Faculty Profile
Robert Stewart
Director, Allied Geophysical Labs
Hugh Roy and Lillie Cranz Cullen Distinguished University Chair in Exploration Geophysics
Professor of Geophysics
Office: Science & Research 1, 313C (Office Hours: W | 2 – 3:30 PM)
Contact: rrstewart@uh.edu - 713-743-3081
Education: Ph.D., Geophysics, MIT
Honors B.Sc., Physics, University of Toronto
P.Geo., Assoc. Professional Engineers, Geologists, & Geophysicists of Alberta
P.G., Texas Board Professional Geoscientists
Accepting Graduate Students? Yes
Ph.D. in geophysics with Professors M. N. Toksöz and Kei Aki. Earthquakes, resource exploration, rock physics, signal processing.
Honours B.Sc. (high distinction) in physics with a minor in mathematics. Thesis: Ultrasonic Attenuation in Human Tissue.
Canadian Securities Course (CSC)
Supervisory Development Certificate, Management Development Program: Faculty of Continuing Education.
Professional Geophysicist (P.Geo.).
Professional Geoscientist (P.G.)
UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON, September 1, 2008 - present.
Full professor and Division Lead (geophysics), Dept. of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences; Cullen Chair in Exploration Geophysics.
Director, Allied Geophysics Laboratory (4 staff).
Supervisor, 9 M.S. & 10 Ph.D. students; graduated 13 M.S. and 4 Ph.D.’s.
1st Vice President - Elect, Geophysical Society of Houston (2013-14).
2nd Vice President, Society Exploration Geophysicists (2013-14).
Geophysical transect leader: Leogane, Haiti; Meteor Crater, AZ; Jemez Pueblo, NM; La Marque, TX; Red Lodge, MT; Hockley Fault, TX; Pierce Junction Salt Dome, TX; Napoleonville Salt Dome, LA.
Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Geoscience, University of Calgary (2008-14).
Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Earth Science, Rice University, Houston (2013-2016).
Courses taught
U. of Houston Graduate
Geophysical data acquisition (course creator)
Applied geophysics seminar – Allied Geophysics Lab (AGL) group
Multicomponent seismic exploration (course creator)
Borehole geophysics
U. of Houston Undergraduate
Geophysics field school (course creator)
Petroleum seismic exploration (geophysics majors)
U. of Calgary Graduate
3-D seismic exploration (course creator)
Seismic signal processing
In situ seismology (course creator)
Multicomponent seismology (course creator)
Planetology of Mars (course co-creator)
Geo-archaeological methods (course creator)
Geophysical research topics and tools (course co-creator)
U. of Calgary Undergraduate
Geophysics field school (geophysics majors)
Petrophysics & well-logging (geoscience majors, course co-creator)
Geophysical interpretation (geophysics majors)
Global geophysics (majors)
Natural disasters (general interest, course co-creator)
Geostatistics and geologic modeling (majors)
Soc. Explor. Geophys. (Tulsa)
Exploration seismic tomography (course creator)
Vertical seismic profiling
Converted-wave seismic exploration (course creator)
Technical writing and presentation (also UofC – Cont. Ed., course creator)
Journal Publications
50) Omoboya, O., J.J.S de Figueiredo, L. Huang, N. Dyaur, and R.R. Stewart, 2013, Experimental study of the influence of fluids on seismic azimuthal anisotropy: In review in Geophys. Prosp.
49) Far, M.E., J. J. S. de Figueiredo, D.-H. Han, R.R. Stewart, and J. P. Castagna, 2013, Measurements of anisotropy and fracture compliances in synthetic fractured media: In review in Geophys. J. Intl.
48) Li, J., Liner, C., and R.R. Stewart, 2013, Time-lapse seismic modeling for CO2 sequestration at the Dickman Oilfield, Kansas: In review in Geophysics.
47) Mukherjee, T. and Stewart, R.R., 2013, Geophysical investigation of a complex near-surface structure, Beartooth Mountains, Montana: Under revision in The Mountain Geologist.
46) Zhang, Z., R.R. Stewart, and D. C. Lawton, 2013, Estimating seismic attenuation (Qp & Qs) from rock properties: Can. J. Explor. Geophys., 38, 1, 1-3.
45) Khan, S., R.R. Stewart, M. Otoum, and L. Chang, 2013, A geophysical investigation of the active Hockley fault near Houston, Texas: Geophysics, 78, 4, 1-9.
44) de Figueiredo, J.J.S., R.R. Stewart, J. Scleicher, N. Dyaur, O. Omoboya, R. Wiley, and A., William, 2013, Shear-wave anisotropy from aligned inclusions: Ultrasonic frequency and attenuation properties: Geophys. J. Intl., Advanced Access Feb.5, 2013, 1-14.
43) Stewart, R.R., N. Dyaur, O. Omoboya, J. J. S. de Figueiredo, M.E. Willis, and S. Sil
2013, Physical modeling of anisotropic domains: Ultrasonic imaging of laser-etched fractures in glass: Geophysics, 78, 1, 1-9.
42) de Figueiredo, J.J.S., J. Scleicher, R.R. Stewart, and N. Dyaur, 2012, Estimating fracture orientation from elastic-wave propagation: An ultrasonic experimental approach: J. Geophys. Res., 117, B08304, 1-13.
41) Roy, S. and R.R. Stewart, 2012, Near-surface seismic investigation of Barringer (Meteor) Crater, Arizona: J. Eng. Envir. Geophys., 17, 3, 117-127.
40) Haase, A. and Stewart, R.R., 2010, Near-field seismic effects in a homogeneous medium and their removal in vertical seismic profile attenuation estimates: Geophys. Prosp., 58, 1023–1032.
39) Ursenbach, C. and Stewart, R.R., 2008, Two-term AVO inversion: equivalences and new methods: Geophysics, 73, 6, C31-C38.
38) Guevara, S. and Stewart, R.R., 2007, Source-geophone azimuth from 3C seismic polarization: J. Seis. Explor.,15, 345-354.
37) Stewart, R.R., Xu, C., and Soubotcheva, N., 2007, Exploring for sand reservoirs using multicomponent seismic analysis: J. Seis. Explor.,15, 2, 1-25.
36) Gulati, J., Stewart, R.R., and Parkin, J., 2004, Analysing three-component 3D vertical seismic profiling data: Geophysics, 69, 2, 386-392.
35) Johnson, B. C., Jamieson, J. B., and Stewart, R.R., 2004, Seismic measurement of fracture speed in a weak snowpack layer: Cold Regions Science and Technology, 40, 41-45.
34) Hoffe, B.H., Margrave, G. F., and Stewart, R.R., 2003, Reply by the authors to Gijs J.O. Vermeer on “Hoffe et al., 2002, Analyzing the effectiveness of receiver arrays for multicomponent seismic exploration”: Geophysics, 68, 5, 1761.
33) Stewart, R.R., Gaiser, J., Brown, R.J., and Lawton, D.C., 2003, Converted-wave seismic exploration: Applications: Geophysics, 68, 1, 40-57.
32) Stewart, R.R., Gaiser, J., Brown, R.J., and Lawton, D.C., 2002, Converted-wave seismic exploration: Methods: Geophysics, 67, 5, 1348-1363.
31) Hoffe, B.H., Margrave, G. F., Stewart, R.R., Foltinek, D.S., Bland, H.C., and Manning, P.M., 2002, Analyzing the effectiveness of receiver arrays for multicomponent seismic exploration: Geophysics, 67, 6, 1853-1868.
30) Brown, R.J., Stewart, R.R., and Lawton, D.C., 2002, A proposed polarity standard for multicomponent seismic data: Geophysics, 67, 4, 1028-1037.
29) Gulati, J., Stewart, R.R., and Hoffe, B., 2001, Vertical hydrophone cable acquisition and imaging on land: Geophysics, 66, 1190-1194.
28) Ferguson, R.J. and Stewart, R.R., 1998, Sand/shale differentiation using shear-wave velocity from P-S seismic data: J. Seis. Explor., 7, 117-127.
27) Stewart, R.R., Bland, H., Zhang, Q., and Guthoff, F., 1997, Average versus interval Vp/Vs: Can J. Explor. Geophys., 33, 29-31.
26) Zheng, Y. and Stewart, R.R., 1997, Side-scanning seismic imaging: A physical modeling study: Can J. Explor. Geophys., 33, 21-28.
25) Stewart, R.R. and Ferguson, R.J., 1996, Shear-wave interval velocity from P-S stacking velocities: Can. J. Explor. Geophys., 32, 139-142.
24) Donati, M.S. and Stewart, R.R., 1996, P- and S-wave separation at a liquid-solid interface: J. Seis. Explor., 5, 113-127.
23) Coulombe, C.A., Stewart, R.R., and Jones, M.J., 1996, AVO processing and interpretation of VSP data: Can. J. Explor. Geophys., 32, 41-662.
22) Fisher, S.C., Stewart, R.R., and Jol, H.M., 1996, Ground penetrating radar (GPR) data enhancement using seismic techniques: J. Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 2, 89-96.
21) Li, G. and Stewart, R.R., 1996, Data processing methods for crosswell seismic imaging: J. Seis. Explor., 5, 213-228.
20) Li, G. and Stewart, R.R., 1996, Crosswell seismic imaging: Friendswood, Texas field data: J. Seis. Explor., 5, 323-340.
19) Stewart, R.R., 1994, On 3-D f-k filtering: J. Seis. Expl., 3, 305-306.
18) Isaac, J.H. and Stewart, R.R., 1993, 3-D seismic description of a cryptoexplosive structure: Can. J. Expl. Geophys., 29, 80-91.
17) Khalil, A.A., Stewart, R.R., and Henley, D.C., 1993, Full-wave form processing and interpretation of kilohertz crosswell seismic data: Geophysics, 9, 1248-1256.
16) Harrison, M.P. and Stewart, R.R., 1993, Post-stack migration of P-SV seismic data: Geophysics, 8, 1127-1135.
15) Stewart, R.R. and Schieck, D., 1993, 3-D f-k filtering: J. Seis. Expl., 2, 41-54.
14) Stewart, R.R., 1991, Rapid map and inversion of P-SV waves: Geophysics, 56, 859-862.
13) Eaton, D.W.S., Stewart, R.R., and Harrison, M.P., 1991, The Fresnel zone for converted P-SV waves: Geophysics, 56, 360-364.
12) Geis, W.T., Stewart, R.R., Jones, M.J., and Katapodis, P.F., 1990, Processing, correlating, and interpreting converted shear waves from borehole data in southern Alberta: Geophysics, 55, 660-669.
11) Miller, S.L.M. and Stewart, R.R., 1990, Effects of lithology, porosity and shaliness on P- and S- wave velocities from sonic logs: Can. J. Expl. Geophys., 26, 94-103.
10) Stewart, R.R., 1989, Integrated seismic analysis: Kidney area, northern Alberta, Canada: Geophysics, 10, 1240-1248.
9) Stewart, R.R., 1988, An algebraic reconstruction technique for weakly anisotropic velocity: Geophysics, 53, 1613-1615.
8) Chiu, S.K.L. and Stewart, R.R., 1987, Tomographic determination of 3-D seismic velocity structure using well-log, VSP and surface seismic data: Geophysics, 52, 1085-1098.
7) Stewart, R.R. and Chiu, S.K.L., 1986, Tomography-based imaging of a heavy oil reservoir using well-logs, VSP and 3-D seismic data: J. Can. Soc. Expl. Geophys., 22, 73-86.
6) Stewart, R.R., 1985, Median filtering: Review and a new f/k analogue design: J. Can. Soc. Expl. Geophys., 21, 54-63.
5) Stewart, R.R., Huddleston, P. and Kan, T.K., 1984, Seismic versus sonic velocities: A VSP study: Geophysics, 49, 1153-1168.
4) Stewart, R.R., 1984, VSP interval velocities using traveltime inversion: Geophys. Prosp., 32, 608-628.
3) Stewart, R.R., Toksöz, M.N., and Timur, A., 1983, Strain dependent attenuation: Observations and a proposed mechanism: J. Geophys. Res., 88, B1, 546-554.
2) Stewart, R.R., Turpening, R.M., and Toksöz, M.N., 1981, Study of a subsurface fracture zone by vertical seismic profiling: Geophys. Res. Letters, 8, 11, 1132-1135.
1) Pulli, J.J., Stewart, R.R., Johnson, J.C., Tubman, K.M., and Michaels, A., 1980, Field investigation and fault plane solution of the Bath, Maine, earthquake of April 18, 1979: Earthquake Notes, 51, 4, 10-18.
Geoscience Magazine Articles (Editor-Reviewed)
59) Chang, L., R.R. Stewart, and A. Azuzidin, 2013, What lies beneath: UH’s La Marque Geophysical Observatory: In press in the GSH Journal.
58) Azuzidin, A. and R R. Stewart, 2013, The Hockley Mine salt dome: In press in GSH Journal.
57) Gulati, J. and R.R. Stewart, 2013, 3D VSP Overview and Introduction: The Leading Edge, 32, 10, 1234-1236.
56) Chopra, S., R. R. Stewart, D. C. Lawton, and G.F. Margrave, 2013, Looking back at the first 25 years of CREWES, and forward to its next 25: CSEG Recorder, 38, 7, 10-22.
55) Agudelo, W., E. Pineda, R. Gomez, J. Guerrero, N. Rojas, R. Stewart, N. van de Coevering, 2013, Using converted-wave seismic data for lithology discrimination in a complex fluvial setting: Tenerife oil field, Middle Magdalena Valley, Colombia: The Leading Edge, 32, 1, 72-78.
54) Fraquelli, H.A. and R.R. Stewart, 2013, A multicomponent seismic framework for estimating reservoir oil volume: The Leading Edge, 32, 1, 80-84.
53) Pacal, E. and R.R. Stewart, 2012, Subsurface imaging with VSP and ocean-bottom seismometers: Novel acquisition designs: Houston Geological Society Bulletin, 54, 6, 21.
52) Stewart, R.R., 2012, “SEG’s 2011 membership compensation survey” – Letter to the editor (Signals): The Leading Edge, 31, 8, 886.
51) Stewart, R.R., K. Spikes, J. Sisson, S.A. Hall, J. Huang, and S. Danbom, 2012, Outstanding in the field: Hands-on geophysical education: The Leading Edge, 31, 3, 278-286.
50) Stewart, R.R., 2011, Temperature versus political transparency: Does heat corrupt us?: CSEG Recorder, 36, 6, 44-48.
49) Chopra, S. and R.R. Stewart, 2010, Introduction to the special issue – Multicomponent seismic: The Leading Edge, 29, 10, 1210-1211.
48) Roy, S., R.R. Stewart, and K. Al Dulaijan, 2010, S-wave velocity and statics from ground-roll inversion: The Leading Edge, 29, 10, 1250-1257.
47) Stewart, R.R., 2010, Multicomponent seismic exploration: A more complete conversation: World Oil, 231, 6, 61-64.
46) Stewart, R.R., S. Khan, S. Hall, C. Liner, and J. Wong, 2010, Geophysical field education: Better learning by doing: The Leading Edge, 4, 258-262.
45) Tan, J.F., R.R. Stewart, and J. Wong, 2010, Classification of microseismic events via principal component analysis: CSEG Recorder, 35, 1, 34-38.
44) Stewart, R.R., 2009, The measure of full-wave motion: An overview of multicomponent seismic exploration and its value: CSEG Recorder, 34, 10, 34-38.
43) Wong, J., Han, L., Stewart, R.R., Bentley, L.R., Bancroft, J.C., 2009, Geophysical well logs from a shallow test well and automatic determination of formation velocities from full-waveform sonic logs: CSEG Recorder, 34, 4, 20-29.
42) Stewart, R.R., Lawton, D.C., Margrave, G.M., and Lines, L.R., 2009, Hardhats and mortarboards: The industry and university working together: CSEG Recorder, 34, 1, 40-45.
41) Allen, M.D. and Stewart, R.R., 2008, Ground-penetrating radar tomography of a Mayan pyramid ruin: fastTIMES, Environ. Engineer. Geophys. Soc., 13, 3, 36-41.
40) Zhang, Z. and Stewart, R.R., 2008, Petrophysical models for seismic velocity in cracked media: CSEG Recorder, 33, 10-14.
39) Hons, M.S., Stewart, R.R., Lawton, D.C., Bertram, M.B., and Hauer, G., 2008, Field data comparisons of MEMS accelerometers and analog geophones: The Leading Edge, 27, 896-906.
38) Stewart, R.R., 2008, Citation for SEG Life Membership Award for Dr. James E. Gaiser: The Leading Edge, 4, 548.
37) Xu, C. and Stewart, R.R., 2006, Estimating seismic attenuation (Q) from VSP data: CSEG Recorder, 31, 57-61.
36) Stewart, R.R., Xu, C.D., and Soubotcheva, N.L., 2006, Examples of sand channel identification: Multicomponent Seismic Special Report, Hart’s E & P Explorer, 79, 10, MS7-MS9.
35) Stewart, R.R., 2006, Citation for CSEG Honorary Membership for Dr. John Bancroft: CSEG Recorder, 31.
34) Xu, C. and Stewart, R.R., 2006, Delineating a sand channel using 3C-3D seismic data and well logs: Ross Lake heavy oilfield, Saskatchewan: CSEG Recorder, 3, 35-40.
33) Soubotcheva, N. and Stewart, R.R., 2006, Estimating lithology and porosity from 3C seismic data and well logs: Pikes Peak heavy oilfield, Saskatchewan: CSEG Recorder, 31.
32) Thurston, J. and Stewart, R.R., 2005, What drives innovation in the upstream hydrocarbon industry?: The Leading Edge, 24, 1110-1116.
31) Stewart, R.R., Brown, R.J., Lawton, D.C., and Lines, L.R., 2005, A guide to effective geophysical writing and presentation: CSEG Recorder, 30, 8, 36-41.
30) Stewart, R.R., Bland, H., Thurston, J., and Hall, K., 2004, The surface microseismic monitoring system on Turtle Mountain, Alberta: CSEG Recorder, 29, 9, 42-44.
29) Moldoveanu, M. and Stewart, R.R., 2004, 3D ground penetrating radar surveys on a frozen river lagoon: CSEG Recorder, 29, 9, 32-35.
28) Kaprowski, N. and Stewart, R.R., 2004, 3C-3D seismic micro-survey at a Maya plaza ruin in Belize, Central America: CSEG Recorder, 29, 9, 36-40.
27) Wang, Z., Wren, E., Russell, B., Enachescu, M., Uffen, D., and Stewart, R.R., 2004, What does it take to be a successful exploration geophysicist?: CSEG Recorder, 29, 3, 12-14.
26) Stewart, R.R., 2004, Converted-wave seismic exploration: An update: Preview magazine: Australian Soc. Explor. Geophys., 108, 29-37.
25) Neito, C. and Stewart, R.R., 2003, Analysing multicomponent seismic data from the Mackenzie Delta, N.W.T.: CSEG Recorder, 28, 7, 8-11.
24) Stewart, R.R., 2003, Mars in Canada: The NASA Haughton-Mars Project: Devon Island, Nunavut: CSEG Recorder, 5, 5-9.
23) Stewart, R.R., Mazur, M.J., and Hildebrand, A.R., 2002, Meteorite impact craters and their seismic character, Part 2: Can. Soc. Petrol. Geol. Reservoir, 20-25.
22) Stewart, R.R., Mazur, M.J., and Hildebrand, A.R., 2001, Meteorite impact craters and their seismic character, Part 1: Can. Soc. Petrol. Geol. Reservoir, 20-21.
21) Stewart, R.R., Lu, H., Bland, H., and Mewhort, L.E., 2001, A lake-bottom cable seismic survey: Acquisition and processing: CSEG Recorder, 8, 37-40.
20) Stewart, R.R., 2001, VSP: An in-depth seismic understanding: CSEG Recorder, 7,79-83.
19) Lynn, H., Stewart, R.R., Garotta, R., and Thomsen, L., 2001, 4C-ing the future – a word from the “gurus”: The Leading Edge, 20, 9, 978-982.
18) Margrave, G. F., Stewart, R.R., and Larsen, J.A., 2001, Joint PP and PS seismic inversion: The Leading Edge, 20, 9, 1048-1052.
17) Stewart, R.R. and Lines, L.R., 2001, Tomography, CSEG Recorder, 26, 2, 18.
16) Mazur, M.J., Stewart, R.R., and Hildebrand, A.R., 2000, The seismic signature of meteorite impact craters: CSEG Recorder, 25, 6, 10-16.
15) Stewart, R.R., 1999, Geophysical Journeys: A travelogue of treasures and tribulations on the SEG Distinguished Educator Tour: CSEG Recorder, 24, 7, 3-4.
14) Pendrel, J., Stewart, R.R., and van Reel, P., 1999, Interpreting sand channels from 3C-3D seismic inversions: CSEG Recorder, 24, 3, 24-35.
13) Stewart, R.R., 1999, Geophysical Journeys: Treasures and tribulations on the SEG Distinguished Educator Tour: The Leading Edge, 18, 1321-1322.
12) Stewart, R.R., 1999, Seismic swirls and sadhus in India: The Leading Edge, 18, 572-575.
11) Beasley, C., Beydoun, W., Larner, K., Paul, D., Robertson, J., Stewart, R., Shoham, Y. and Yilmaz, O., 1998, Emerging technologies and geophysics...An after-lunch discussion: The Leading Edge, 17, no. 12, 1704-1718.
10) Margrave, G.F., Lawton, D.C., and Stewart, R.R., 1998, Interpreting channel sands with 3C-3D seismic data: The Leading Edge, 17, 509-513.
9) Stewart, R.R., 1997, Citation for SEG Enterprise Award for D.P. Hampson: The Leading Edge, 2, 161-162.
8) Stewart, R.R., R.F. Ferguson, S.L.M. Miller, E. Gallant, and G. Margrave, 1996, The Blackfoot seismic experiments: Broad-band, 3C-3D, and 3-D VSP surveys: CSEG Recorder, v. 21, no. 6.
7) Stewart, R.R., Brown, R.J., and Lawton, D.C., 1995, Effective geophysical writing and presentation: CSEG Recorder, Vol. 20, No. 10, 9-15.
6) Stewart, R.R., Brown, R.J., and Lawton, D.C., 1992, A guide to writing and presenting a geophysical study, CSEG Recorder, 4, 1-4.
5) Stewart, R.R., and Wilcox, M.A., 1991, The 1991 Geophysical Exploration Fair (or Geophysics for the people!), CSEG Recorder, 16, 8, A1-A6.
4) Stewart, R.R., 1990, 3-A, B, C, D Seismic Exploration: The CSEG Recorder, 6, 2-3.
3) Stewart, R.R. and DiSiena, J.P., 1989, The values of VSP in interpretation: The Leading Edge, 8, 12, 16-23.
2) Stewart, R.R., 1988, Dragons and derivatives in China: The Leading Edge, 7, 36-37.
1) Stewart, R.R., 1985, Seismic tomography: Pursuing a better subsurface picture: Oilweek, 36, 21-24.
2) Stewart R.R., 1991, Exploration seismic tomography: Fundamentals, Soc. Expl. Geophys., pp. 196.
1) Toksöz, M.N. and Stewart, R.R., 1984, Eds., Vertical Seismic Profiling: Advanced Concepts: Geophysical Press, pp. 419.
Book Chapters
2) Read, R.S., Langenberg, W., Cruden, D., Field, M., Stewart, R., Bland, H., Chen, Z., Froese, C.R., Cavers, D.S., Bidwell, A.K., Murray, C., Anderson, W.S., Jones, A., Chen, J., McIntyre, D., Kenway, D., Bingham, D.K., Weir-Jones, I., Seraphim, J., Freeman, J., Spratt, D., Lamb, M., Herd, E., Martin, D., McLellan, P., & Pana., D., 2005, Frank Slide a century later: The Turtle Mountain monitoring project, In: Hungr, O., Fell, R., Couture, R. R. and Eberhardt, E.: Landslide risk management: Balkema, 713-723.
1) Stewart, R.R., Chiu, S.K.L., and Hampson, D., 1987, Tomography-based imaging using well-logs, VSP and surface data: Geophysical Imaging: Proc. 1987 Symposium Geophys. Soc. Tulsa, 8-24.
Newspaper Articles
5) Stewart, R.R., 2007, Climate change: Fact or Fiction?: Editorial and letters, Gauntlet newspaper, 48, 6, p.21.
4) Stewart, R.R., 2004, Why spend on space?: Calgary Herald, Jan. 27, A15.
3) Stewart, R.R., 1993, Sun City shines (South Africa): Calgary Sun.
2) Stewart, R.R., 1992, Wonders expo-sed (Expo ’92 in Seville, Spain): Calgary Sun.
1) Stewart, R.R., 1988, Derivatives open door to China: Calgary Herald.
Creative Writing
Stewart, R.R., 2008, Somebody going somewhere: In Voices in the Wind (A collection of stories and poems from Crowsnest Pass): Crowsnest Writers, Alberta, 46.
Slide Set
1) Stewart, R.R., 1990, Integrated seismic analysis: Soc. Explor. Geophys., Slide Set Series, no. 22.
CD Sets – Research Reports & Software
5) Ursenbach, C. and Stewart, R.R., Eds., 2007, CREWES Research Collection 2008, (DVD compilation): CREWES Research Consortium (SEG distributed).
4) Hall, K., Stewart, R.R, and Ursenbach, C., Eds., 2006, BrAVO AVO and Inversion Collection: CREWES Research Consortium (SEG distributed).
3) Ursenbach, C. and Stewart, R.R., Eds., 2005, CREWES Research Collection 2006, (three CD set): CREWES Research Consortium (SEG distributed).
2) Ursenbach, C. and Stewart, R.R., Eds., 2003, CREWES Research Collection 2004, (three CD set): CREWES Research Consortium (SEG distributed).
1) Ursenbach, C. and Stewart, R.R., Eds., 2002, CREWES Research Collection 2002, (two CD set): CREWES Research Consortium (SEG distributed).
DVD Set – Seismic Data
1) Hall, K., Stewart, R.R, and Ursenbach, C., Eds., 2004, 3C-3D Seismic Data: Blackfoot oilfield, (two DVD set): CREWES Research Consortium (SEG distributed).
- Stewart, R.R., Bertram, M., Gallant, E., 1999, Auto-orienting motion sensing device: U.S. Patent No. 5,866,827.
- Pinnegar, R., McGory, R., and Stewart, R.R., 2009, Processing of seismic data using the S-transform: U.S. Patent. 7,617,053 B2 (Nov. 10, 2009).
- Teaching Excellence Award, 2013, College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Houston
- Honorary membership, 2011, Geophysical Society of Houston
- Industry Icons, 2010, Most influential people in the energy industry: 2010-2019: Hart’s E&P Magazine.
- NASA Group Achievement Award, 2010, Robotic Recon Experiment Team: National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
- Volunteer Award, 2008, Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists.
- Fellow International, 2007, The Explorers Club of New York.
- Life Membership Award, 2006, Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG, Tulsa) – “exceptional meritorious service to the Society.”
- Honorary Membership Award, 2004, Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (CSEG) – “distinguished contributions in the field of geophysics.”
- Special Achievement Award – Energy and the Environment, 2004, University of Calgary.
- Maclean’s Magazine, 2003, Guide to Canadian Universities – University of Calgary PopularProfs citation.
- Distinguished Achievement Award, 2003, SEG - to a company or institution (CREWES Project) that has "substantially advanced the science of exploration geophysics”.
- Distinguished Educator Award, 1999, SEG – Inaugural Distinguished Educator Program: 13 country global tour, Jan. - July, 1999.