiguation- a Multilingual Resource Conscious Perspective (Seminar Video)
Seminar Slides: Download (PDF)
Speaker: Prof. Jaspal Subhlok, University of Houston-COSC
Host: Kakadiaris
Mon., 11/17/14
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Special Seminar
Topic: Psychology of Science and Technology
Speaker: Prof. Michael E. Gorman, University of Virginia
Host: Pavlidis
Wed., 11/12/14
11:00 AM
HBSB 267
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: The Synchronized Brain in Emotional Processing
Seminar Slides: Download (PDF)
Speaker: Prof. Jean Grandjean, University of Geneva
Host: Pavlidis
Wed., 11/05/14
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: A Step toward Deploying Real-Time Applications on Computer Clouds
Speaker: Prof. Shangping Ren, Illinois Institute of Technology
Host: Cheng
Wed., 10/29/14
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Quantitative Image Analysis in Biology and Medicine
Speaker: Prof. Fatima Merchant, University of Houston, Engineering Technology
Host: Kakadiaris
Mon., 10/27/14
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Marrying Domain Knowledge and Computational Methods
Speaker: Dr. Ashish Mahabal, California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
Host: Vilalta
Mon., 10/13/14
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: 3D Modeling: from Acquisition, Reconstruction, to Understanding
Speaker: Prof. Ruigang Yang, University of Kentucky
Host: Deng
Fri., 10/10/14
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Analyzing Genomes Beyond Sequences
Speaker: Prof. Jijun Tang, University of South Carolina
Host: Deng
Wed., 09/24/14
3:30 PM
PGH 563
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Computing Stable and Compact Representation of Medial Axis
Speaker: Dr. Wenping Wang, University of Hong Kong
Host: Chen
Mon., 09/22/14
3:00 PM
PGH 651G
Special Event
Topic: KnowingMatters
Speaker: National Security Agency, Summer Program for Operations Research Technology (SPORT)
Host: Verma and Shi

* A program for graduate students. U.S. citizenship required to be eligible.
Fri., 09/19/14
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Case Study of Big Data Analysis for Smart Grid
Speaker: Prof. Zhu Han, University of Houston, ECE
Host: Huang
Fri., 09/12/14
10:30 AM
PGH 232
Special Event
Seminar Slides (PDF): Leiss, Paris, Pavlidis, Deng, Subhlok, Cheng, Johnsson
Speaker: Computer Science Faculty
Host: Kakadiaris
Wed., 09/10/14
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Special Seminar
Topic: How Economics Shape Science
Speaker: Prof. Paula Stephan, National Bureau of Economic Research
Host: Pavlidis
Fri., 09/05/14
10:30 AM
PGH 232
Special Event
Seminar Slides (PDF): Chen, Gabriel, Gnawali, Tsekos, Huang, Kakadiaris, Mukherjee, Shah, Shi, Solorio, Vilalta
Speaker: Computer Science Faculty
Host: Kakadiaris
Fri., 08/29/14
11:00 AM
PGH 563
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Using Process Mining and Learning Analytics for Modeling and Analyzing Learning Processes
Speaker: Dr. Carlos Monroy, Rice Center for Digital Learning and Scholarship
Host: Vilalta
Mon., 08/04/14
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Big Data: A Data-Driven Society?
Speaker: Prof. Roberto V. Zicari, Goethe University, Frankfurt Main, Germany
Host: Eick
Fri., 07/11/14
11:00 AM
PGH 550
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Bayesian Nonparametric Learning for Network Security
Speaker: Prof. Zhu Han, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, UH
Host: Huang
Mon., 06/16/14
11:00 AM
PGH 563
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Automatic Memory Control of Multiple Virtual Machines on a Consolidated Server
Speaker: Prof. Wei-Zhe Zhang, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Host: Cheng
Fri., 06/04/14
11:00 AM
PGH 550
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Distributed Algorithmic Foundations of Dynamic Networks
Speaker: Prof. Gopal Pandurangan, Brown University and Nanyang Technological University
Host: Verma
Fri., 04/25/14
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Automated Diagnosis of End-User-Fixable Errors
Speaker: Dr. Sai Zhang, University of Washington
Host: Shah
Wed., 04/16/14
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Special Seminar
Topic: The Decision to Put David Vetter in the Bubble
Seminar Slides: View Slides
Speaker: Prof. James H. Jones, University of Arkansas
Host: Pavlidis
Mon., 04/07/14
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Unifying Manual and Mechanical Changes for Better Software Testing
Speaker: Dr. Lingming Zhang, University of Texas at Austin
Host: Deng
Fri., 04/04/14
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: To Merge or Not to Merge: Managing Software Families
Speaker: Dr. Julia Rubin, University of Toronto, Canada
Host: Chapman
Mon., 03/31/14
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Opinion Mining for the Internet: Models, Algorithms and Predictive Analytics
Speaker: Dr. Arjun Mukherjee, University of Illinois at Chicago
Host: Eick
Fri., 03/28/14
11:00 AM
Technology 101
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Frontiers of Learning from Imperfect Data
Speaker: Dr. Andrew Wan, Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing
Host: Ordonez
Mon., 03/24/14
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Breaking New Ground in Authorship Analysis: Leveraging Data in Cross-Domain Settings
Seminar Slides: Download (PPT)
Speaker: Prof. Thamar Solorio, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Host: Vilalta
Fri., 03/21/14
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Stochastic Models and Algorithms for Large-scale Comparative Genomics under Complex Evolutionary Scenarios
Seminar Slides: Download (PDF)
Speaker: Dr. Kevin J. Liu, Rice University
Host: Deng
Fri., 03/07/14
11:00 AM
Agnes Hall (AH) 108
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Distributed Computing and Large-scale Graph Processing: Foundations and Applications
Speaker: Gopal Pandurangan, Brown University and Nanyang Technological University
Host: Ordonez
Wed., 03/05/14
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Computational Challenges in Microbial Forensics at the Ultra Rare Variant Level
Speaker: Dr. Viacheslav Y. Fofanov, Eureka Genomics Corporation
Host: Pavlidis
Mon., 03/03/14
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Special Seminar
Topic: Ethical Paradoxes of Control: Science, Engineering, and the Expansion of Moral Responsibility
Seminar Slides: Download (PDF)
Speaker: Dr. Rachelle Hollander, National Academy of Engineering
Host: Pavlidis
Fri., 02/28/14
12:30 PM
PGH 232
Special Seminar
Topic: So You Think You Can Innovate?
Speaker: Roberta B. Ness, MD, MPH, Dean, University of Texas School of Public Health
Host: Kakadiaris
Fri., 02/28/14
9:00 AM
PGH 232
Special Event
Topic: UHCS PhD Showcase 2014
Speaker: CS Department Graduate Students
Host: Kakadiaris
Tue., 02/25/14
11:00 AM
PGH 563
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Visualizing Human Genome in 3-Dimension
Speaker: Prof. W. Jim Zheng, University of Texas Health Science Centre at Houston
Host: Deng
Mon., 02/24/14
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Distinguished Lecture
Topic: Beyond Computer Animation
Speaker: Prof. Karen Liu, Georgia Institute of Technology
Host: Deng
Fri., 02/21/14
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Software-Defined Networking (SDN) Applications and Experiments for Network Science and Engineering
Seminar Slides: Download (PDF)
Speaker: Prof. Deniz Gurkan, Computer Engineering Technology, University of Houston
Host: Johnsson
Mon., 02/17/14
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Special Seminar
Topic: 'Broken Symmetry': Humanism, Militarism, and the Dilemmas of Scientific Identity in Nuclear Age America
Speaker: Prof. Jessica Wang, University of British Columbia
Host: Pavlidis
Fri., 02/14/14
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Special Event
Topic: (Good) Seminars are not Chores – They are Career Builders
Speaker: Prof. Ioannis Pavlidis
Faculty Panel: Ernst Leiss, Computer Science, University of Houston and Prof. Ricardo Azevedo, Biology, University of Houston
Host: Pavlidis
Thu., 02/13/14
11:00 AM
PGH 563
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Applying Ontology and Semantic Web Technologies to Clinical and Translational Studies
Seminar Slides: Download (PDF)
Speaker: Prof. Cui Tao, University of Texas, Houston
Host: Deng
Wed., 02/12/14
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Scalable Virtual Data Structures
Seminar Slides: Download (PDF)
Speaker: Prof. Thomas Schwarz SJ, Universidad Católica del Uruguay
Host: Paris
Fri., 01/31/14
10:30 AM
PGH 232
Special Event
Topic: Presentation Workshop
Seminar Slides: Shi (PPT)Subhlok (PPT)
Speaker: Profs. Jaspal Subhlok and Larry Shi
Host: Gnawali

NOTE: Rescheduled from 01/24/14 to 01/31/14 due to inclement weather.
Thu., 12/12/13
11:00 AM
PGH 563
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Social Network Analysis by Compression: Not Only Space Saving, but also Insight Gaining
Seminar Slides: Download (PDF)
Speaker: Prof. Jian Pei, Simon Fraser University
Host: Ordonez
Mon., 12/02/13
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Special Seminar
Topic: Using Creative Non-Fiction In Teaching Research Ethics
Speaker: Prof. Craig Klugman, DePaul University
Host: Pavlidis
Mon., 11/25/13
11:00 AM
PGH 563
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Supporting Query by Content for Time Series Data in Relational Database Management Systems
Seminar Slides: Download (PDF)
Speaker: Prof. Ines F. Vega-Lopez, University of Sinaloa, Mexico
Host: Ordonez
Fri., 11/22/13
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Faculty Seminar
Topic: Linking the Cyber and Physical Worlds with CPS: The Paradigm of Image-Guided Surgical Robots
Speaker: Prof. Nikolaos Tsekos
Host: Eick
Mon., 11/18/13
10:30 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Institute of Informatics & Telecommunications of NCSR “Demokritos”: Opportunities for Research and Educational Cooperation with UHouston – CS
Speaker: Prof. Constaintine D. Spyropoulos and Prof. Vangelis Karkaletisis, National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos”
Host: Kakadiaris
Fri., 11/15/13
3:00 PM
PGH 232
Special Seminar
Topic: Does Neuroscience Undermine Responsibility
Seminar Slides: Download (PDF)
Speaker: Prof. Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, Duke University
Host: Pavlidis
Mon., 11/11/13
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Where’d My Photos Go? Challenges in Preserving Digital Data for the Long Term
Seminar Slides: Download (PDF)
Speaker: Prof. Ethan Miller, University of California, Santa Cruz
Host: Gabriel
Fri., 11/08/13
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Large Scale Bayesian Machine Learning with the SimSQL System
Speaker: Prof. Chris Jermaine, Rice University
Host: Ordonez
Thu., 11/07/13
11:00 AM
PGH 563
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Virtual and Augmented Reality for Surgical Guidance
Speaker: Prof. Stephane Nicolau, IRCAD-France
Host: Garbey
Wed., 11/06/13
4:00 PM
PGH 563
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: New Applications of Particle Systems to Shape Modeling
Speaker: Prof. Wenping Wang, Hong Kong University
Host: Deng
Fri., 11/01/13
11:00 AM
PGH 232

Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Information Systems in Healthcare, Clinical and Translational Research
Speaker: Prof. Uma Ramamurthy, Baylor College of Medicine
Host: Shah

Fri., 10/25/13
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Faculty Seminar
Topic: Functional Reactive Programming and Response Time Analysis for Developing Embedded Real-Time and Cyber-Physical Systems
Seminar Slides: Download (PDF)
Speaker: Prof. Albert Cheng, University of Houston
Host: Eick
Fri., 10/18/13
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Special Seminar
Topic: Arming Mother Nature: The Birth of Catastrophic Environmentalism
Seminar Slides: Download (PDF)
Speaker: Prof. Jacob Hamblin, Oregon State University
Host: Pavlidis
Fri., 10/04/13
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Faculty Seminar
Topic: Security: Protocols, Sensor Networks and Phishing
Seminar Slides: Download (PPT)
Speaker: Prof. Rakesh Verma, University of Houston
Host: Eick
Fri., 09/27/13
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Distinguished Lecture
Topic: Future Computing
Seminar Slides: Download (PPT)
Speaker: Dr. Carl Anderson, IBM
Host: Subhlok
Wed., 09/25/13
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Enclosing Hybrid Behavior up to and Beyond a Zeno Point
Seminar Slides: Download (PDF)
Speaker: Prof. Walid Taha, Halmstad University, Sweden and Rice University
Host: Cheng
Fri., 09/20/13
10:30 AM
PGH 232
Special Event
Seminar Slides: Gnawali (PDF), Eick (PPT), Huang (PPT)Leiss (PPT), Vilalta (PPT), Kakadiaris (PDF)Yun (PPT), Cheng (PPT), Shah (PDF), Shi (PPT)
Speaker: Computer Science Faculty
Host: Eick
Mon., 09/16/13
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Distinguished Lecture
Topic: RESAR Storage: a System for Two-Failure Tolerant, Self-Adjusting Million Disk Storage Clusters
Seminar Slides: Download (PDF)
Speaker: Prof. Darrell Long, University of California, Santa Cruz
Host: Paris
Fri., 09/13/13
9:30 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Achieving Software Reliability Without Breaking the Budget
Seminar Slides: Download (PDF)
Speaker: Dr. Bojan Cukic, West Virginia University
Host: Kakadiaris
Fri., 09/06/13
10:30 AM
PGH 232
Special Event
Seminar Slides: Ordonez (PPT), Subhlok (PPT), Chen (PPT)Verma (PPT), Johnsson (PDF)Tsekos (PDF), Gabriel (PDF), Pavlidis (PDF)Paris (PPT)
Speaker: Computer Science Faculty
Host: Eick
Fri., 08/23/13
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Considerations on the Estimating of the Number of Processors Toward an Efficient Non-preemptive Scheduling Algorithm
Speaker: Prof. Stefan Andrei, Lamar University
Host: Cheng
Wed., 07/31/13
2:00 PM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Energy Aware Computer Systems and Networks
Speaker: Dr. Erol Gelenbe, Imperial College, London
Host: Paris
Mon., 04/29/13
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Discovering Semantic Structure for Image and Video Browsing
Speaker: Dr. Kristen Grauman, University of Texas at Austin
Host: Shah
Thur., 04/25/13
11:00 AM
PGH 563 
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Video-based Motion Capture: Challenges and Progress
Speaker: Dr. Jinxiang Chai, Texas A&M
 Dr. Zhigang Deng
Fri., 03/29/13
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Controllable Animation and Remeshing
Speaker: Dr. Jin Huang, Zhejiang University, China
Host: Chen
Mon., 03/25/13
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Special Seminar
Topic: Lead Wars: The Politics of Science and the Fate of America’s Children
Speaker: Professor David Rosner, Columbia University
Host:  Pavlidis
Mon., 03/04/13
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Faculty Seminar
Topic: Fast by Nature – How Stress Patterns Define Human Experience and Performance in Dexterous Tasks
Speaker: Dr. Ioannis Pavlidis, University of Houston
Host: Eick
Mon., 02/25/13
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Network, Visualization and Society
Speaker: Mauro Martino, Northeastern University
Host: Pavlidis
Mon., 02/18/13
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Faculty Seminar
Topic: High Throughput Sequencing and Analysis of Complex Clinical and Environmental Samples: Bioinformatics Challenges
Speaker: Dr. Yuriy Fofanov, University of Houston
Host: Eick
Mon., 02/11/13
11:00 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Seminar
Topic: Ricci Flow for Shape Registration and Geometric Analysis
Speaker: Dr. Wei Zeng, Florida International University
Host: Deng
Fri., 02/08/13
10:00 AM
PGH 232
Special Event
Topic: Department of Computer Science PhD Showcase
Speaker: CS Department Graduate Students
Host: Eick
Fri., 01/25/13
11:15 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Faculty Seminar
Topic: Progresses in Virtual Human Modeling and Animation: from Microscopic Scale to Macroscopic Scale
Speaker: Dr. Zhigang Deng, University of Houston
Host: Eick
Fri., 01/25/13
10:30 AM
PGH 232
Computer Science Faculty Seminar
Topic: Numerical Linear Algebra in a Database System for Big Data Analytics
Speaker: Dr. Carlos Ordonez, University of Houston
Host: Eick
Date Time Event Place
NSF Sc Ethics 
11:00 AM Identifying Potential Pitfalls in the Quantitative Appraisal Systems for Scientific Careers
Dr. Alexander M. Petersen, IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca
Host:  Pavlidis
232 PGH
11:00 AM Patent Litigation and the Expert Witness
Kenneth R. Castleman, PhD
Host:  Shah 
232 PGH
11:00 AM Efficient Decoding over Unknown Impulsive Noise Channels
Dr. Yunghsian Han, National Taipei University
Host:  Zheng
550 PGH
NSF Sc Ethics 
11:00 AM Keeping Secrets; Scientists’ Strategic Management of Militarization, 1945-1980
Dr. Susan M. Lindee, University of Pennsylvania
Host:  Pavlidis 
232 PGH
4:00 PM Funding Opportunities in Wireless Networking and Communications
Dr. Min Song, National Science Foundation
Host:  Zheng
563 PGH
5:00 PM The Joy of Hacking
Dr. Roland von Kurnatowski, TX/RX Labs, Houston
Host:  Gnawali
563 PGH
NSF Sc Ethics 
3:00 PM Evolutionary Theory as Methodological Anesthesia: Methodological and Philosophical Lessons from Evolutionary Psychology
Dr. Richard N. Boyd, Cornell University
Host:  Pavlidis
232 PGH
11:00 AM Eucalyptus: Open Source Infrastructure for Cloud Computing
Dr. Rich Wolski, Eucalyptus Systems, Inc.
Host:  Subhlok 
232 PGH
NSF Sc Ethics 
11:00 AM Can Technology Enable Cities to Cope with the Economic Winter?
Dr. Arun Hampapur, IBM Watson Research
Host:  Pavlidis 
232 PGH
1:00 PM Supporting Delay Guarantees over Unreliable Wireless Channels
Dr. I-Hong Hou, Texas A&M University
Host:  Zheng
550 PGH
11:00 AM A Framework for Real-Time Service-Oriented Architecture
Dr. Kwei-Jay Lin, University of California at Irvine
Host:  Cheng 
563 PGH
11:00 AM GM to Add 500 New IT Jobs in Austin, TX
General Motors
Host:  Shah
232 PGH
3:00 PM Word Sense Disambiguation- a Multilingual Resource Conscious Perspective (Seminar Video)
Dr. Pushpak Bhattacharyya, IIT Bombay
Host:  Kakadiaris
232 PGH
10:30 AM Talk List
Host:  Eick 
232 PGH
11:00 AM Challenges and Opportunities for Obtaining a Faculty Position in India (Seminar Video)
Dr. Pushpak Bhattacharyya, IIT Bombay
Host:  Kakadiaris 
232 PGH
11:00 AM Sentiment Analysis in New Terrain: New Domain, New Features, New Language and New Tasks
Dr. Pushpak Bhattacharyya, IIT Bombay
Host:  Kakadiaris 
232 PGH
10:30 AM Talk List
Host:  Eick 
232 PGH
11:00 AM Cyber Physical Systems: A New Science for Convergence
Prof. Kyung-Joon Park, DGIST, Korea
Host:  Zheng
232 PGH
10:30 AM How Do We Measure Proficiency in Surgery?
Brian J. Dunkin, M.D., F.A.C.S, The Methodist Hospital
Host:  Pavlidis
232 PGH
10:30 AM Academic Life – Rewards and Perils
Dr. Ioannis Pavlidis, University of Houston
Host:  Huang
232 PGH
10:30 AM
HCC for Creativity, Expression, and Participation
Dr. Andruid Kerne, Texas A&M University
Host:  Pavlidis
232 PGH
10:30 AM Fast by Nature – How Stress Patterns Define Human Experience and Performance in Dexterous Tasks
Dr. Ioannis Pavlidis, University of Houston
Host:  Pavlidis
232 PGH
11:00 AM In Pursuit of Software Faults: Status and Challenges
Dr. Bojan Cukic, West Virginia University
Host:  Kakadiaris
232 PGH
12:00 PM
Frontiers of Human-Computer Interaction Research
Dr. Xiangshi Ren, Kochi University of Technology, Japan
Host:  Deng
563 PGH
10:00 AM
Learning Functions from Correlations
Dr. Homin K. Lee, University of Texas, Austin
Host:  Ordonez 
232 PGH
11:00 AM Detection of Biomarker in Biopsies Based on HR-MAS 2D HSQC Spectroscopy Indexation
Dr. Christophe Collet, University of Strasbourg
Host:  Shah
232 PGH
11:00 AM Combinatorial Optimization on Surfaces
Amir Nayyeri, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Host:  Shah
232 PGH
11:00 AM Portable, Scalable, per-Core Power Estimation for Intelligent Resource Management
Dr. Sally McKee, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Host:  Chapman
232 PGH
11:00 AM High-Performance Visualization of Large Data
Dr. Hongfeng Yu, Sandia National Laboratories, California
Host:  Deng
232 PGH
11:00 AM Program Verification with Liquid Types
Dr. Patrick Rondon, University of California, San Diego
Host:  Ordonez
232 PGH
11:00 AM Slowing CPUs to Run Faster:  The Strange World of High-Performance Computing Under a Power Bound
Dr. Barry Rountree, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Host:  Gabriel
232 PGH
11:00 AM Regulating Ionizing Radiation Flawed Standards, Flawed Ethics
Dr. Kristin Shrader-Frechette, University of Notre Dame
Host:  Pavlidis
232 PGH
11:00 AM The Future of Scientific Computing in the Energy Industry
Dr. Detlef Hohl, Shell, Inc.
Host:  Chapman
232 PGH
11:00 AM Toward Efficient Vector Field Analysis and Control
Dr. Guoning Chen, Scientific Computing and Imaging (SCI) Institute
Host:  Deng
232 PGH
10:00 AM Department of Computer Science PhD Showcase
CS Department Graduate Students
Host:  Eick
232 PGH
11:00 AM Software Engineering in the Age of Data Privacy
Dr. Mark Grechanik, Accenture Technology Labs
Host:  Chapman
232 PGH
01/27/2012 10:00 AM Computational Models of Molecular and Nanoparticle Transport in Tissues and Capillaries
Dr. Milos Kojic, The Methodist Hospital Research Institute
Host:  Garbey
232 PGH
01/20/2012 11:00 AM Dynamic Ontology: Challenges and Opportunities
Dr. Cameron Buckner, University of Houston
Host:  Verma
232 PGH
12/09/2011 10:30 AM Correlation Filters for Biometrics
Dr. Vijayakumar Bhagavatula, Carnegie Mellon University
Host:  Kakadiaris
232 PGH
12/07/2011 10:00 AM ImpoSybil? Yes. Preventing Infiltration Attacks in Geo-Social Networks
Dr. Bogdan Carbunar, Florida International University
Host:  Shi
232 PGH
12/02/2011 10:00 AM Schlumberger Software Landscape and Diversity
Kanai Pathak, Schlumberger WesternGeco
Host:  Shah
232 PGH
11:00 AM Human MRI at 7Telsa and Above: Technical Challenges and Clinical Applications
Dr. Andrew Webb, Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands
Host:  Tsekos
232 PGH
11/28/2011 11:30 AM Frontiers of Volunteer Computing
Dr. David Anderson, University of California at Berkeley
Host:  Subhlok
232 PGH
10:30 AM ORI Cases and How to Protect Yourself from Research Misconduct in Your Laborabory
Dr. Alan R. Price, CEO, Price Research Integrity Consultant Experts (P.R.I.C.E.)
Host:  Pavlidis
232 PGH
10/28/2011 11:00 AM The Update Complexity of Selection and Related Problems
Dr. Sandeep Sen, Indian Institute of Technology
Host:  Verma
232 PGH
09/30/2011 11:00 AM Attribute Flow for Discriminative Image Warping
Dr. Jianbo Shi, University of Pennsylvania
Host:  Pavlidis
232 PGH
09/16/2011 10:30 AM FACULTY MINI-TALKS
Computer Science Faculty
Host:  Eick
232 PGH
09/13/2011 10:00 AM Imagine a World Where Technology Helps Solve the Toughest Problems
Dr. Bradley Jensen, Microsoft, Inc.
Host:  Yun
563 PGH
09/09/2011 10:30 AM FACULTY MINI-TALKS
Computer Science Faculty
Host:  Eick
232 PGH
08/11/2011 11:00 AM Information Fusion and Sparsity Promotion Using Choquet Integrals
Dr. Andres Mendez-Vazquez, Cinvestav Guadalajara
Host:  Vilalta
563 PGH
05/25/2011 11:00 AM Fair and Dynamic Proofs of Retrievability
Dr. Shouhuai Xu, University of Texas at San Antonio
Host:  Shi
563 PGH
05/23/2011 11:00 AM Do You Trust Your Eyes and Ears? ---Introduction to Emerging Multimedia Forensics
Dr. Qingzhong Liu, Sam Houston State University
Host:  Deng
563 PGH
05/13/2011 11:00 AM Characterizing the Influence of System Noise on Large-Scale Parallel Applications
Dr. Torsten Hoefler, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Host:  Gabriel
563 PGH
05/09/2011 10:00 AM The FARSIGHT Project: Computational Image Computing Tools for Biomedicine
Dr. Badri Roysam, University of Houston, Cullen College of Engineering
Host:  Kakadiaris
232 PGH
05/06/2011 10:00 AM Bayes Optimal Pattern Recognition
Dr. Aleix Martinez, The Ohio State University
Host:  Kakadiaris
232 PGH
05/04/2011 11:00 AM Practical Statistical Relational Learning
Dr. Sriraam Natarajan, University of Wisconsin Madison
Host:  Vilalta
232 PGH
11:00 AM Models and Algorithms for Large Complex Networks
Dr. George Giakkoupis, University of Calgary
Host:  Leiss
232 PGH
04/15/2011 11:00 AM A Perspective on Operating and Runtime Systems for Exascale Computing
Dr. Ron Brightwell, Sandia National Laboratories
Host:  Chapman
563 PGH
11:00 AM Better Recognition with Richer Representations
Dr. Ali Farhadi, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Host:  Kakadiaris
232 PGH
11:00 AM From Understanding Human Users to Building Efficient Mobile Systems
Dr. Ahmad Rahmati, Rice University
Host:  TBA
232 PGH
04/07/2011 4:00 PM ITK – Do It Yourself Image Analysis
Dr. Luis Ibanez, Kitware, Inc.
Host:  Kakadiaris
216 PGH
04/07/2011 11:30 AM ITK – Open Source Image Analysis
Dr. Luis Ibanez, Kitware, Inc.
Host:  Kakadiaris
216 PGH
04/06/2011 2:30 PM Open Source Software Practices
Dr. Luis Ibanez, Kitware, Inc.
Host:  Kakadiaris
216 PGH
04/01/2011 11:00 AM Bioinformatics: Computational Needs and Opportunities in the Next Generation
Dr. Eric Stahlberg, National Cancer Institute
Host:  Chapman
563 PGH
11:00 AM Design of Large-Scale Low-Power Wireless Sensor Networks
Dr. Omprakash Gnawali, Stanford University
Host:  Zheng
232 PGH
11:00 AM Human-Computer Interaction with Post-PC Computing Devices
Dr. Xiaojun Bi, University of Toronto
Host:  Deng
232 PGH
11:00 AM Intractability in Computational Learning and Approximation
Dr. Rishi Saket, Princeton University
Host:  Shah
232 PGH
11:00 AM Symbolic Predictive Analysis for Concurrent Programs
Dr. Chao Wang, NEC Laboratories America
Host:  Verma
232 PGH
11:00 AM Fragmentation Tolerant Real Time Garbage Collection
Dr. Filip Pizlo, Purdue University
Host:  Chapman
232 PGH
02/16/2011 10:30 AM FACULTY MINI TALKS
Computer Science
Host:  Eick 
232 PGH
02/11/2011 10:30 AM FACULTY MINI TALKS
Computer Science
Host:  Eick 
232 PGH
Dist Spkr 
10:00 AM Computational Illumination
Dr. Matthew Turk, University of California Santa Barbara
Host:  Kakadiaris
232 PGH
Computer Science
Host:  Eick 
232 PGH
02/02/2011 11:00 AM Numerical Linear Algebra Opportunities on Scalable Manycore Systems
Dr. Michael Heroux, Sandia National Laboratory
Host:  Chapman
232 PGH
Dist Spkr
11:00 AM Intelligent Facial Behaviour Understanding
Dr. Maja Pantic, University of Twente
Host:  Kakadiaris
232 PGH
11:00 AM Will Heterogeneous Information Network Play a Key Role in Future Data Mining?
Dr. Jiawei Han, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Host:  Verma
232 PGH
11:00 AM Model-Based Strategies for Biomedical Image Analysis
Dr. James S. Duncan, Yale University
Host:  Pavlidis
232 PGH
11:00 AM Social Learning for Reconfigurable Sensor Networks
Dr. Vikram Krishnamurthy, ECE, University of British Columbia
Host:  Zheng
232 PGH
11/22/10 11:00 AM Performance Analysis in the Light of Deep Software Stacks and Complex System Architectures
Dr. Matthias S. Mueller and Michael Kluge, Technische Universität Dresden
Host:  Gabriel
232 PGH
11/19/10 11:00 AM Contour Packing for Deformable Shape Detection and Segmentation
Dr. Jianbo Shi, University of Pennsylvania
Host:  Pavlidis
232 PGH
11/12/10 11:00 AM Coordinated, Responsive Physics-Based Character Animation
Dr. Victor Zordan, University of California at Riverside
Host:  Deng
232 PGH
11/11/10 3:00 PM Toward the Classification of Finite Partial Monitoring Games
Dr. Csaba Szepesvari, University of Alberta, Canada
Host:  Zheng
563 PGH
11/11/10 11:00 AM Multilevel Methods for Large-Scale Combinatorial Optimization Problems
Dr. Ilya Safro, Argonne National Laboratory
Host:  Vilalta
563 PGH
11:00 AM Enabling Real Time Data Analysis
Dr. Divesh Srivastava, AT&T Labs, Inc.
Host:  Ordonez
232 PGH
10/29/10 11:00 AM Can You Imagine a World Where Technology Helps Solve the Toughest Problems?
Dr. Bradley Jenson, Microsoft Inc.
Host:  Yun
232 PGH
11:00 AM What We Can Learn From Integrative Modeling of the Heart
Dr. Raimond L. Winslow, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Host:  Pavlidis
232 PGH
10/18/10 11:00 AM A Continuous Activity Sensing and Recognition System for Mobile Phone Applications
Dr. Jun Yang, Nokia Research Center, Palo Alto
Host:  Deng
232 PGH
11:00 AM The Parallel BGL:  A High-Performance Parallel Graph Algorithms Library
Dr. Andrew Lumsdaine, Indiana University
Host:  Chapman
232 PGH
10/08/10 10AM-4PM PhD Students Present Their Research
First PhD Showcase Event, University of Houston
Host:  Dr. Christoph Eick
232 PGH
11:00 AM Virtual Cityscapes: Challenges & Opportunities
Dr. Ming C. Lin, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Host:  Deng
232 PGH
09/29/10 11:00 AM RoboBee: A Robotic Bee for Investigating the Bee Dance
Dr. Raul Rojas, Freie Universitat Berlin
Host:  Leiss
232 PGH
09/17/10 10:00 AM @neurIST: Integrated Biomedical Information Management of Cerebral Aneurysms
Dr. Alejandro Frangi, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Host:  Kakadiaris
232 PGH
09/16/10 11:00 AM An Efficient Power-Aware Scheduling Algorithm for the Multiprocessor Platform
Dr. Stefan Andrei, Lamar University
Host:  Cheng
563 PGH
09/15/10 11:00 AM Social Influence within Virtual Environments
Dr. James Blascovich, University of California, Santa Barbara
Host:  Deng
232 PGH
07/23/10 10:00 AM Expeditions in Applied Computing: A Computational Science Perspective
Dr. Shantanu Jha, Louisiana State University
Host:  Johnsson
550 PGH
07/02/10 11:00 AM Detecting Key Motion Patterns
Dr. Mubarak Shah, University of Central Florida
Host:  Kakadiaris
563 PGH
05/07/10 11:00 AM Localized Learning Algorithm Behavior Analysis
Dr. Christophe Giraud-Carrier, Brigham Young University
Host:  Vilalta
232 PGH
11:00 AM Towards Fun, Secure, and Dependable Computing Platforms and Services
Dr. Weidong Larry Shi, ViTie Inc.
Host:  Chapman
232 PGH
Dr. James Clause, Georgia Institute of Technology
Host:  Zheng
232 PGH
11:00 AM Detecting the Network Behavior of Malware
Dr. Roberto Perdisci, Georgia Institute of Technology
Host:  Zheng
232 PGH
11:00 AM SocioTechnical Effects in Software Teams
Dr. Christian Bird, University of California, Davis
Host:  Shah
232 PGH
11:00 AM Designing Mobile Persuasive Technologies for Rural Health Promotion
Dr. Divya Ramachandran, University of California, Berkeley
Host:  Deng
232 PGH
11:00 AM Privacy Preservation in Data Publishing and Sharing
Dr. Tiancheng Li, Purdue University
Host:  S. Huang
232 PGH
04/02/10 11:00 AM Transfer Learning for Scientific Discovery
Dr. Alexandru Niculescu-Mizil, IBM T.J. Watson Research Lab
Host:  Vilalta
232 PGH
11:00 AM Advancing Operating Systems to Address Resource Contention Challenges in Multi-core Processors
Dr. Xiaoning Ding, Ohio State University
Host:  Johnsson
232 PGH
11:00 AM Research Results in Distributed Systems, Wireless Networks, and Networks Security
Dr. Mukesh Singhal, University of Kentucky
Host:  Zheng
232 PGH
03/09/10 11:00 AM Introduction to an Humanoid Robot – Nao
Natanel Dukan, Aldebaran Robotics Inc.
Host:  Deng
563 PGH
11:00 AM Rich Photography on a Budget
Dr. Samuel W. Hasinoff, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Host:  Kakadiaris
232 PGH
01/29/10 11:00 AM Demand-Aware Content Distribution on the Internet
Dr. Srinivas Shakkottai, Texas A&M University
Host:  Zheng
232 PGH
01/22/10 3:00 PM Optimization in Classification
Dr. Erhun Kundakcioglu, University of Houston
Host:  Zheng
550 PGH