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UHCOP-DLDCCC Alliance for Drug Discovery-Development and Education

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    Members of the Internal Advisory Committee and Administrative Core for the UHCOP-DLDCCC at BCM Alliance.

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About the UHCOP-DLDCCC Alliance for Cancer Drug Discovery/Development and Education (ACD3E)

Funded by a four-year P20 grant from the National Cancer Institute, the alliance of University of Houston College of Pharmacy (UHCOP) and Dan L. Duncan Comprehensive Cancer Center (DLDCCC) at Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) will develop the infrastructure for a joint drug discovery/development research program to treat cancers with a health disparity and a joint Cancer Research Education Program (C-REP). This alliance is built on complementary expertise in cutting-edge cancer drug discovery research at DLDCCC/BCM and in the development of cancer drugs at UHCOP.

UHCOP is a constituent of UH, which is an institution serving underserved health disparity populations (ISUPS). UHCOP faculty members bring a unique perspective from an ISUPS, which is complemented by a wealth of pharmaceutical discovery and development experience, pioneering cancer research that provides a platform for undergraduate and graduate research mentoring, and clinical expertise in working with underserved communities. The DLDCCC, an NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center, contributes prominent experience and perspective in current cancer treatments and clinical trials, cutting-edge drug discovery technologies and expertise, cancer research core facilities, and existing undergraduate/graduate education programs, including those for patients with cancer health disparities. 

ACD3E Goals

The overall goals of the ACD3E are:

  • To enlarge the pipeline for underrepresented (UR) trainees to establish careers in cancer research and to generate data for subsequent NCI funding that further supports UR training.
  • Increase student opportunities to conduct high-quality, innovative cancer drug discovery/development research at the University of Houston College of Pharmacy (UHCOP) and the Dan L. Duncan Comprehensive Cancer Center (DLDCCC) at Baylor College of Medicine (BCM), and through the implementation of newly developed curricula and lectures designed to educate trainees and the community about cancer research and cancer health disparities.