Students & Public Resources - University of Houston
Students & Public Resources
UH Libraries
Government, Corporate and Professional Pages
Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Mapping
Geological Software
Mineralogy, Crystallography, and Materials Science
Petrology and Geochemistry
Planetary Sciences
Sedimentary and Petroleum Geology
Structural Geology and Tectonics
Other Resources
Glossary of Geology
Smitd & Gates Guide to Graduate School Admissions in the Geosciences
Workflow for obtaining GOM data
Charting a course for a successful research career, 2nd Edition, Alan M. Johnson
PetroWiki, Society of Petroleum Engineers
AAPG Wiki, American Association of Petroleum Geology
SEG Wiki, Society of Exploration Geophysicists
Oilfield Glossary, Schlumberger
SEPM Stratigraphy
Virtual Seismic Atlas
Crain’s Petrophysical Handbook
Slides from Dr. Fred Schroeder on petroleum exploration
How to get a job in Petroleum Geology (AAPG Explorer, June, 2017)
Financial Survivor for Oil & Gas workers (free student edition)
Program of 2016 Gulf Coast Section Imperial Barrel Award Competition_Houston
2016 Compensation, Recruitment, and Retention Guide to the Oil and Gas Industry
Geosciences Careers
Geo IT Support and available software at EAS Department
CBTH K-12 Outreach
AAPG Career Center: Making career connections in the world’s largest professional geological society
AAPG UDRIL GIS Database GIS-UDRIL (GIS Upstream Digital Reference Information Library) is an expansive project that provides digital products and services to upstream petroleum companies. It provides easy access to affordable, useful geological data in georeferenced formats for use in GIS mapping applications.
AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database With the AAPG/Datapages you can search from the home page or browse content from over 40 publishers and societies. Non-subscribers may now view abstracts on all items before purchasing full text.
EAS Self-study Report (2009-2013) (PDF)
Funding Opportunities for all UH Undergraduates Doing Research (including EAS)
Glossary of Geology
GOM Well Data from BSEE (PDF) Obtaining Gulf of Mexico Geological and Geophysical Date from the US Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (by Sharon Cornelius, UH Phd Student, spring, 2013)
Guide to Writing Geophyscial Presentations by R. R. Stewart (PDF)
Hallway Monitors Announcements Slideshow and Slide List *NEW*
Making of Texas by plate tectonics (modified from Dalziel, Gahagan, UTG)
Undergraduate Research Fellowship Travel Program UH contact: undergrad-research@uh .edu
Field trip guides to Houston and the Gulf Coast region
GSA Special Papers available online through UH Library with UH ID
GSA Memoirs available online through UH Library with UH ID
Publicly available datasets from Gulf of Mexico through the SEG SEAM group
Rigzone Article: "Tackling the Skills Shortage Challenge in the Oil, Gas Industry"
Seismic Data - Compilation of publicly available seismic reflection data sets that can be used for graduate or undergraduate research.
Software links compiled by Mineralogical Society of America (MSA)
TerraElm - Teaching the next generation of scientists geologic concepts and reasoning
Texas geologic and tectonic history — A 25 minute overview by Dr. Tom Ewing, Univ. of Texas BEG
Tips on postdoc placements (Enhancing the Postdoctoral Experience for Scientists and Engineers, National Academy of Sciences, 2000)
Video on interviewing tips from the AAPG career center
Petroleum Geoscience Magazine (Sign up at GeoExPro with your @uh .edu email address to get free access to the digital version of GeoExPro.)
The Encyclopedia of Earth