Digital Futures and the Human Experience - University of Houston
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We harness the potential of digital technologies—AI, quantum computing, and cybersecurity—to enhance knowledge and the human condition. Our research addresses the societal and ethical dimensions of digital transformation, privacy, and the creative possibilities of technology. Our initiatives focus on the ethical use of data, algorithmic transparency, and the intersection of data science with societal good. By safeguarding societal values, we aim to ensure digital advancements benefit humanity broadly.


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    New Study Says ChatGPT Could Help with Everyday Tasks

    ChatGPT, the generative artificial intelligence technology developed by OpenAI, could help humans with daily, creative tasks — even those typically thought to require the human ability to “read between the lines,” according to new research by the University of Houston and Rice University.
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    Improving Digital Access to US Latino Culture

    Arte Público Press, the largest publisher of contemporary and recovered literature by US Hispanic authors, has received a $500,000 challenge grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) for its Recovering the US Hispanic Literary Heritage Program (Recovery).
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    Digital Technology Can Assist Toddlers with Problem Solving

    Elena Grigorenko, Hugh Roy and Lillie Cranz Cullen Distinguished Professor of Psychology, and her colleagues, are reporting that digital devices may improve learning in a toddler by capitalizing on positive and avoiding negative mind-wandering.