
The Division of Research offers a variety of training opportunities, including those for new faculty (New Faculty Workshop), those required for the proper management of an award (RACP), those needed to maintian compliant with regulations (CITI), and those for professional standards and changes in the federal landscape (NCURA).
New Faculty Workshop
This yearly workshop introduces new faculty interested in conducting research to the basic administrative processes and requirements for managing proposals and awards. The workshop is held at the beginning of the Spring semester.
LevelUP Program
The Division of Research offers the UH community access to the LevelUP Micro-credential Program from the Society of Research Administrators International.
Webinars, Seminars and Conferences
Events of interest to the research community are posted on the Division of Research’s online calendar and announced through email, including various Listservs. Events may be hosted by the Division of Research or outside organizations, and may not be free of charge.
Human Subjects
National Institutes of Health grant applications require evidence of human subject research education, when applicable. The Committees for the Protection of Human Subjects recommends the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI), but also accepts NIH Human Subjects Research certificates.
Animal Subjects
Animal Welfare Regulations and Public Health Service Policy require institutions to ensure that all people caring for or using animals are qualified and trained.
Responsible Conduct of Research
The National Science Foundation requires Principal Investigators who apply for, or receive, funding to provide training and oversight in responsible conduct of research (RCR) for undergraduate and graduate students and postdocs that will be supported by the award. A variety of training options for RCR is available, including a CITI program.
Export Controls
Institutions of higher education and their employees are required to comply with export control laws that prohibit the unlicensed export of certain materials or information for reasons of national security or protection of trade secrets.