Faculty Profile
Bernhard Rappenglueck
Professor of Atmospheric Chemistry
Office: Science & Research 1, 426J (Office Hours: T/TH | 3 – 4 PM or Appointment)
Contact: brappenglueck@uh.edu - 713-743-2469
Education: Habilitation, Bioclimatology & Atmospheric Environmental Chemistry, Munich University of Technology (TU Munich), 2003
Ph.D., 1996, Physics, University of Munich (LMU Munich)
M.S., 1991, Meteorology, University of Munich (LMU Munich)
B.S., 1985, Technical Physics, Munich University of Technology (TU Munich)
Google Scholar Profile
ResearchGate Profile
Accepting Graduate Students? Yes
Climate change leads to the modification of sources and sinks for atmospheric trace gases. This way the budgets of atmospheric constituents will be strongly influenced and this again will have important feedbacks to the climate system including the environmental conditions for human life. The temporal and spatial dynamics of the trace gas budgets are crucial for the formation of photochemical smog and the deposition of pollutants.
Thus main targets of my research interest are (1) the quantification of trace gas budgets (e.g. volatile organic compounds (VOC), carbon monoxide, peroxides, nitrogen oxides, ozone, and peroxyacetyl nitrates (PANs) in remote unpolluted areas in order to determine undisturbed atmospheric background conditions, (2) the investigation of disturbances of the unpolluted atmosphere through complex anthropogenic source regions (e.g. Megacities) on different spatial scales and (3) determination of the anthropogenic and biogenic contributions to the formation of secondary trace gases. Close co-operation with other research groups focusing on chemistry-transport models and boundary layer studies accomplishes the identification of processes inherent in the concurrent measurements of the various species.
The aforementioned tasks include commitment to projects ranging from the determination of turbulent surface flux measurements addressing biosphere-atmosphere interactions to urban air quality issues and airborne measurements in intercontinental transport studies. In these field-based studies a variety of scientific platforms (e.g. micrometeorological towers, radio towers up to 324 m, cruising vessels, cable-ways, manned H2 free gas balloon) and state-of-the-art methods (e.g. relaxed-eddy-accumulation (REA) methods coupled to GC and PTR-MS for determining turbulent fluxes of biogenic VOC) are used.
Peer Reviewed Publications
- Velasco E., Retama A., Zavala M., Guevara M., Rappenglück B., Molina L.T. (2021): New Directions: It is time for a new focused air quality field campaign in Mexico City, Atmos. Environ., 246, available online Nov 25, 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2020.118094
- Osibanjo O.O., Rappenglück B., Retama A. (2021): Anatomy of the March 2016 Severe Ozone Smog Episode in Mexico-City, Atmos. Env., 244, available online Sept 19, 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2020.117945
- Nault B. A., Jo D.S., McDonald B.C., Campuzano-Jost P., Day D.A., Hu W., Schroder J.C., Allan J., Blake D.R., Canagaratna M.R., Coe H., Coggon M.M., DeCarlo P.F., Diskin G.S., Flocke F., Fried A., Gilman J.B., Gkatzelis G., Hamilton J.F., Hanisco T.F., Hayes P.L., Henze D.K., Hodzic A., Hopkins J., Hu M., Huey L.G., Jobson B.T., Kuster W.C., Lewis A., Li M., Liao J., Omar Nawaz M., Pollack I.B., Peischl J., Rappenglück B., Reeves C.E., Richter D., Roberts J.M., Ryerson T.B., Shao M., Sommers J.M., Walega J., Warneke C., Weibring P., Wolfe G.M.., Young D.E., Yuan B., Zhang Q., de Gouw J.A., Jimenez J.L. (2020): Anthropogenic Secondary Organic Aerosols Contribute Substantially to Air Pollution Mortality, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-2020-914
- Heald C.L., de Gouw J., Goldstein A.H., Guenther A.B., Hayes P.L., Hu W., Isaacman-Wertz G., Jimenez J.L., Keutsch F.N., Koss A.R., Misztal P.K., Rappenglück B., Roberts J.M., Stevens P.S., Washenfelder R.A., Warneke C., Young C.J. (2020): Contrasting Reactive Organic Carbon Observations in the Southeast United States (SOAS) and Southern California (CalNex), Environ. Sci. Technol., 54, 23, 14923-14935, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.0c05027
- Reyes F., Vazques Y., Gramsch E., Oyola P., Rappenglück B., Rubio M.A. (2019): Photooxidation of emissions from firewood and pellet combustion using a photochemical chamber, Atmosphere, 10, 575; doi:10.3390/atmos10100575
- Caicedo V., Rappenglueck B., Cuchiara G., Flynn J., Ferrare R., Scarino A.J., Berkoff T., Senff C., Langford A., Lefer B. (2019): Bay and sea-breeze circulations impacts on the planetary boundary layer and air quality from an observed and modeled DISCOVER-AQ Texas case study, J. Geophys. Res., 124, DOI: 10.1029/2019JD030523
- Cai C., Avise J., Kaduwela A., DaMassa J., Warneke C., Gilman J., Kuster B., de Gouw J., Volkamer R., Stevens P., Lefer B., Holloway J.S., Pollack I., Ryerson T., Atlas E., Blake D., Rappenglueck B., Brown S.S., Dube W.P. (2019): Simulating the weekly cycle of NOx-VOC-HOx-O3 photochemical system in the South Coast of California during CalNex-2010 Campaign, Geophys. Res., 124, DOI: 10.1029/2018JD029859
- Cuchiara G.C., Rappenglück B. (2019): Simulating the influence of convective decay parameterization for a case study in Houston, TX, Env., 204, 68-77, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2019.02.016
- Li X., Rappenglück B. (2018): A Study of Model Nighttime Ozone Bias in Air Quality Modeling, Env., 195, 210-228, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2018.09.046
- Cuchiara G.C., Rappenglück B. (2018): Performance analysis of WRF and LES in describing the evolution and structure of the Planetary Boundary Layer, Fluid. Mech., https://doi.org/10.1007/s10652-018-9597-5
- De Gouw J.A., Gilman J.B., Kim S.-W., Alvarez S.L., Dusanter S., Graus M., Griffith S.M., Isaacman-Van Wertz G., Kuster W.C., Lefer B.L., Lerner B.M., McDonald B.C., Rappenglueck B., Roberts J.M., Stevens P.S., Stutz J., Veres P.R., Volkamer R., Warneke C., Washenfelder R.A. (2018): Chemistry of Volatile Organic Compounds in the Los Angeles Basin: Formation of Oxygenated Compounds and Determination of Emission Ratios, Geophys. Res., 123, DOI: 10.1002/2017 JD027976
- Cuchiara G.C., Rappenglück B., Rubio A.M., Lissi E., Gramsch E., Garreaud R.D. (2017): Modeling Study of Biomass Burning Plumes and their Impact on Urban Air Quality; A Case Study of Santiago de Chile, Env., 166, 79-19, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.07.002
- Zhu L., Jacob D.J., Keutsch F.N., Mickley L.J. Scheffe R., Strum M., González Abad G., Chance K., Yang K., Rappenglück B., Millet D.B., Baasandorj M., Jaeglé L., Shah V. (2017): Formaldehyde (HCHO) as a Hazardous Air Pollutant: Mapping sur-face air concentrations from satellite and inferring cancer risks in the United States, Sci. Technol., doi: 10.1021/acs.est.7b01356
- Cuchiara G.C., Rappenglück B. (2017): Single-Column Model and Large Eddy Simulation of the Evening Transition in the Planetary Boundary Layer, Fluid. Mech., 17, 777-798, doi:10.1007/s10652-017-9518-z
- Caicedo V., Rappenglueck B., Lefer B., Morris G., Toledo D., Delgado R. (2017): Comparison of aerosol LIDAR retrieval methods for boundary layer height detection using ceilometer backscatter data, Meas. Tech., doi:10.5194/amt-10-1609-2017
- Griffith S.M., Hansen R.F., Dusanter S., Michoud V., Gilman J.B., Kuster W.C., Veres P.R., Graus M., de Gouw J.A., Roberts J., Young C., Washenfelder R., Brown S.S., Thalman R., Waxman E., Volkamer R., Tsai C., Stutz J.S., Flynn J.H., Grossberg N., Lefer B., Alvarez S.L., Rappenglueck B., Mielke L.H., Osthoff H.D., Stevens P.S. (2016): Measurements of Hydroxyl and Hydroperoxy Radicals during CalNex-LA: Model Comparisons and Radical Budgets, Geophys. Res., 121, doi:10.1002/2015JD024358
- Huntrieser H., Lichtenstern M., Scheibe M., Aufmhoff H., Schlager H., Pucik T., Minikin A., Weinzierl B., Heimerl K., Fütterer D., Rappenglück B., Ackermann L., Pickering K.E., Cummings K.A., Biggerstaff M., Betten D.P., Honomichl S., Barth M.C. (2016): On the origin of pronounced O3 gradients in the thunderstorm outflow region during DC3, Geophys. Res., 121, doi:10.1002/2015JD024279
- Rappenglück B. , Lubertino G. (2015) Letter to the Editor on Wormhoudt, J.; Wood, E.; Knighton, W.; Kolb, C.; Herndon, S.; Olaguer, E. 2015. Vehicle emissions of radical precursors and related species observed in the 2009 SHARP campaign; J. Air Waste Manage. Assoc. 65: 699–706, Air Waste Man. Assoc., 65:7, 767-770, DOI: 10.1080/10962247.2015.1053358
- Hayes P.L., Carlton A.G., Baker K.R., Ahmadov R., Washenfelder R.A., Alvarez S., Rappenglück B., Gilman J.B., Kuster W.C., de Gouw J.A., Zotter P., Prévôt A.S.H., Szidat S., Kleindienst T.E., Offenberg J.H., Ma P.K., Jimenez J.L. (2015): Modeling the formation and aging of secondary organic aerosols during CalNex 2010, Chem. Phys., 15, 5773–5801, doi:10.5194/acp-15-5773-2015
- Shalaby A., Rappenglueck B., Eltahir E.A.B. (2015): The Climatology of Dust Aerosol over the Arabian Peninsula, Chem. Phys. Discuss., 15, 1523-1571, doi:10.5194/acpd-15-1523-2015
- Spohn T.K., Rappenglück B. (2015): Tracking potential sources of peak ozone concentrations in the upper troposphere over the Arabian Gulf region, Env., 101, 257-269, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.11.026
- Czader B., Rappenglück B. (2015): Modeling of 1,3-butadiene in urban and industrial areas, Env., 102, 30-42, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.11.039
- Yuan B., Veres P.R., Warneke C., Roberts J.M., Gilman J.B., Koss A., Edwards P.M., Graus M., Kuster W.C., Li S.-M., Wild R.J., Brown S.S., Dubé W.P., Lerner B.M., Williams E.J., Johnson J., Quinn P.K., Bates T.S., Lefer B., Hayes P., Jimenez J.L., Weber R.J., Zamora R., Ervens B., Millet D., Rappenglück B., de Gouw J.A. (2015): Investigation of secondary formation of formic acid: urban environment vs. oil and gas producing region, Chem. Phys., 15, 1975-1993, doi:10.5194/acp-15-1975-2015
- Wilmot C.-S. M., Rappenglück B., Li X., Cuchiara G. (2014): MM5 v3.6.1 and WRF v3.5.1 model comparison of standard and surface energy variables in the development of the planetary boundary layer, Model Dev., 7, 2693-2707, doi:10.5194/gmd-7-2693-2014
- Li X., Rappenglück B. (2014): A WRF-CMAQ Study on Spring Time Vertical Ozone Structure in Southeast Texas, Env., 97, 363-385, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.08.036
- Cuchiara G.C., Li X., Carvalho J., Rappenglück B. (2014): Intercomparison of planetary boundary layer parameterization and its impacts on surface ozone formation in the WRF/Chem model for a case study in Houston/Texas, Env., 96, 175-185, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.07.013
- Johansson J., Mellqvist J., Samuelsson J., Offerle B., Lefer B., Rappenglück B., Flynn J., Yarwood G. (2014): Emission Measurements of Alkenes, Alkanes, SO2 and NO2 from Stationary Sources in Southeast Texas over a 5-year-period Using SOF and Mobile DOAS, Geophys. Res., 119, doi: 10.1002/2013JD020485,
- Pinto J., Dibb J., Lee B., Rappenglück B., Wood E., Zhang R., Lefer B., Ren X., Stutz J., Ackermann L., Golovko J., Herndon S., Levi M., Meng Q., Munger J., Zhaniser M., Zheng J. (2014): Intercomparison of Field Measurements of Nitrous Acid (HONO) during the SHARP Campaign, Geophys. Res., 119, 5583-5601, doi: 10.1002/2013JD020287
- Olaguer E.P., Kolb C.E., Lefer B., Rappenglück B., Zhang R., Pinto J.P. (2014): Overview of the SHARP campaign: motivation, design, and major outcomes, Geophys. Res., 119, 2597–2610, doi:10.1002/2013JD019730.
- Johansson J., Mellqvist J., Samuelsson J., Offerle B., Moldanova J., Rappenglück B., Lefer B., Flynn J. (2014): Quantitative Measurements and Modeling of Industrial Formaldehyde Emissions in the Greater Houston Area during Campaigns in 2009 and 2011, Geophys. Res., 119, 4303-4322, doi: 10.1002/2013JD020159,
- Rappenglück B., Ackermann L., Alvarez S., Golovko J., Buhr M., Field R.A., Soltis J., Montague D.C., Hauze B., Adamson S., Risch D., Wilkerson G., Bush D., Stoeckenius T., Keslar C. (2014): Strong Wintertime Ozone Events in the Upper Green River Basin, Wyoming, Chem. Phys., 14, 4909-4934, doi:10.5194/acp-14-4909-2014
- Czader B.H., Li. X. Rappenglück B. (2013): CMAQ modeling and analysis of radicals, radical precursors and chemical transformations, Geophys. Res., 118, 11,376-11,387, doi: 10.1002/jgrd.50807
- Rappenglück B., Lubertino G., Alvarez S., Golovko J., Czader B., Ackermann L. (2013): Radical Precursors and Related Species from Traffic as Observed and Modeled at an Urban Highway Junction, Air Waste Man. Assoc., 63:11, 1270-1286, doi: 10.1080/10962247.2013.822438
- Warneke C., de Gouw J.A., Holloway J.S., Gilman J.B., Kuster W.C., Graus M., Atlas E., Blake D., Gentner D.R., Goldstein A.H., Harley R.A., Alvarez S., Rappenglück B., Trainer M., Parrish D.D. (2013): Photochemical Aging of Volatile Organic Compounds in the Los Angeles Basin: Weekend Effect, Geophys. Res., 118, 5018-5028, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50423
- Chen D., Li Q., Stutz J., Mao Y., Zhang L., Pikelnaya O., Tsai J.Y., Haman C., Lefer B., Rappenglück B., Alvarez S., Neuman A., Flynn J., Roberts J., Nowak J.B., de Gouw J., Holloway J., Wagner N.L., Veres P., Brown S.S., Ryerson T., Warneke C., Pollack I.B. (2013): WRF-Chem simulation of NOx and O3 in the L.A. basin during CalNex-2010, Env., 81, 421-432, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2013.08.064
- Ren X., van Duin D., Cazorla M., Chen S., Mao J., Brune W.H., Flynn J.H., Grossberg N., Lefer B.L., Rappenglück B., Wong K.W., Tsai C., Stutz J., Dibb J.E., Jobson B.T., Luke W.T., Kelley P., (2013): Atmospheric Oxidation Chemistry and Ozone Production: Results from SHARP 2009 in Houston, Texas, Geophys. Res., 118, 5770-5780, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50342
- Hayes P.L., Ortega A.M., Cubison M.J., Froyd K.D., Zhao Y., Cliff S.S., Hu W.W., Toohey D.W., Flynn J.H., Lefer B.L., Grossberg N., Alvarez S., Rappenglück B., Taylor J.W., Allan J.D., Holloway J.S., Gilman J.B., Kuster W.C., de Gouw J.A., Massoli P., Zhang X., Liu J., Weber R.J., Corrigan A.L., Russell L.M., Isaacman G., Worton D.R., Kreisberg N.M., Hering S.V., Goldstein A.H., Thalman R., Waxman E.M.., Volkamer R., Lin Y.H., Surratt J.D., Kleindienst T.E., Offenberg J.H., Dusanter S., Griffith S., Stevens P.S., Brioude J., Angevine W.M., Jimenez J.L. (2013): Organic Aerosol Composition and Sources in Pasadena, California during the 2010 CalNex Campaign, Geophys. Res., 118, 9233-9257, doi: 10.1002/jgrd.50530
- Kelly S., Rappenglück B. (2013): Upper Tropospheric MM5 and WRF Temperature Error and Vertical Velocity Coupling, Appl. Meteorol. Clim., 52, 1237-1252
- Newman S., Jeong S., Fischer M., Xu X., Haman C., Lefer B., Alvarez S., Rappenglueck B., Kort E.A., Andrews A.E., Peischl J., Gurney K., Miller C.E., Yung Y.L. (2013): Diurnal tracking of anthropogenic CO2 emissions in the Los Angeles basin mega-city during spring, 2010, Chem. Phys.., 13, 4359-4372, doi:10.5194/acp-13-4359-2013.
- Ochoa C., Baumgardner D., Grutter M., Allan J., Fast J., Rappenglueck B.. (2012): Physical and chemical properties of the regional mixed layer of Mexico’s Megapolis Part 2: Evaluation of Measured and Modeled Trace Gases and Particle Size Distributions, Chem. Phys., 12, 10161-10179, doi:10.5194/acp-12-10161-2012
- Cleveland M.J., Ziemba L.D., Griffin R.J., Dibb J.E., Anderson C.H., Lefer B., Rappenglueck B. (2012): Characterization of Urban Aerosol Using Aerosol Mass Spectrometry and Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Environ., 54, 511-518, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2012.02.074
- Czader B.H., Rappenglück B., Percell P., Byun D., Ngan F., Kim S. (2012): Modeling nitrous acid and its impact on ozone and hydroxyl radical during the Texas Air Quality Study 2006, Chem. Phys., 12, 6939-6951, doi:10.5194/acp-12-6939-2012
- Ngan F., Byun D., Kim H., Lee D., Rappenglueck B., Pour-Biazar A. (2012): Performance Assessment of Retrospective Meteorological inputs for Use in Air Quality Modeling during TexAQS 2006, Environ., 54, 86-96, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2012.01.035
- Warneke C., Veres P., Holloway J. Stutz J., Tsai C., Alvarez S., Rappenglueck B., Fehsenfeld F.C., Graus M.G., Gilman J.B., de Gouw J.A. (2011): Airborne Formaldehyde Measurments using PTR-MS: Calibration, Humidity Dependence, Inter-comparison and Initial Results, Meas. Tech., 4, 2345-2358, doi:10.5194/amt-4-2345-2011
- Villena G., Kleffman J., Kurtenbach R., Wiesen P., Lissi E., Rubio M.A., Croxatto G., Rappenglück B. (2011): Vertical Gradients of HONO, NOx and O3 in Santiago de Chile, Environ., 45, 3867-3873, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2011.01.073
- Wong K.W., Oh H.-J., Lefer B., Rappenglück B., Stutz J. (2011): Vertical profiles of nitrous acid in the nocturnal urban atmosphere of Houston, TX, Chem. Phys., 11, 3595-3609
- Boeke N.L., Marshall J.D., Alvarez S., Chance K.V., Fried A., Kurosu P., Rappenglück B., Richter D., Walega J., Weibring P., and D.B. Millet (2011): Formaldehyde columns from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument: Urban versus background levels and evaluation with aircraft data and a global model, Geophys. Res., 116, D05303, doi:10.1029/2010JD014870
- Ganranoo L., Mishra S.K., Azad A.K., Shigihara A., Dasgupta P.K., Breitbach Z., Armstrong D.W., Grudpan K., Rappenglueck B. (2010): Measurement of Nitrophenols in Rain and Air by Two-dimensional Liquid Chromatography – Chemically Active Liquid Core Waveguide Spectrometry, Chem., 82, 5838-5843
- Rappenglück B., Dasgupta P.K., Leuchner M., Li Q., Luke W. (2010): Formaldehyde and its relation to CO, PAN, and SO2 in the Houston-Galveston airshed, Chem. Phys., 10, 2413-2424
- McMillan W.W., Pierce R., Sparling L., Osterman G., McCann K., Fischer M., Rappenglück B., Newsom R., Turner D., Kittaka C., Evans K., Biraud S., Lefer B., Andrews A., Oltmans S. (2010): An Observational and modelling strategy to investigate the impact of remote sources on local air quality: A Houston, Texas case study from TEXAQS II, Geophys. Res., 115, D01301, doi:10.1029/2009JD011973
- Lefer B., Rappenglück B. (2010): The TexAQS-II radical and aerosol measurement project (TRAMP), Atmos. Environ., 44, 3997-4004, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2010.05.053
- Lefer B., Rappenglück B., Flynn J., Haman C. (2010): Photochemical and meteorological relationships during the Texas-II Radical and Aerosol Measurement Project (TRAMP), Environ., 44, 4005-4013, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2010.03.011
- Stutz J., Wong K.W., Lawrence L., Ziemba L., Flynn J., Rappenglück B., Lefer B. (2010): Nocturnal NO3 radical chemistry in Houston, TX, Environ., 44, 4099-4106, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2009.03.004
- Chen S., Ren X., Mao J., Chen Z., Brune W.H., Lefer B., Rappenglück B., Flynn J., Olson J., Crawford J.H. (2010): A comparison of chemical mechanisms based on TRAMP-2006 field data, Environ., 44, 4116-4125, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2009.05.027
- Day B.M., Rappenglück B., Clements C.B., Tucker S.C., Brewer W.A. (2010): Nocturnal boundary layer characteristics and land breeze development in Houston, Texas, during TexAQS-II, Environ., 44, 4014-4023, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2009.01.031
- Morris G.A., Ford B., Rappenglück B., Thompson A.M., Mefferd A., Ngan F., Lefer B. (2010): An evaluation of the influence of the morning residual layer on afternoon ozone concentrations in Houston using ozonesonde data, Environ., 44, 4024-4034, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2009.06.057
- Flynn J., Lefer B., Rappenglück B., Leuchner M., Perna R., Dibb J., Ziemba L., Anderson C., Stutz J., Brune W., Ren X., Mao J., Luke W., Olson J., Chen G., Crawford J. (2010): Impact of clouds and aerosol on ozone production in southeast Texas, Environ., 44, 4126-4133, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2009.09.005
- Wright M.E., Atkinson D.B., Ziemba L., Griffin R., Hiranuma N., Brooks S., Lefer B., Flynn J., Perna R., Rappenglück B., Luke W., Kelley P. (2010): Extensive Aerosol Optical Properties and Aerosol-mass Related Measurements during TRAMP/TexAQS 2006 – Implications for PM Compliance and Planning, Environ., 44, 4035-4044, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2008.12.055
- Stutz J., Oh H.-J., Whitlow S.I., Anderson C.H., Dibb J.E., Flynn J., Rappenglück B., Lefer B. (2010): Simultaneous DOAS and Mist-Chamber IC measurements of HONO in Houston, TX, Environ., 44, 4090-4098, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2009.02.003
- Ziemba L.D., Dibb J.E., Griffin R.J., Anderson C.H., Whitlow S.I., Lefer B.L., Rappenglück B., Flynn J. (2010): Heterogeneous conversion of nitric acid to nitrous acid on the surface of primary organic aerosol in an urban atmosphere, Environ., 44, 4081-4089, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2008.12.024
- Luke W.T., Kelley P., Lefer B.L., Flynn J., Rappenglück B., Leuchner M., Dibb J.E., Ziemba L.D., Anderson C.H., Buhr M. (2010): Measurements of Primary Trace Gases and NOy Composition in Houston, Texas, Environ., 44, 4068-4080, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2009.08.014
- Brooks S., Luke W., Cohen M., Kelly P., Lefer B., Rappenglück B. (2010): Mercury species measured atop the Moody Tower TRAMP site, Houston, Texas, Environ., 44, 4045-4055, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2009.02.009
- Leuchner M., Rappenglück B. (2010): VOC Source-Receptor Relationships in Houston during TexAQS-II, Environ., 44, 4056-4067, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2009.02.029
- Mao J., Ren X., Chen S., Brune W.H., Chen Z., Martinez M., Harder H., Lefer B., Rappenglück B., Flynn J., Leuchner M. (2010): Atmospheric Oxidation Capacity in the Summer of Houston 2006: Comparison with Summer Measurements in other Metropolitan Studies, Environ., 44, 4107-4115, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2009.01.013
- Olaguer E.P., Rappenglück B., Lefer B., Stutz J., Dibb J., Griffin R., Brune B., Shauck M., Buhr M., Jeffries H., Vizuete W., Pinto J. (2009): Deciphering the Role of Radical Sources during the Second Texas Air Quality Study, Air Waste Man. Assoc., 59, 1258-1277
- Schade G, Rappenglück B. (2009): Unique Meteorological Data during Hurricane Ike’s Passage over Houston, Eos, 90, 215
- Baumgardner D., Grutter M., Allen J., Ochoa C., Rappenglueck B., Russell L., Arnott P. (2009): Physical and Chemical Properties of the Regional Mixed Layer of Mexico’s Megapolis, Chem. Phys., 9, 5711-5727
- Thompson A.M., Yorks J.E., Miller S.K., Witte J.C., Dougherty K.M., Morris G.A., Baumgardner D., Ladino L., Rappenglueck B. (2008): Tropospheric ozone sources and wave activity over Mexico City and Houston during MILAGRO/Intercontinental Transport Experiment (INTEX-B) Ozonesonde Network Study, 2006 (IONS-06), Chem. Phys., 8, 5113-5125
- Rappenglück B., Perna R., Zhong S., Morris G.A. (2008): An Analysis of the Vertical Structure of the Atmosphere and the Upper-Level Meteorology and their Impact on Surface Ozone Levels in Houston, Texas, Geophys. Res., 113, D17315, doi:10.1029/2007JD009745
- Cooper O.R., Trainer M., Thompson A.M., Oltmans S.J., Tarasick D.W., Witte J.C., Stohl A., Eckhardt S., Merrill J.T., Newchurch M.J., Johnson B.J., Kalnajs L., Dubey M.K., Leblanc T., McDermid I.S., Forbes G., Wolfe D., Lelieveld J., Carey-Smith T., Morris G.A., Lefer B., Rappenglück B., Joseph E., Schmidlin F., Ravishankara A., Meagher J., Fehsenfeld F.C., Keating T.J., Van Curen R.A. (2007): Conclusive in situ evidence that the eastern North America upper tropospheric ozone maximum is a recurring summertime feature, Geophys. Res., 112, D10S40, D23304, doi:10.1029/2007JD008710
- Arnold S.R., Methven J., Evans M.J., Chipperfield M.P., Lewis A.C., Hopkins J., McQuaid J.B., Watson N., Purvis R.M., Lee J.D., Atlas E.L., Blake D.R., Rappenglück B. (2007): Quantification of mean OH concentrations and air mass dilution rates from successive observations of non-methane hydrocarbons in single air masses, Geophys. Res., 112, D10S40, doi:10.1029/2006JD007594
- Schürmann G., Schäfer K., Jahn C., Hoffmann H., Bauerfeind M., Fleuti E., Rappenglück B. (2007): The Impact of NOx, CO and VOC Emissions on the Air Quality of the Airport Zurich, Environ., 41, 103-118, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2006.07.030
- Methven J., Arnold S.R., Stohl A., Evans M.J., Avery M., Law K., Lewis A.C., Monks P.S., Parrish D., Reeves C., Schlager H., Atlas E., Blake D., Coe H., Cohen R.C., Crosier J., Flocke F., Holloway J.S., Hopkins J.R., Hübler G., Lee J.D., Purvis R., Rappenglück B., Ryerson T.B., Sachse G.W., Singh H., Watson N., Whalley L., Williams P. (2006): Establishing Lagrangian connections between observations within air masses crossing the Atlantic during the International Consortium for Atmospheric Research on Transport and Transformation experiment, Geophys. Res., 111, D23S62, doi:10.1029/2006JD007540
- Rappenglück B., Apel E., Bauerfeind M., Bottenheim J., Brickell P., Čavolka P., Cech J., Gatti L., Hakola H., Honzak J., Junek R., Martin D., Noone C., Plass-Dülmer Ch., Travers D., Wang T. (2006): The first VOC intercalibration exercise within the Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW), Environ., 40, 7508-7527, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2006.07.016
- Valverde-Canossa J., Ganzeveld L., Rappenglück B., Steinbrecher R., Klemm O., Schuster G., Moortgat G. (2006): First measurements of H2O2 and organic peroxides surface fluxes by the relaxed eddy accumulation technique, Environ., 40, S55-67, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2006.03.038
- Klemm O., Held A., Forkel R., Gasche R., Kanther H.-J., Rappenglück B., Müller K., Plewka A., Cojocariu C., Kreuzwieser J., Valverde-Canossa J., Schuster G., Moortgat G.K., Graus M., Hansel A., Steinbrecher R. (2006): Experiments on forest/atmosphere exchange: Climatology and fluxes during two summer campaigns in NE Bavaria, Environ., 40, S3-S20, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2006.01.060
- Graus M., Hansel A., Wisthaler A., Lindinger Ch., Forkel R., Hauff K., Klauer M., Pfichner A., Rappenglück B., Steigner D., Steinbrecher R. (2006): A Relaxed-Eddy-Accumulation (REA) Method using an Online Gas-Chromatographic Technique and PTR-MS for the Measurement of Isoprenoid Canopy-Fluxes, Environ., 40, S43-S54, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2005.09.094
- Ganzeveld L., Klemm O., Rappenglück B., Valverde-Canossa J. (2006): Evaluation of micrometeorological parameters over coniferous forest in a single-column chemistry-climate model, Environ., 40, S21-S27, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2006.01.061
- Forkel R., Klemm O., Graus M., Rappenglück B., Stockwell W.R., Grabmer W., Held A., Hansel A., Steinbrecher R. (2006): Trace gas exchange and gas phase chemistry in a Norway spruce forest: A study with a coupled 1-dimensional canopy atmospheric chemistry emission model, Environ., 40, S28-S42, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2005.11.070
- Rappenglück B., Schmitz R., Bauerfeind M., Cereceda-Balic F., v. Baer D., Jorquera H., Silva Y., Oyola P. (2005): An urban photochemistry study in Santiago de Chile, Environ., 39, 2913-2931, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2004.12.049
- Grabmer W., Graus M., Lindinger C., Wisthaler A., Rappenglück B., Steinbrecher R., Hansel A. (2004): Disjunct Eddy Covariance Measurements of Monoterpene Fluxes from a Norway Spruce Forest using PTR-MS, J. Mass Spec., 239, 111-115
- Rappenglück B., Forster C., Jakobi G., Pesch M. (2004): Unusually high levels of PAN and ozone over Berlin, Germany, during nighttime on August 7, 1998, Environ., 38, 6125-6134, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2004.08.009
- Jorquera H., Rappenglück B. (2004): Receptor modeling of ambient VOC at Santiago, Chile, Environ., 38, 4243-4263, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2004.04.030
- Rappenglück B., Melas D., Fabian P. (2003): Evidence of the impact of urban plumes on remote sites in the Eastern Mediterranean, Environ., 37, 1853-1864
- Zanis P., Kourtidis K., Rappenglück B., Zerefos C., Melas D., Balis D., Schmitt R., Rapsomanikis S., Doukelis Y., Fabian P., Isaksen I. (2002): Induced changes on surface ozone production rates from total ozone variability at Crete during PAUR II, Geophys. Res., 107, 8136, 10.1029/2000JD000137
- Winkler J., Blank P., Glaser K., Habram M., Jambert C., Jaeschke W., Konrad S., Kurtenbach R., Lenschow P., Perros P., Pesch M., Prümke H.-J., Rappenglück B., Schmitz T., Slemr F., Volz-Thomas A. and Wickert B. (2002): Ground-based and airborne measurements of nonmethane hydrocarbons in BERLIOX: Analysis and selected results, Atmos. Chem., 42, 465-492
- Kouvarakis G., Vrekoussis M., Mihalopoulos N., Kourtidis K., Rappenglück B., Gerasopoulos E., and Zerefos C. (2002): Spatial and temporal variability of tropospheric ozone (O3) in the boundary layer above the Aegean Sea (Eastern Mediterranean), Geophys. Res., 107, 8173, 10.1029/2000JD000081
- Corsmeier U., Kalthoff N., Kottmeier Ch., Vogel B., Hammer M., Volz-Thomas A., Konrad S., Glaser K., Neininger B., Lehning M., Jaeschke W., Memmesheimer M, Rappenglück B., Jakobi G. (2002): Ozone budget and PAN formation inside and outside of the Berlin plume - Process analysis and numerical process simulation, Atmos. Chem., 42, 289-321
- Fabian P., Winterhalter M., Rappenglück B., Reitmayer H., Stohl A., Schlager H. Koepke P., Foken Th., Berresheim H., Häberle K.-H., Matyssek R., Kartschall T. (2001): The BAYSOFI Campaign – Measurements carried out during the total solar eclipse of August 11, 1999, Zeitschrift, 10, 165-170
- Fabian P., Rappenglück B., Stohl A., Werner H., Winterhalter M., Schlager H. Stock P., Berresheim H., Kaminski U., Koepke P., Reuder J., Birmili W. (2001): Boundary layer photochemistry during total solar eclipse, Zeitschrift, 10, 187-192
- Rappenglück B., Reitmayer H., Fabian P. (2000): On the use of manned hydrogen gas ballooning in boundary layer studies, Sci. & Pollut. Res, 7, 211-218
- Rappenglück B., Oyola P., Olaeta I., Fabian P. (2000): The evolution of photochemical smog in the Metropolitan Area of Santiago de Chile, Appl. Meteor., 39, 275-290
- Rappenglück B., Kourtidis K., Melas D., Fabian P. (1999): Observations of biogenic and anthropogenic NMHC in Athens during the PAUR campaign, Chem. Earth (B), 24, 717-724
- Rappenglück B. and Fabian P. (1999): An Analysis of simultaneous GC-Measurements of BTEX-aromatics at three selected sites in the Greater Munich area, Appl. Meteor., 38, 1448-1462
- Rappenglück B., Fabian P. (1999): Non Methane Hydrocarbons (NMHC) in the Greater Munich Area/Germany, Environ., 33, 3843-3857
- Kourtidis K.A., Ziomas I.C., Rappenglück B., Proyou A., Balis B. (1999): Evaporative traffic hydrocarbon emissions, traffic CO and speciated HC traffic emissions from the city of Athens, Environ., 33, 3831-3842
- Rappenglück B. and Fabian P. (1998): A study of BTEX-ratios in the urban area of Munich/Germany using rapid gas chromatography, Sci. & Pollut. Res., 5, 65-70
- Rappenglück B., Fabian P., Kalabokas P., Viras L. G., Ziomas I. C. (1998): Quasi-continuous measurements of Non Methane Hydrocarbons (NMHC) in the Greater Athens Area during MEDCAPHOT-TRACE, Environ., 32, 2103-2121
- Ziomas I. C., Suppan P., Rappenglück B., Balis D., Tzoumaka P., Melas D., Papayannis A., Fabian P., Zerefos C. S. (1995): A contribution to the study of photochemical smog in the greater Athens area, Phys. Atmosph., 68, 191-203
- Rappenglück B. (1995): Measurement of aromatic compounds in the urban area of Munich and in the Ebersberger Forest - a comparison (in German), Wetter und Leben, 47, 179-188
- Rappenglück B. (1994): Quasi-continuous measurements of hydrocarbon immissions, Zeitschrift, 3, 149-154
- Fabian P., Haustein C, Jakobi G., Rappenglück B., Suppan P., Steil P. (1994): Photochemical Smog in the Munich Metropolitan Area, Phys. Atmosph., 67, 39-56
- Rappenglück B., Kourtidis K., Fabian P. (1993): Measurements of ozone and peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) in Munich, Environ., 27, 293-305
- Kourtidis K. A., Fabian P., Zerefos C., Rappenglück B. (1993): Peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN), peroxypropionyl nitrate (PPN) and PAN/ozone ratio measurements at three sites in Germany, Tellus, 45, 442-457
Contributions to Books
- Sarwar G., Chen S., Henderson B., Fahey K., Gilliam R., Pouliot G., Czader B., Rappenglueck B. (2014), Simulation of Atmospheric Oxidation Capacity in Houston, Texas, in: Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXII, Steyn D.G., Builtjes P.J.H. and Timmermans R.M.A. Eds., NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security 2014, ISBN: 978-94-007-5576-5 (Print) 978-94-007-5577-2 (Online), pp 481-486
- Byun D. W., Lee D.-G., Kim H.-C., Kim S., Ngan F., Czader, B., Rappenglueck B., Kondragunta S., Pierce B. (2012), Efficacy of Incremental Reduction of Input Uncertainties to Improve Air Quality Prediction, in: Air Pollution Modelling and its Applications XXI, Steyn D.G and Trini Castelli S. Eds, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security 4, Part 3, Springer Science+Business Media B.V., DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-1359-8_58, 341-346
- Steinbrecher R., Graus M., Grabmer W., Hansel A., Wisthaler A., Lindinger L., Klemm O., Forkel R., Hauff K., Klauer M., Pfichner A., Rappenglück B., Smiatek G., Steigner D. (2006): Isoprenoid Fluxes of Norway Spruce Forests in Europe: Results from Field and Modelling Studies in Germany and Finland. In: The Changing Chemical Climate of the Atmosphere, First ACCENT Symposium, Urbino/Italy, 12.-16.09.2005, Sandro Fuzzi, Michela Maione (eds), ARCNE editrice, Rome ISBN 88-548-0851-2, p 82-89.
- Steinbrecher R., Rappenglück B., Hansel A., Graus M., Klemm O., Held A., Wiedensohler A., Nowak A. (2004): The emissions of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOC) and their relevance to atmospheric particle dynamics, in: Matzner E. (Ed.) Biogeochemistry of forested catchments in a changing environment: a case study in NE-Bavaria, Germany. Springer Verlag, ISBN: 3-540-20973-5, Ecological Studies 172, 215-232
Conference Presentations
- Rappenglück B., Osibanjo O., Retama A., Jaimes-Palomera M. (2019): Anatomy of a Severe Ozone Smog Episode in Mexico-City, 15th International Conference on Atmospheric Sciences and Application to Air Quality, Kuala Lumpur/Malaysia, 28.-30.10.2019.
- Rappenglück B., Holler A. (2019): Analysis of a 15-Year Time Series of C2-C11 Non-Methane Hydrocarbons in a Subtropical Area: Interannual Variability and Trends, 15th International Conference on Atmospheric Sciences and Application to Air Quality, Kuala Lumpur/Malaysia, 28.-30.10.2019.
- Nault B.A., Jo D.S., Campuzano-Jost P., Day D.A., Hu W., Schroder J.C., Allan J., Bandy B., Blake D.R., Canagaratna M.R., Coe H., DeCarlo P.F., Diskin G.S., Flocke F., Fried A., Gilman J.B., Hanisco T.F., Hayes P.L., Henze D., Hopkins J., Huey L.G., Jobson B.T., Kuster W.C., Lee J., Liao J., Mills G., Montzka D.D., Pollack I.B., Peischl J., Rappenglück B., Roberts J.M., Ryerson T.B., Stutz J., Weibring P., Weinheimer A.J., Williams E.J., Wood E.C., Young D.E., Yuan B., de Gouw J.A., and Jimenez J.L. (2019): Variable Urban SOA Production Explained by Emissions and Photochemistry to Quantify of its Impact on Mortality, Gordon Research Conference for Atmospheric Chemistry, 07.28-08.20.2019, Newry ME/USA
- Osibanjo O.O., Rappenglück B., Retama A., Jaimes-Palomera M. (2019): Implication of Planetary Boundary Layer Variation and Meteorology on Air Quality in Mexico City during the Dry Season, 99th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 06.-10.01.2019, Phoenix AZ/USA
- Nault B.A., Jo D., Campuzano-Jost P., Day D.A., Hu W.W., Schroder J.C., Bandy B., Blake D.R., Canagaratna M.R., Coe H., Flocke F., Fried A., Gilman J., Hanisco T.F., Hopkins J., Huey L.G., Jobson B.T., Kuster W., Lefer B., Liao J., Montzka D.D., Oram D., Pollack I.B., Peischl J., Rappenglueck B., Roberts J.M., Ryerson T.B., Stutz J., Weibring P., Weinheimer A.J., Wood E.C., Young D., Yuan B., de Gouw J.A., Jimenez J.L. (2018): Secondary Organic Aerosol Production across World-wide Megacities and Its Impact on Mortality, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, Washington DC/USA, 10.-14.12.2018
- Nault B.A., Campuzano-Jost P., Day D.A., Schroder J.C., Blake D.R., Canagaratna M.R., de Gouw J.A., Flocke F., Fried A., Gilman J., Hanisco T.F., Huey L.G., Jobson B.T., Kuster W., Lefer B., Liao J., Montzka D.D., Pollack I.B., Peischl J., Rappenglueck B., Roberts J.M., Ryerson T.B., Stutz J., Weibring P., Weinheimer A.J., Wood E.C., Jimenez J.L. (2018): Quantification of the Rapid Photochemical Secondary Organic Aerosol Production Observed across Megacities around the World, 10th International Aerosol Conference (IAC 2018), 02.-07.09.2018, St. Louis MO/USA.
- Rappenglück B., Osibanjo O., Retama A., Jaimes-Palomera M. (2018): The severe ozone smog episode in Mexico-City in March 2016, EGU Joint Assembly, Vienna/Austria, 08.-13.04.2018.
- Davidson J., Rappenglück B., Wood L. (2018): Hurricane Harvey and its associated intense rainfall in the Houston area, EGU Joint Assembly, Vienna/Austria, 08.-13.04.2018.
- Li X., Rappenglück B. (2018): Nighttime Ozone Bias and Vertical Diffusion in Air Quality Modeling: Example Southeast Texas, EGU Joint Assembly, Vienna/Austria, 08.-13.04.2018.
- Osibanjo O.O., Rappenglück B., Retama A., Jaimes-Palomera M. (2018): Investigation of the Influence of Planetary Boundary Layer Evolution and Meteorology on Air Quality in Mexico City,, 1th National Workshop on Air Quality - National Space Research and Development Agency - Federal Ministry of Science and Technology, 13.-16.03.2018, Anyigba/Nigeria
- Osibanjo O.O., Rappenglück B., Retama A., Jaimes-Palomera M. (2018): Investigation of the Influence of Planetary Boundary Layer Evolution and Meteorology on Air Quality in Mexico City, 98th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 07.-11.01.2018, Austin TX/USA
- Caicedo V., Rappenglück B., Delgado R., Morris G.A., Toledo D., Santanello J.A., Demoz B., Lefer B.L. (2017): Boundary layer height determination and evolution using aerosol backscatter retrieval methods, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, New Orleans LA/USA, 11.-15.12.2017
- Rappenglück B., Osibanjo O., Retama A., Jaimes-Palomera M. (2017): Meteorological conditions leading to the severe ozone smog episode in Mexico-City in March 2016, 14th International Conference on Atmospheric Sciences and Application to Air Quality, Strasbourg/France, 29.-31.05.2017.
- Ackermann L., Rappenglück B., Ayoub M. (2017): Sources of Nitrous Acid, Formaldehyde, and Hydroxyl Radical in Doha, Qatar, EGU Joint Assembly, Vienna/Austria, 23.-28.04.2017.
- Cuchiara G.C., Rappenglück B., Rubio A.M., Lissi E., Gramsch E., Garreaud R.D. (2017): Modeling study of biomass burning plumes and their impact on urban air quality; a case study of Santiago de Chile, EGU Joint Assembly, Vienna/Austria, 23.-28.04.2017.
- Wu Y., Rappenglück B., Pour-Biazar A., Field R.A., Soltis J. (2017): Modeling winter ozone episodes near oil and natural gas fields in Wyoming, EGU Joint Assembly, Vienna/Austria, 23.-28.04.2017.
- Huntrieser H., Lichtenstern M., Scheibe M., Aufmhoff H., Schlager H., Heimerl K., Pucik T., Minikin A., Weinzierl B., Fütterer D., Pollack I.B., Peischl J., Ryerson T.B., Weinheimer A.J., Honomichl S., Ridley B.A., Hair J.W., Butler C.F., Schwartz M.J., Rappenglück B., Ackermann L., Pickering K.E., Cummings K.A., Biggerstaff M.I., Betten D.P., Barth M.C. (2016): The in-teraction between very deep convection and biomass burning plumes during DC3 and the impact on the UTLS region over the North Atlantic, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 12.-16.12.2016
- Wu Y., Pour Biazar A., Rappenglück B. (2016): Exploring Conditions Leading to Wintertime Ozone Episodes in Natural Gas Fields in Mountain Valleys, 15th Annual Community Modeling & Analysis System (CMAS) Conference, University at North Carolina at Chapel Hill NC/USA, 24-26.10.2016
- Rappenglück B. (2016): Interannual Variability and Trends of C2-C11 Non-Methane Hydrocarbons in a Subtropical Area close to the Gulf of Mexico, EGU Joint Assembly, Vienna/Austria, 17.-22.04.2016.
- Rappenglück B., Lubertino G. (2016): Traffic Emissions of Radical Precursors and Related Species as Observed and Modeled at an Urban Highway Junction in Houston/Texas, EGU Joint Assembly, Vienna/Austria, 17.-22.04.2016.
- Cuchiara G.C., Rappenglück B. (2016): Single-column model and large eddy simulation of the evening transition in the planetary boundary layer, EGU Joint Assembly, Vienna/Austria, 17.-22.04.2016.
- Huntrieser H., Lichtenstern M., Scheibe M., Aufmhoff H., Schlager H., Pucik T., Minikin A., Weinzierl B., Heimerl K., Fütterer D., Pollack I.B., Peischl J., Ryerson T.B., Weinheimer A.J., Honomichl S., Ridley B.A., Hair J.W., Butler C.F., Schwartz M.J., Rappenglück B., Ackermann L., Pickering K.E., Cummings K.A., Biggerstaff M.I., Betten D.P., Barth M.C. (2015): Injection of lightning-produced NOx, water vapour, wildfire emissions, and stratospheric air to the UT/LS as observed from DC3 measurements, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 14.-18.12.2015
- Hayes P.L., Ma P.K., Jimenez J.L., Carlton A.G., Baker K.R., Ahmadov R., Washenfelder R.A., Alvarez S., Rappenglück B., Gilman J.B., Kuster W.C., de Gouw J.A., Zotter P., H. Prévôt A.S., Szidat S., Kleindienst T.E., Offenberg J.H., Zhao Y., Robinson A.L. (2015): Modeling the formation and aging of secondary organic aerosols in the Los Angeles metropolitan region during the CalNex 2010 field campaign, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 14.-18.12.2015
- Blood P.G., Rappenglueck B., Wood L. (2015): The Optimization of the Weather Research and Forecast - Environmental Modeling System for a Southeast Texas Extreme Rainfall Event, National Weather Association National Conference, Oklahoma City, OK. 19.-22.10.2015
- Rappenglück B. (2015): Analysis of 10 Years online C2-C11 NMHC Measurements close to the Gulf of Mexico, EGU Joint Assembly, Vienna/Austria, 12.-17.04.2015.
- Rappenglück B., Czader B.H., Li X. (2015): Analysis of radicals, radical precursors and chemical transformations for Houston/Texas, EGU Joint Assembly, Vienna/Austria, 12.-17.04.2015.
- Czader B., Rappenglück B. (2015): 1,3-butadiene in urban and industrial areas and its role in photochemical processes, EGU Joint Assembly, Vienna/Austria, 12.-17.04.2015.
- Cuchiara G.C., Li X., Carvalho J., Rappenglück B. (2015): Intercomparison of planetary boundary layer parameterization and its impacts on surface ozone formation in the WRF/Chem model for a case study in Houston/Texas, EGU Joint Assembly, Vienna/Austria, 12.-17.04.2015.
- Spohn T.K., Rappenglück B. (2015): Tracking potential sources of peak ozone concentrations in the upper troposphere over the Arabian Gulf region,, EGU Joint Assembly, Vienna/Austria, 12.-17.04.2015.
- Rappenglück B., Ackermann L., Alvarez S., Golovko J., Buhr M., Hauze B., Scott A., Risch D., Wilkerson G., Bush D., Stoeckenius T., Keslar C. (2015): Analysis of Strong Wintertime Ozone Events in an Area of Extensive Oil and Gas Extraction, EGU Joint Assembly, Vienna/Austria, 12.-17.04.2015.
- Shelton J., Rappenglück B., Blood P., Alvarez S., Shauck M. (2015): Transport of industrial plumes in the Greater Houston area on the morning of November 3rd, 2009, Texas Air Quality Meeting, University of Texas – Austin, 10.04.2015.
- Cuchiara G.C., Li X., Carvalho J., Rappenglück B. (2015): Intercomparison of planetary boundary layer parameterization and its impacts on surface ozone formation in the WRF/Chem model for a case study in Houston/Texas, Texas Air Quality Meeting, University of Texas – Austin, 10.04.2015.
- Czader B., Rappenglück B. (2014): Evaluation of emission inventory of 1,3-butadiene for urban, regional and industrial areas in south-east Texas, 13th Annual Community Modeling & Analysis System (CMAS) Conference, University at North Carolina at Chapel Hill NC/USA, 27-29.10.2014
- Rappenglück B., Ackermann L., Alvarez S., Golovko J., Buhr M., Hauze B., Scott A., Risch D., Wilkerson G., Bush D., Stoeckenius T., Keslar C. (2014): Strong Wintertime Ozone Events in the Upper Green River Basin, Wyoming, 13th Annual Community Modeling & Analysis System (CMAS) Conference, University at North Carolina at Chapel Hill NC/USA, 27-29.10.2014
- Rappenglück B., Lubertino G., Alvarez S., Golovko J., Czader B.H., Ackermann L.. (2014): Radical Precursors and Related Species from Traffic as Observed and Modeled at an Urban Highway Junction, 13th Annual Community Modeling & Analysis System (CMAS) Conference, University at North Carolina at Chapel Hill NC/USA, 27-29.10.2014
- Hayes P.L., Jimenez J.L., Ahmadov R., McKeen S.A., Washenfelder R.A., Alvarez S., Rappenglück B., Holloway J.S., Gilman J.B., Kuster W.C., de Gouw J.A., Zotter P., Prévôt A.S.H., Kleindienst T.E., Offenberg J.H., Hennigan C.J., Robinson A.L., Carlton A.G. (2014): Modeling the formation and aging of secondary organic aerosols in the Los Angeles Metropolitan Re-gion, 97th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, 01-05.06.2014, Vancouver/B.C., Canada.
- Shalaby A., Rappenglueck B., Solmon F., Eltahir E.A.B. (2014): Severe Dust Storms Over the Arabian Peninsula: Observations and Modeling, EGU Joint Assembly, Vienna/Austria, 27.04.-02.05.2014.
- Rappenglück B., Ackermann L., Alvarez S., Golovko J., Buhr M., Hauze B., Scott A., Risch D., Wilkerson G., Bush D., Stoeckenius T., Keslar C. (2014): Analysis of High Wintertime Ozone Events in the Upper Green River Basin, Wyoming, 94th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 02.-06.02.2014, Atlanta GA/USA
- Huntrieser H., Barth M., Pickering K.E., Lichtenstern M., Weinzierl B., Puco D.J., Scheibe M., Aufmhoff H., Rappenglück B., Ackermann L., Schlager H., Heimerl K., Fütterer D. (2013): Elevated O3 in fresh and aged lightning-NOx plumes interacting with biomass burning plumes over Central U.S. during DC3, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 09.-13.12.2013, [invited]
- Ortega A.M., Palm B.P., Hayes P.L., Day D.A., Cubison M.J., Brune W.H., Hu W.W., Flynn J.H., Grossberg N., Lefer B.L., Alvarez S., Rappenglück B., Bon D., Graus M., Warneke C., Gilman J., Kuster W., de Gouw J., Jimenez J.L. (2013): Real-Time Observations of Secondary Aerosol Formation and Aging from Different Emission Sources and Environments, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 09.-13.12.2013
- Pinto J.P., Dibb J.E.; Stutz J.; Tsai J.Y., Ren X., Wood E.C., Zhang R., Lee B.H.K.; Levy M.E.;Rappenglueck B., Lefer B.L., Oakes M.M., Olaguer E. (2013): Nitrous Acid: Intercomparison of techniques and Implications of measurements for photochemistry, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 09.-13.12.2013
- Tonnesen G., Baker K., Sarwar G., Rappenglück B. (2013): Winter Ozone Formation Sensitivity to Surface Albedo, Heterogeneous Chemistry and Precursor Emissions, 12th Annual Community Modeling & Analysis System (CMAS) Conference, University at North Carolina at Chapel Hill NC/USA, 28-30.10.2013
- Rappenglück B., Ackermann L., Alvarez S., Golovko J., Buhr M., Hauze B., Scott A., Risch D., Wilkerson G., Bush D., Stoeckenius T., Keslar C. (2013): Strong Wintertime Ozone Events in the Upper Green River Basin, Wyoming, 12th International Conference on Atmospheric Sciences and Applications to Air Quality, Seoul/Korea, 03.-05.06.2013.
- Czader B., Li. X., Rappenglück B. (2013): Air Quality Modeling Study of Ozone Radical Precursors in Houston, American Geophysical Union, Spring Meeting, Cancun/Mexico, 14.-17.05.2013.
- Cuchiara G., Rappenglück B. (2013): Intercomparison of planetary boundary layer parameterizations in the WRF Model for a case study in Houston/Texas, American Geophysical Union, Spring Meeting, Cancun/Mexico, 14.-17.05.2013.
- Rappenglück B., Ackermann L., Alvarez S., Golovko J., Buhr M., Hauze B., Scott A., Risch D., Wilkerson G., Bush D., Stoeckenius T., Keslar C. (2013): Strong Wintertime Ozone Events in the Upper Green River Basin, Wyoming, EGU Joint Assembly, Vienna/Austria, 08.-12.04.2013.
- Huntrieser H., Lichtenstern M., Minikin A., Pucik T., Scheibe M., Aufmhoff H., Roiger A., Rappenglück B., Ackermann L., and H. Schlager (2013): DC3 Highlights from the Perspective of the German Falcon aircraft, 93th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 06 - 10.01.2013,Austin TX/USA
- Spychala M.D., Morris G.A., Lefer B., Rappenglueck B., Cohan D.S., Zhou W.. (2012): Using Tropospheric Ozone Profiles and Surface Data (2004 - 2012) to Determine Background Ozone Levels in Houston, Texas, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 03.-07.12.2012
- Hayes P.L., Ortega A.M., Ahmadov R., McKeen S.A., Washenfelder R.A., Alvarez S., Rappenglück B., Holloway J.S., Gilman J.B., Kuster W.C., de Gouw J.A., Zotter P., Prévôt A.S.H., Jimenez J.L. (2012): Modeling the Formation and Aging of Secondary Organic Aerosols during CalNex 2010, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 03.-07.12.2012
- Rappenglueck B., Ackermann L., Alvarez S., Golovko J., Buhr M., Hauze B., Scott A., Risch D., Wilkerson G., Bush D., Stoeckenius T., Keslar C. (2012): Strong Wintertime Ozone Events in the Upper Green River Basin, Wyoming, Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, Toronto/Canada, 27. - 31.08.2012
- Rappenglueck B., Alvarez S., Golovko J., Lubertino G., Czader B.H., Ackermann L. (2012): Emissions of Radical Precursors and Related Species from Traffic in Houston, Texas - Implications for Air Quality Modeling, 20thS. EPA International Emission Inventory Conference, 13 - 16.08.2012, Tampa FL/USA
- Golam S., Chen S., Henderson B., Fahey K., Gilliam R. Pouliot G., Czader B., Rappenglueck B. (2012): Simulation of atmospheric oxidation capacity in Houston, Texas, 32nd NATO/SPS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application, 7- 11.05.2013, Utrecht/The Netherlands
- Rappenglueck B., Alvarez S., Golovko J., Lubertino G., Czader B.H., Ackermann L. (2012): Emissions of Radical Precursors and Related Species from Traffic in Houston, Texas - Implications for Air Quality Modeling, 92th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 22 - 26.01.2012,New Orleans LA/USA
- Golovko J., Rappenglueck B., Jobson T. (2012): Volatile hydrocarbon compounds in Houston air during SHARP 2009 campaign, 92th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 22 - 26.01.2012,New Orleans LA/USA
- Czader B., Li X., Rappenglueck B. (2012): SHARP 2009: CMAQ modeling and analysis of chemical transformation, 92th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 22 - 26.01.2012,New Orleans LA/USA
- Alvarez S.L., Rappenglueck B.,. Golovko J. (2012): Estimating primary and secondary production of Formaldehyde in Houston based on aircraft and ground-based measurements during SHARP, 92th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 22 - 26.01.2012,New Orleans LA/USA
- Ngan F., Cheng F.-Y., Kim H.C., Rappenglueck B.,. Byun D. (2012): The Use of high resolution satellite-based land surface input data in regional meteorological modeling over Southeastern Texas, 92th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 22 - 26.01.2012,New Orleans LA/USA
- Kim H.C., Ngan F., Rappenglueck B.,. Lee P. Saylor R., Byun D.W. (2012): Impact of Meteorological Variability on Regional Air Quality, Using 5-Year UH-AQF (2006-2010), 92th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 22 - 26.01.2012,New Orleans LA/USA
- Lefer B.L., Stutz J., Dibb J., Brune W., Ren X., Haman C., Rappenglueck B., Flynn J.H. (2012): Role of HONO in Houston Air Quality, 92th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 22 - 26.01.2012,New Orleans LA/USA
- Lefer B.L., Stutz J., Dibb J., Brune W., Ren X., Haman C., Rappenglueck B., Flynn J.H. (2012): Advances in Understanding Texas Air Quality, 92th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 22 - 26.01.2012,New Orleans LA/USA
- Cai C., Kelly J.T., Kaduwela A., Avise J., Jackson B., Yin D., Gurer K., Baker K.R., Oetjen H., Baidar S., Volkamer R., Ryerson T., Pollack I., Holloway J., Gilman J., Kuster B., Warneke C., de Gouw J., Lefer B., Alvarez S., Rappenglueck B.,. Markovic M.Z., VandenBoer T.C., Murphy J.G., Weber R., Guha A., Gentner D., Goldstein A., McCauley E., Parrish (2011): Photochemical Air-Quality Simulations over California for the CalNex 2010 Field Study Period, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 05.-09.12.2011
- Hansen R.F., Griffith S., Dusanter S., Stevens P.S., Gilman J.B., Graus M., Kuster W., Veres P., de Gouw J.A., Warneke C., Alvarez S.L., Flynn J.H., Grossberg N., Lefer B., Rappenglueck B. (2011): Measurements of Total Hydroxyl Radical Reactivity during the CalNex-LA 2010 Field Campaign, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 05.-09.12.2011
- Griffith S., Hansen R., Dusanter S., Stevens P.S., Gilman J.B., Kuster W., Veres P., Graus M., Young C., Washenfelder R., Brown S.S., Flynn J.H., Alvarez S.L., Grossberg N., Lefer B., Rappenglueck B., Mielke L., Osthoff H., Warneke, de Gouw J.A. (2011): Hydroxyl and Hydroperoxy Chemistry at the CalNex-LA-2010 Site: Measurements and Modeling, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 05.-09.12.2011
- Hayes P.L., Ortega A.M., Cubison M.J., Hu W., Toohey D.W., Flynn J.H., Grossberg N., Lefer B.L., Alvarez S., Rappenglück B., Allan J.D., Taylor J., Holloway J.S., Gilman J.B., Kuster W.C., de Gouw J.A., Massoli P., Zhang X., Weber R.J., Zhao Y., Cliff S.S., Wexler A.S., Isaacman G., Worton D.R., Kreisberg N.M., Hering S.V., Goldstein A.H., Jimenez J.L. (2011): Aerosol Composition in the Los Angeles Basin Studied by High Resolution Aerosol Mass Spectrometry, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 05.-09.12.2011
- Newman S., Jeong S., Fisher M.L., Xu X., Guerney K.R., Alvarez S., Rappenglueck B., Haman C., Lefer B., Miller C.E., Yung Y.L. (2011): CO2 emissions from the Los Angeles basin during spring of 2010 – measurements vs. model, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 05.-09.12.2011
- Gillman J.B., Kuster W.C., Bon D., Warneke C., Lerner B.M., Williams E.J., Holloway J.S., Pollack I.B., Ryerson T.B., Atlas E.L., Blake D.R., Herndon S.C., Zahniser M.S., Vlasenko A., Li S.M., Alvarez S., Rappenglueck B., Flynn J., Grossberg N., Lefer B., de Gouw J.A. (2011): Characterizing the chemical evolution of air masses via multi-platform measurements of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) during CalNEX: Composition, OH reactivity, and potential SOA formation, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 05.-09.12.2011
- Ngan F., Kim H.C., Byun D., Lee P., Kim S., Cheng F.-Y., Lee D., Rappenglueck B. (2011): Performance Assessment of Five-year East Texas Air Quality Forecasting System (ETAQ), 10th Annual Community Modeling & Analysis System (CMAS) Conference, University at North Carolina at Chapel Hill NC/USA, 24-26.10.2011
- Czader B.H., Li X., Rappenglueck B. (2011): CMAQ modeling of Houston airshed and comparison with the Moody Tower super site measured data for SHARP 2009 episodes, 10th Annual Community Modeling & Analysis System (CMAS) Conference, University at North Carolina at Chapel Hill NC/USA, 24-26.10.2011
- Ródenas M., Muñoz A., Alacreu F., Dorn H-P., Brauers T., Kleffmann J., Mikuška P., Večeřa Z., Häseler R., Ye C., Ruth A., Dixneuf S., Venables D., Darby S., Chen J., Ashu-ayem E., Elshorbany Y., Voigt C., Jessberger P., Kaufmann S., Schäuble D., Mel-louki A., Cazaunau M., Grosselin B., Colomb A., Michoud V., Miet K., Ball S., Daniels M., Goodall I., Tan D., Stickel R., Case A., Rappenglück B., Croxatto G., Percival C., Bacak A., Mcguillen M., Dibb J., Scheuer E., Zhou X., Ferm M., Varma R., Pilling M., Clemente E., Porras R., Vera T., Vázquez M., Borrás E., Valero J., Bloss W. (2010), Formal Intercomparisons of Observations of Nitrous Acid (FIONA), NATO-Advanced Research Workship (ARW), Gdansk/Poland, 09-13.10.2011
- Hayes P.L., Ortega A.M., Cubison M.J., Hu W., Toohey D.W., Flynn J.H., Grossberg N., Lefer B.L., Alvarez S., Rappenglück B., Allan J.D., Holloway J.S., Massoli P., Froyd K.D., Murphy S.M., Liu J., Weber R.J., Corrigan A., Russell L.M., Jimenez J.L. (2011): Aerosol composition in Los Angeles during the 2010 CalNex campaign studied by high resolution aerosol mass spectrometry, American Association for Aerosol Research 30th Annual Meeting, Orlando/FL, USA, 3.-7.10.2011
- Hayes P.L., Ortega A.M., Cubison M.J., Hu W., Toohey D.W., Flynn J.H., Grossberg N., Lefer B.L., Alvarez S., Rappenglück B., Allan J.D., Holloway J.S., Massoli P., Froyd K.D., Murphy S.M., Liu J., Weber R.J., Jimenez J.L. (2011): Aerosol composition in Los Angeles during the 2010 CalNex campaign studied by high resolution aerosol mass spectrometry, American Chemical Society, Fall Meeting, Denver CO/USA, 28.08.-01.09.2011
- Ortega A.M., Cubison M.J., Hayes P.L., Brune W.H., Hu W., Flynn J.H., Grossberg N., Lefer B.L., Alvarez S., Rappenglück B., Welsh-Bon D., Graus M., Warneke C., Gilman J., Kuster B., de Gouw J., Sullivan A.P., Jimenez J.L. (2011): Real-time measurements from a photooxidation flow reactor using high-resolution aerosol mass spectrometry from FLAME-3 and CalNex-LA, American Chemical Society, Fall Meeting, Denver CO/USA, 28.08.-01.09.2011
- Young C.J., Washenfelder R.A., Brown S.S., Gilman J.B., Kuster W.C., Veres P., Roberts J.M., Flynn J., Grossberg N., Lefer B., Alvarez S., Rappenglueck B., Griffith S., Dusanter S., Stevens P., Mielke L.H., Osthoff H.D., Cochran A.K., Pikelnaya O., Tsai C., Stutz J., Afif C., Michoud V., Doussin J.F., Borbon A. (2011): Importance of nitrous acid to the urban Los Angeles radical budget, American Chemical Society, Fall Meeting, Denver CO/USA, 28.08.-01.09.2011
- Hayes P.L., Ortega A.M., Cubison M.J., Hu W., Toohey D.W., Flynn J.H., Grossberg N., Lefer B.L., Alvarez S., Rappenglück B., Allan J.D., Taylor J., Holloway J.S., Gilman J.B., Kuster W.C., de Gouw J.A., Massoli P., Jimenez J.L. (2011): Aerosol composition in the Los Angeles Basin studied by high resolution aerosol mass spectrometry, Gordon Research Conference - Atmospheric Chemistry, West Dover/VT, USA, 24-29.07.2011
- Hayes P.L., Ortega A.M., Cubison M.J., Hu W., Toohey D.W., Flynn J.H., Grossberg N., Lefer B.L., Alvarez S., Rappenglück B., Allan J.D., Taylor J., Holloway J.S., Gilman J.B., Kuster W.C., de Gouw J.A., Massoli P., Jimenez J.L. (2011): Aerosol composition in the Los Angeles Basin studied by high resolution aerosol mass spectrometry, Atmospheric Chemistry Colloquium for Emerging Senior Scientists (ACCESS), Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton/NY, USA, 21-24.07.2011
- Czader B., Li X., Rappenglueck B., Byun D.W. (2011), Air Quality Modeling Study of Ozone Radical Precursors in Houston, EGU Joint Assembly, Vienna/Austria, 03.-09.04.2011
- Rappenglueck B., Alvarez S., Golovko J., Lubertino G., Czader B.H., Ackermann L., Fuller R., Pedemonte P. (2011), Emissions of Radical Precursors and Related Species from Urban Highway Traffic in Houston, Texas - Implications for Air Quality Modeling, EGU Joint Assembly, Vienna/Austria, 03.-09.04.2011
- Morris G., Lefer B., Rappenglueck B., Haman C., Boxe C., Hersey S., Byun D., Thouret V., Cammas J.P., Johnson B., Oltmans S. (2011), Ozone profile observations in Houston, Texas (1994 - 2010) from aircraft, balloons, and satellites, EGU Joint Assembly, Vienna/Austria,03.-09.04.2011
- Ródenas M., Muñoz A., Alacreu F., Dorn H-P., Brauers T., Kleffmann J., Mikuška P., Večeřa Z., Häseler R., Ye C., Ruth A., Dixneuf S., Venables D., Darby S., Chen J., Ashu-ayem E., Elshorbany Y., Voigt C., Jessberger P., Kaufmann S., Schäuble D., Mel-louki A., Cazaunau M., Grosselin B., Colomb A., Michoud V., Miet K., Ball S., Daniels M., Goodall I., Tan D., Stickel R., Case A., Rappenglück B., Croxatto G., Percival C., Bacak A., Mcguillen M., Dibb J., Scheuer E., Zhou X., Ferm M., Varma R., Pilling M., Clemente E., Porras R., Vera T., Vázquez M., Borrás E., Valero J., Bloss W. (2011), The FIONA campaign (EUPHORE): Formal Intercomparison of Observations of Nitrous Acid, EGU Joint Assembly, Vienna/Austria,03.-09.04.2011
- Rappenglueck B., Alvarez S.L., Golovko J., Lubertino G., Eom I.Y., Ackermann L., Shnitzler A., Fuller R., Pedemonte L. (2011): Emissions of radical precursors and related species from urban highway traffic, 13th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, 91th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 24 - 27.01.2011, Seattle WA/USA
- Czader B., Rappenglueck B., Isukapalli S.S., Tang X., Georgopoulos P.G. (2011): CMAQ and dispersion modeling of 1,3-butadiene for the Houston-Galveston Area, 13th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, 91th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 24 - 27.01.2011, Seattle WA/USA
- Czader B., Li X., Rappenglueck B., Byun D.W. (2011): CMAQ Modeling of SHARP 2009 Episodes, 13th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, 91th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 24 - 27.01.2011, Seattle WA/USA
- Golovko J., Rappenglueck B. (2011): Measurements of radical precursors at the western edge of the Houston Ship Channel during SHARP 2009, 13th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, 91th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 24 - 27.01.2011, Seattle WA/USA
- Wilmot C.-S., Li X., Rappenglueck B. (2011): Evaluating WRF model atmospheric boundary layer simulations for a coastal region in Southeast Texas, 13th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, 91th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 24 - 27.01.2011, Seattle WA/USA
- Ren X., van Duin D., Cazorla M., Chen S., Brune W.H., Flynn J., Lefer B., Rappenglueck B., Dibb J., Wong C., Tsai C. Stutz J., Jobson T. (2010): Radical budget and ozone production in Houston, TX during SHARP 2009, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 13.-17.12.2010
- Boeke N., Marshall J., Alvarez S., Chance K., Fried A., Kurosu T.P., Rappenglueck B., Richter D., Walega J., Weibring P., Millet D.B. (2010): Formaldehyde columns from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument: Urban versus background levels and evaluation using aircraft data and a global model, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 13.-17.12.2010
- Pinto J.P., Meng Q., Dibb J.E., Lefer B.L., Rappenglueck B., Ren X., Stutz J., Zhang R. (2010): Intercomparison of Nitrous Acid (HONO) Measurement Techniques during SHARP, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 13.-17.12.2010
- Rappenglueck B. (2010): Seasonal and Interannual Trends of Volatile Organic Compounds in a Subtropical Area close to the Gulf of Mexico in the Time Frame 2003-2010, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 13.-17.12.2010
- Lefer B.L., Brune W.H., Collins D.R., Dibb J.E., Griffin R.J., Herndon S.C., Huey L.G., Jobson B.T., Luke W.T., Mellqvist J., Morris G.A., Mount G.H., North S.W., Olaguer E.P., Rappenglueck B., Ren X., Stutz J., Yu X., Zhang R. (2010): Overview and Major Findings of the Study of Houston Atmospheric Radical Precursors (SHARP) Campaign, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 13.-17.12.2010
- Morris G.A., Lefer B.L., Rappenglueck B., Haman C.L., Taylor M., Schoeberl M.R. (2010): Source Attribution of Ozone in Southeast Texas Before and After the Deepwater Horizon Accident Using Satellite, Sonde, Surface Monitor, and Air Mass Trajectory Data, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 13.-17.12.2010
- Taylor M.E., Rappenglueck B., Thompson A.M., Morris G.A., Lefer B.L., Haman C., Flynn J.H., Klich C. (2010): Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange Over Houston, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 13.-17.12.2010
- Flynn J.H., Lefer B.L., Rappenglueck B., Luke W.T., Huey L.G., Dibb J.E., Jobson B.T. (2010): Cloud Impacts on Photolysis and Ozone Production Rates in Urban Southeast Texas, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 13.-17.12.2010
- Golovko J., Rappenglueck B., Jobson B.T. (2010): Hydrogen peroxide and methylhydroperoxide variations in Houston urban air during May 2009, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 13.-17.12.2010
- Mellqvist J., Johansson J., Samuelsson J., Offerle B., Rappenglueck B. (2010): Investigation of VOC radical sources in the Houston Area by the Solar Occultation Flux (SOF) method and Mobile DOAS, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 13.-17.12.2010
- Newman S., Alvarez S., Rappenglueck B., Miller C.E., Yung Y.L. (2010): CO and CO2 Diurnal Cycles during CalNex-LA, 15 May -16 June, 2010, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 13.-17.12.2010
- Hayes P.L., Ortega A.M., Cubison M., Hu W., Toohey D.W., Flynn J.H., Grossberg N., Lefer B.L., Alvarez S., Rappenglueck B., Allan J.D., McKeen S.A., Holloway J.S., Gilman J.B., Kuster W.C., Graus M., Warneke C., De Gouw J.A., Richter R., Hofer J., Prevot A.S., Jimenez J.L (2010): Aerosol Composition in Los Angeles During the 2010 CalNex Campaign Studied by High Resolution Aerosol Mass Spectrometry, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 13.-17.12.2010
- Ródenas M., Muñoz A., Alacreu F., Dorn H-P., Brauers T., Kleffmann J., Mikuška P., Večeřa Z., Häseler R., Ye C., Ruth A., Dixneuf S., Venables D., Darby S., Chen J., Ashu-ayem E., Elshorbany Y., Voigt C., Jessberger P., Kaufmann S., Schäuble D., Mel-louki A., Cazaunau M., Grosselin B., Colomb A., Michoud V., Miet K., Ball S., Daniels M., Goodall I., Tan D., Stickel R., Case A., Rappenglück B., Croxatto G., Percival C., Bacak A., Mcguillen M., Dibb J., Scheuer E., Zhou X., Ferm M., Varma R., Pilling M., Clemente E., Porras R., Vera T., Vázquez M., Borrás E., Valero J., Bloss W. (2010), Formal Intercomparisons of Observations of Nitrous Acid (FIONA), Atmospheric Chemical Mechanisms Conference, University of California Davis, 6-10.12.2010
- Czader B.H., Rappenglück B., Byun D.W., Ngan F., Kim S. (2010): Simulations of nitrous acid for the Houston metropolitan area and comparison with data from the Texas Air Quality Study 2006, Atmospheric Chemical Mechanisms Conference, University of California Davis, 6-10.12.2010
- Young C.J., Washenfelder R.A., Brown S.S., Gilman J.B., Kuster W.C., Flynn J., Grossberg N., Lefer B., Alvarez S., Rappenglueck B., Griffith S., Dusante S., Stevens P. (2010): Contribution of nitrous acid to the radical budget in urban Los Angeles, Atmospheric Chemical Mechanisms Conference, University of California Davis, 6-10.12.2010
- Rappenglueck B., Alvarez S., Golovko J., Ackermann L., Fuller R. (2010): Traffic related emissions of HONO, Atmospheric Chemical Mechanisms Conference, University of California Davis, 6-10.12.2010
- Czader B.H., Rappenglueck B., Kim S., Byun D. (2010): Modeling the impact of ozone-alkene reactions on formaldehyde concentrations during the Texas Air Quality Study 2006, 9th Annual Community Modeling & Analysis System (CMAS) Conference, University at North Carolina at Chapel Hill NC/USA, 11-13.10.2010, abstract available at [http://www.cmascenter.org/conference/2010/agenda.cfm]
- Byun D.W., Ngan F., Kim H.-C., Lee D., Pierce B., Kondragunta S., Rappenglueck B., Czader B., Lee P., Saylor R., McQueen J., Mathur R., Stajner I., Davidson P. (2010): Effects of Incremental Reduction of Input Uncertainties to improve Air Quality Forecasting, 31st NATO/SPS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application, 27.9.- 01.10.2010, Torino/Italy
- Boeke N., Rappengluck B., Fried A., Marshall J., Millet D.B. (2010): Satellite-derived NO2 and HCHO: Comparison to In Situ Measurement and Application to Air Quality Management, Joint Conference of International-Society-of-Exposure-Science/International-Society-for-Environmental-Epidemiology, Seoul/South Korea, 28.8.-01.09.2010, abstract available in:Epidemiology, 22 (1), Supplement: S, S263-S263, DOI: 10.1097/01.ede.0000392503.45570.34, Published: JAN 2011
- Taylor M.E., Morris G., Lefer B.L., Rappenglueck B., Haman C., Flynn J.H. (2010): SHARP climatology and its impact on ozone profiles, 12th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, 90th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 17 - 21.01.2010, Atlanta GA/USA
- Salimol T., Rappenglueck B., Stutz J., Ren X., Lee B., Zheng J., Dibb J. (2010): Comparison of Nitrous Acid Measurement Methods during the SHARP Campaign in Houston, 12th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, 90th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 17 - 21.01.2010, Atlanta GA/USA
- Ren X., Rajendran A., Rappenglueck B., Lefer B., Golovko J., Flynn J. (2010): Measurement of HONO Flux using Relaxed Eddy Accumulation during SHARP, 12th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, 90th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 17 - 21.01.2010, Atlanta GA/USA
- Rappenglück B., Alvarez S., Golovko J., Eom I.-Y., Ackermann L., Shnitzler A., Fuller R., Pedemonte L. (2010): Traffic related emissions of HONO and HCHO in Houston, TX, 12th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, 90th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 17 - 21.01.2010, Atlanta GA/USA
- Rappenglück B., Alvarez S., Czader B.H., Buhr M., Estes M., Schauck M.E. (2010): Analysis of an Industrial Plume in Texas City, TX, 12th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, 90th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 17 - 21.01.2010, Atlanta GA/USA
- Olaguer E.P., Lefer B., Rappenglueck B., Pinto J.P. (2010): Scientific and Policy Motivations behind the Study of Houston Atmospheric Radical Precursors (SHARP) Field Experiment, 12th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, 90th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 17 - 21.01.2010, Atlanta GA/USA
- Ngan F., Byun D., Rappenglück B., Biazar A. (2010): Improved air quality simulations through the use of GOES-derived cloud data for the TexAQS-II intensive study period, 12th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, 90th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 17 - 21.01.2010, Atlanta GA/USA
- Mellqvist J.M., Johansson J. Samuelsson J. Offerle B., Rappenglueck B., Fuller R., Wilmot C.-S. (2010): SOF and mobile DOAS measurements during TEXAQS 2009, 12th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, 90th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 17 - 21.01.2010, Atlanta GA/USA
- Lefer B.L., Rappenglueck B., Olaguer E.P., Brune W., Stutz J., Dibb J.E., Ren X., Herndon S.C., Jobson T.B., Mount G., Yu X.Y., Griffin R., Thomas S., Shauck M., Huey L.G., Zhang R., Jimenez J.L.. (2010): First Results of the Study of Houston Atmospheric Radical Precursors (SHARP), 12th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, 90th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 17 - 21.01.2010, Atlanta GA/USA
- Haman C., Lefer B.L., Taylor M.E., Morris G., Rappenglueck B. (2010): Comparison of Mixing Heights using Radiosondes and the Vaisala CL31 Mixing Height Algorithm, 12th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, 90th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society 17 - 21.01.2010, Atlanta GA/USA
- Haman C., Lefer B., Taylor M.E., Morris G., Flynn J.H., Rappenglueck B. (2010): Overview of the Meteorological Conditions on High Ozone Days during SHARP, 12th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, 90th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 17 - 21.01.2010, Atlanta GA/USA
- Golovko J., and Rappenglück B. (2010): Analysis of ambient measuremements of Formaldehyde, PANs, and CO at the eastern part of Houston during TexAQS SHARP 2009, 12th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, 90th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 17 - 21.01.2010, Atlanta GA/USA
- Czader B.H, Rappenglück B., Kim S., Byun D.W. (2010): Modeling Formaldehyde Sources in the Houston-Galveston Area During the Texas Air Quality Study 2006, 12th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, 90th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society 17 - 21.01.2010, Atlanta GA/USA
- Czader B.H, and Rappenglück B. (2010): Simulations of Nitrous Acid for the Houston metropolitan area and comparison with data from the Texas Air Quality Study 2006, 12th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, 90th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 17 - 21.01.2010, Atlanta GA/USA
- Brooks S., Luke W., Cohen M., Kelly P., Rappenglueck B., Lefer B., Golovko J. (2010): Airborne Mercury Speciation at the Western Edge of the Houston Ship Channel, TEXAQS 2009 SHARP study, 12th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, 90th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 17 - 21.01.2010, Atlanta GA/USA
- Alvarez S., Rappenglück B., Buhr M., Shauck M.E. (2010): Overview of aircraft-based measurements in support of SHARP, FLAIR, and TRENF campaigns, 12th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, 90th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 17 - 21.01.2010, Atlanta GA/USA
- Olaguer E.P., Lefer B., Rappenglück B., Pinto J.P. (2009): Observations of Radical Precursors during TexAQS II: Findings and Implications, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 14.-18.12.2009
- Baumgardner D., Grutter M., Allan J., Ochoa C., Rappenglueck B., Russell L.M. (2009): Evolution of Anthropogenic Pollution at the Top of the Regional Mixed Layer of the Central Mexico Plateau, Joint Assembly MOCA-09, 19 - 29.07.2009, Montréal/Canada
- Leuchner M., Rappenglück B. (2009): VOC Source – Receptor Relationships in Houston during TexAQS-II, EGU Joint Assembly, Vienna/Austria, 19. - 24.04.2009
- Baumgardner D., Grutter M., Allan J., Ochoa C., Rappenglueck B., Russell L.M. (2009): Evolution of Anthropogenic Pollution at the Top of the Regional Mixed Layer of the Central Mexico Plateau, EGU Joint Assembly, Vienna/Austria, 19. - 24.04.2009
- Rappenglück B. (2009): Analysis of urban online VOC Data in Houston, Texas, 11th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, 89th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 11 - 15.01.2009, Phoenix AZ/USA
- Thompson A.M., Luzik A.M., Miller S.K., Witter J.C., Morris G.A., Oltmans S.J., Tarasick D., Rappenglueck B. (2009): Urban ozone over North American from soundings: Mixed influences from pollution, stratosphere, lightning and convection, 11th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, 89th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 11 - 15.01.2009, Phoenix AZ/USA
- Chen S., Ren X., Mao J., Chen Z., Brune W.H., Lefer B., Rappenglueck B., Flynn J., Olson J. Crawford J.H. (2008): A Comparison of Chemical Mechanisms Based on TRAMP-2006 Field Data, presented at the American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 15.-19.12.2008
- Thompson A.M., Miller S.K. , Yorks J.E., Dougherty K.M., Joseph E., Rappenglueck B., Morris G.A. (2008): Insights into Urban Ozone Pollution from Ozone Soundings: Beltsville (MD), Houston and IONS (INTEX Ozonesonde Network Study, 2004 & 2006), 7th Annual Community Modeling & Analysis System (CMAS) Conference, University at North Carolina at Chapel Hill NC/USA, 06-08.10.2008
- Rappenglueck B., Lefer B., Byun D., Atkinson D., Brooks S., Brune W., Dibb J., Griffin R., Luke W., Stutz J. (2008): The TexAQS II Radical and Aerosol Measurement Project (TRAMP), presented at EGU Joint Assembly, Vienna/Austria, 13. - 18.04.2008
- Thompson A.M., Yorks J.E., Miller S.K., Witte J.C., Dougherty K.M., Morris G.A., Baumgardner D., Ladino L., Rappenglueck B. (2008): Ozone profiles over Mexico City and Houston during MILAGRO/Intercontinental Transport Experiment (INTEX-B) Ozonesonde Network Study, 2006 (IONS-06): Stratospheric, lightning and pollution signals in the troposphere, presented at EGU Joint Assembly, Vienna/Austria, 13. - 18.04.2008
- Ziemba L.D., Griffin R.J., Dibb J.E., Anderson C.H., Whitlow S.I., Lefer B., Flynn J., Rappenglück B. (2008): Interaction of Gas-Phase Nitric Acid and Primary Organic Aerosol in the Atmosphere of Houston, TX, presented at the Invited Expert Workshop “Nitrous acid: Tropospheric Chemistry, Measurement Methods and Future Directions”, Bergische Universität Wuppertal (BUW), Wuppertal/Germany, 03. – 05.03., 2008
- Stutz J., Oh H.-J., Pikelnaya O., Lefer B., Flynn J., Rappenglück B. (2008): Influence of vertical mixing on the distribution of trace gases during the 2006 TRAMP experiment in Houston, TX, presented at the 10th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, 88th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 20 - 24.01.2008, New Orleans LA/USA
- Rappenglück B., Steinbrecher R., Forkel R., Allan J., Russell L., Grutter M., Baumgardner D. (2008): Analysis of the Mexico City Urban Plume at Altzomoni Site at 4.000 m a.s.l., presented at the 10th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, 88th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 20 - 24.01.2008, New Orleans LA/USA
- Rappenglück B., Byun D., Czader B., Kim S., Leuchner M., Schmitt R. (2008): Comparative Analysis of PAN data at the Moody Tower and the Aldine site during TexAQS II, presented at the 10th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, 88th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 20 - 24.01.2008, New Orleans LA/USA
- Rappenglück B., Byun D., Alvarez S., Buhr M., Coarfa V., Czader B., Dasgupta P., Estes M., Kauffman L., Kim S., Leuchner M., Luke W., Shauck M., Zanin G. (2008): Analysis of Primary vs. Secondary Fraction of Formaldehyde in the Houston Area during TexAQS-II, presented at the 10th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, 88th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 20 - 24.01.2008, New Orleans LA/USA
- Rappenglück B., Byun D., Alvarez S., Boudreaux R., Buhr M., Cheng F.Y., Clements C., Fuller R., Flynn J., Kauffman L., Lefer B., Leuchner M., Luke W., McEvoy-Day B., Morris G., Ngan F., Pedemonte L., Perna R., Shauck M., Zanin G. (2008): The Vertical Mixing Experiment during TexAQS II, presented at the 10th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, 88th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 20 - 24.01.2008, New Orleans LA/USA
- Perna R., Rappenglück B., Zhong S. (2008): An insight into the vertical structure of the atmosphere during TEXAQS-II: Understanding the effect of the upper-level meteorology on Houston’s surface ozone levels, presented at the 10th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, 88th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 20 - 24.01.2008, New Orleans LA/USA
- Leuchner M. and Rappenglück B. (2008): Relationships between specific VOC fingerprints and ratios of peroxyacylnitrate (PAN) compounds in Houston, TX during TexAQS II, presented at the 10th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, 88th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 20 - 24.01.2008, New Orleans LA/USA
- Leuchner M. and Rappenglück B. (2008): Receptor Modeling of C2 - C10 VOCs in Houston, TX during TexAQS II, presented at the 10th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, 88th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 20 - 24.01.2008, New Orleans LA/USA
- Lefer B., Rappenglück B., Flynn J., Luke W., Clements C. (2008): Photochemical and meteorological conditions the 2006 TexAQS II Radical and Aerosol Measurement Project (TRAMP), presented at the 10th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, 88th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 20 - 24.01.2008, New Orleans LA/USA
- Ford B., Morris G., Li X., Rappenglueck B., Byun D., Lefer B., Perna R., Boudreaux R., McEvoy-Day B., Pedemonte L., Thompson E. (2008): The impact of residual layer ozone on surface ozone levels in Houston, Texas during TexAQS II, presented at the 10th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, 88th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 20 - 24.01.2008, New Orleans LA/USA
- Flynn J., Lefer B., Rappenglueck B., Leuchner M., Olson J., Chen G., Brune W., Ren X., Mao J., Luke W., Dibb J, Stutz J. (2008): Impact of clouds and aerosols on photochemistry during the TexAQS II Radical and Aerosol Measurement Project (TRAMP), presented at the 10th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, 88th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 20 - 24.01.2008, New Orleans LA/USA
- Day B., Clements B., Rappenglück B. (2008): Nocturnal Boundary Layer Evolution in Houston during the TexAQS II Campaign, presented at the 10th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, 88th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 20 - 24.01.2008, New Orleans LA/USA
- Clements C., Rappenglück B., Perna R., Day B., Patel M., Lefer B., Morris G. (2008): Evolution and Structure of the Urban Boundary Layer in Houston during the TexAQS II Field Campaign, presented at the 10th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, 88th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 20 - 24.01.2008, New Orleans LA/USA
- Brooks S., Luke W., Cohen M., Kelly P., Rappenglueck B., Lefer B. (2008): Airborne Mercury Speciation at the on the Moody Tower, University of Houston 2006 TRAMP study, presented at the 10th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, 88th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 20 - 24.01.2008, New Orleans LA/USA
- Ziemba L.D., Griffin R.J., Dibb J.E. , Anderson C.H., Whitlow S.I., Lefer B., Flynn J., Rappenglück B. (2007): Interaction of Gas-Phase Nitric Acid and Primary Organic Aerosol in the Atmosphere of Houston, TX, presented at the American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 10.-14.12.2007
- Stutz J., Flynn C.J., Lefer B., Rappenglück B., Brune B., Dibb J., Grifin R. (2007): Urban pollution in the nocturnal boundary layer: Chemical processing and vertical transport, invited talk, presented at the American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 10.-14.12.2007
- Rappenglück B., Byun D., Alvarez S., Buhr M., Coarfa V., Czader B., Dasgupta P., Estes M., Kauffman L., Kim S., Leuchner M., Luke W., Shauck M., Zanin G. (2007): In-situ Ground-Based and Airborne Formaldehyde Measurements in the Houston Area During TexAQS-II, presented at the American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 10.-14.12.2007
- Pacsi S., Rappenglück B. (2007): Analysis of Nitrogen Dioxide and Sulphur Dioxide in Lima, Peru: Trends and Seasonal Variations, presented at the American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 10.-14.12.2007
- Morris G.A., Thompson A.M., Perna R., Yorks J., Osterman G., Rappenglueck B., Lefer B., Boudreaux R., Chow A., Ford B., Thompson E., Hersey S. (2007): Construction and analysis of an ozone profile climateology over Houston, Texas, presented at the American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 10.-14.12.2007
- Mao J., Ren X., Chen S., Chen Z., Brune W., Leuchner M., Flynn J., Rappenglück B., Lefer B. (2007): Measurement of OH, HO2 and OH reactivity during Houston 2006, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 10.-14.12.2007
- Leuchner M. and Rappenglück B. (2007): VOC Source Apportionment in Houston, TX, during TexAQS II, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 10.-14.12.2007
- Lefer B., Rappenglück B., Flynn J., Haman C., Luke W. (2007): Photochemical and meteorological conditions the 2006 TexAQS II Radical and Aerosol Measurement Project (TRAMP), American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 10.-14.12.2007
- Ladino L., Baumgardner D., Hernandez A., Grutter M., Thompson A., Johnson J., Oltmans S., Morris G., Lefer B., Rappenglueck B. (2007): Tropospheric ozone production from lightning, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 10.-14.12.2007
- Flynn J., Lefer B., Rappenglueck B., Leuchner M., Olson J., Chen G. (2007): Impact of clouds and aerosols on photochemistry during the TexAQS II Radical and Aerosol Measurement Project (TRAMP), American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 10.-14.12.2007
- Dougherty M., Thompson A.M., Witte J.C., Miller S.K., Oltmans S.J., Cooper O.R., Tarasick D.W., Chatfield R.B., Taubman B.F., Joseph E., Baumgardner D., Merrill J.T., Morris G.A., Rappenglueck B., Lefer B., Forbes G., Newchurch M. J., Schmidlin F.J., Pierce R.B., Leblanc T., Dubey M., Minschwaner K. (2007): North American Tropospheric Ozone Profiles from IONS (INTEX Ozonesonde Network Study, 2004, 2006): Ozone Budgets, Pollution Statistics, Satellite Retrievals, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 10.-14.12.2007
- Day B., Clements B., Rappenglück B. (2007): Observations of the Nocturnal Boundary Layer and Morning Transitional Periods in Houston, Texas during the TexAQS II Campaign, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 10.-14.12.2007
- Czader B., Rappenglück B., Byun D., Kim S., Leuchner M., Schmitt R. (2007): CMAQ Analysis of PAN Data at the Moody Tower and the Aldine Site During TexAQS II, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 10.-14.12.2007
- Cooper O.R., Trainer M., Thompson A.M., Oltmans S.J., Tarasick D.W., Witte J.C., Stohl A., Eckhardt S., Merrill J.T., Newchurch M.J., Johnson B.J., Kalnajs L., Dubey M.K., Leblanc T., McDermid I.S., Forbes G., Wolfe D., Lelieveld J., Carey-Smith T., Morris G.A., Lefer B., Rappenglück B., Joseph E., Schmidlin F., Ravishankara A., Meagher J., Fehsenfeld F.C., Keating T.J., Van Curen R.A. (2007): Conclusive in situ evidence that the east-ern North America upper tropospheric ozone maximum is a recurring summertime feature, presented at the American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 10.-14.12.2007
- Coarfa V.F., Rappenglück B., Leuchner M., Estes M., Byun D. (2007): A Study of the Source-Receptor Relationship Using the BTEX Ratios in the Houston Area, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 10.-14.12.2007
- Byun D., Rappenglück B., Lefer B. (2007): Preliminary Evaluation of Air Quality Model Performance Utilizing Measurements at the University of Houston Moody Tower and others during the TexAQS-II, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 10.-14.12.2007
- Ziemba L.D., Griffin R.J., Anderson C.H., Dibb J.E., Whitlow S.I., Lefer B., Flynn J., Rappenglück B. (2007): Interaction of Gas-Phase Nitric Acid and Primary Organic Aerosol in the Atmosphere of Houston, TX, presented at the American Association for Aerosol Research 26th Annual Meeting, Reno/NV, USA, 24.-28.09.2007
- Day B., Clements B., Rappenglück B. (2007): Nocturnal Boundary Layer Evolution in Houston during the TexAQS II Campaign, presented at the 7th Conference on Coastal Atmospheric and Oceanic Prediction and Processes joint with the 7th Symposium on the Urban Environment, San Diego CA/USA, 10-13.09.2007
- Rappenglueck B., Steinbrecher R., Forkel R., Allan J., Russell J., Grutter M., Baumgardner D. (2007): Analysis of the Mexico City Urban Plume at Altzomoni Site at 4.000 m a.s.l., presented at the American Geophysical Union, Spring Meeting, Acapulco/Mexico, 22.-27.05.2007
- Thompson A.M., Witte J.C., Kucsera T.C., Yorks J.E., Millar S.K., Long R.B., Taubman B.F., Loucks A.L., Oltmans S.J., Cooper O.R., Lefer B.L., Rappenglueck B., Morris G.A., Ladino L., Hernandez A., Baumgardner D.G., Grutter M., Joseph E., Merrill J.T., Newchurch M.J. (2007): Insights into Mega-City ozone pollution from the IONS (INTEX Ozonesondes Network Study, 2004 and 2006) Ozonesonde Network, presented at the American Geophysical Union, Spring Meeting, Acapulco/Mexico, 22.-27.05.2007
- Grutter M., Basaldud R., Hernandez A., Baumgardner D., Steinbrecher R., Rappenglueck B., Retama A. (2007): Trace gas measurements at the Altzomoni site (4000 masl) near Mexico City, presented at the American Geophysical Union, Spring Meeting, Acapulco/Mexico, 22.-27.05.2007
- Grutter M., Baumgardner D., Allen J., Steinbrecher R., Rappenglueck B. (2007): Transporte de la contaminación atmosférica observado desde una estación de altura en Altzomoni, Parque Nacional Izta-Popo, presented at the VI Simposio de Contaminación Atmosférica, El Colegio Nacional, Mexico-City/Mexico, 18.04.2007
- Forkel R., Klemm O., Graus M., Rappenglück B., Stockwell W.R., Grabmer W., Held A., Hansel A., Steinbrecher R. (2006): Modelling Studies With a Coupled Canopy Atmospheric Chemistry Emission Model on Trace Gas Exchange and Gas Phase Chemistry in a Norway Spruce Forest, invited talk, presented at the American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 11.-15.12.2006
- Perna R., Zhong S., Morris G., Rappenglueck B., Lefer B., Boudreaux R., Clements C., Day B., Fuller R., Hersey S., Morris B., Patel M., Pedemonte L., Leuchner M., Flynn J., Shaulis B., Guerrero P., Onakpoya B., Jang M., Lee D., Street S., Yao W. (2006): Insights into Houston air quality from rawinsonde and ozonesonde data, presented at the American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 11.-15.12.2006
- Rappenglück B., Steinbrecher R., Grutter M., Baumgardner D. (2006): Air masses from Mexico City as observed at Altzomoni Site at 4.000 m a.s.l., presented at the American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 11.-15.12.2006
- Leuchner M. and Rappenglück B. (2006): Analysis of VOC, PAN, and Formaldehyde Measurements at the Moody Tower Site during TexAQS II, presented at the American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 11.-15.12.2006
- Baumgardner D., Raga G., Grutter M., Allan J., Rappenglueck B., Steinbrecher R., Russell L. (2006): Evaluation of the Physical, Chemical and Optical Properties of Atmospheric Particles Transported through the Cortes Pass, MILAGRO Workshop, Boulder CO/USA, 23.-25.10.2006
- Czader B., Byun D.W., Kim S., Percell P., Rappenglück B., Carter W.P.L. (2006): A Study of the Dependence of VOC Reactivity on Environmental Conditions in the Houston – Galveston Area, presented at the 5th annual Community Modeling & Analysis System (CMAS) Conference, University at North Carolina at Chapel Hill NC/USA, 16-18.10.2006
- Helmig D., Barrie L., Bottenheim J, Brenninkmeijer C.A.M., Oram D., Plass-Duelmer C., Lewis A., Nickovic S., Penkett S., Pollmann J., Rappenglueck B., Reiman S., Steinbrecher R., Tans P. (2006): The World Meteorological Organization Global Atmospheric Watch (WMO/GAW) Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Network, ESRL Global Monitoring Annual Review, Boulder CO/USA, 26.-27.04.2006
- Tyndall G., Apel E., Williams E., Flocke F., Cohen R., Gilge S., Kim S., Mills G., O’Brien J., Perring A., Rappenglueck B., Roberts J., Schmitt R., Swanson A., Tanimoto H. Woodridge P. (2005): PIE 2005: An intercomparison of measurement techniques for peroxyacyl nitrates (PANs), American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 05.-09.12.2005
- Rappenglück B., Bauerfeind M., Huntrieser H., Lichtenstern M., Roiger A., Schlager H. (2005): Airborne Measurements of CO and Hydrocarbons over Western Europe During ICARTT-ITOP, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 05.-09.12.2005
- Steinbrecher R., Graus M., Hansel A., Wisthaler A., Lindinger Ch., Forkel R., Hauff K., Klauer M., Pfichner A., Rappenglück B., Steigner D. (2005): Isoprenoid Fluxes of Norway Spruce Forests in Europe: Results from Field and Modeling Studies in Germany and Finland, presented at the ACCENT Symposium The Changing Chemical Climate of the Atmosphere, Urbino/Italy, 12.-16.09.2005
- Klemm O., Held A., Forkel R., Gasche R., Kanther H.-J., Rappenglück B., Steinbrecher R., Müller K., Plewka A., Cojocariu C., Kreuzwieser J., Valverde-Canossa J., Moortgat G.K., Graus M., Hansel A. (2005): Experiments on forest/atmosphere exchange: Climatology and fluxes during two summer campaigns in North-East Bavaria, presented at the ACCENT Symposium The Changing Chemical Climate of the Atmosphere, Urbino/Italy, 12.-16.09.2005
- Rappenglück B., Bauerfeind M., Huntrieser H., Lichtenstern M., Roiger A., Schlager H. (2005): Preliminary Results from CO and Hydrocarbon Canister Samplings Aboard the DLR Falcon During ICARTT-ITOP, presented at the EGU Joint Assembly, Vienna/Austria, 24. - 29.04.2005
- Wisthaler A., Grabmer W., Graus M., Lindinger C., Rappenglück B., Steinbrecher R., Hansel A. (2004): Disjunct Eddy Covariance Measurements of Monoterpene Fluxes From a Norway Spruce Forest Using Proton-Transfer-Reaction Mass Spectrometry, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 13.-17.12.2004
- Steinbrecher R., Rappenglück B., Habram M., Mohnen V. (2004): VOC in the GAW-Network, TFMM-Workshop on the Implementation of the EMEP Monitoring Strategy, Oslo/Norway, 22 -24.11.2004
- Plass-Dülmer Ch., Rappenglück B., Steinbrecher R., Solberg S., Schmidbauer N. (2004): VOC Measurements in GAW and EMEP, WMO/GAW Expert Workshop on the Quality and Applications of European GAW Measurements, Tutzing/Germany, - 05.11.2004
- Rappenglück B., Apel E., Bauerfeind M., Bottenheim J., Brickell P., Cavolka P., Cech J., Gatti L., Hakola H., Honzak J., Junek R., Noone C., Martin D., Plass-Dülmer Ch., Travers D., Wang T. (2004): The first VOC Intercomparison Exercise within the Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW), WMO/GAW Expert Workshop on the Quality and Applications of European GAW Measurements, Tutzing/Germany, - 05.11.2004
- Steinbrecher R., Rappenglück B., Grote R., Forkel R., Smiatek G., Steigner D., Zimmer I., Mayrhofer S., Staudt M., Noe S., Giersch Ch., Graus M., Lindinger Ch., Grabmer W., Wisthaler A., Hansel A. (2004): Emissions of selected VOC from forests: Improvement and validation of emission models, Deutsch – Österreichisch – Schweizerische – Meteorologen – Tagung (Meeting of the German, Austrian and Swiss Meteorologists), Karlsruhe,/Germany, 07.-10.09.2004
- Rappenglück B., Apel E., Bauerfeind M., Bottenheim J., Brickell P., Cavolka P., Cech J., Gatti L., Hakola H., Honzak J., Junek R., Noone C., Martin D., Plass-Dülmer Ch., Travers D., Wang T. (2004): The first VOC Intercalibration Exercise within the Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW), presented at the 8th IGAC Conference, Christchurch/New Zealand, 04. - 09.09.2004
- Rappenglück B., Schmitz R., Bauerfeind M., Cereceda-Balic F., v. Baer D., Silva Y., Oyola P. (2004): The contribution of VOCs to the formation of ozone and secondary organic aerosols in the urban plume of Santiago de Chile, presented at the Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, Kos/Greece, 01. - 08.06.2004
- Mannschreck K., Rudolf W., Enders G., Rappenglück B., Scheel H.E., Wiedensohler A. (2004): Quality Assurance/Science Activity Centre Germany as part of WMO/GAW: Overview on Structure and Responsibilities, CMDL Annual Meeting, Boulder CO/USA, 16.-17.05.2004
- Grabmer W., Graus M., Wisthaler A., Hansel A., Rappenglueck B., Steigner D., Zuurbier R., Steinbrecher R. (2004): Disjunct Eddy Covariant flux measurements with PTR-MS during the BEWA field campaign, Gordon Conference Biogenic Hydrocarbons & The Atmosphere, Il Ciocco, Barga/Italy, 02 - 07.05.2004
- Valverde-Canossa J., Ganzeveld L., Klemm O., Moortgat G.K., Steinbrecher R., Rappenglück B., Schuster G. (2004): First Measurements of H2O2 and Organic Peroxide Surface Fluxes by the Relaxed Eddy Accumulation Technique, presented at the AFO2000-Statusseminar, Bad Tölz/Germany, 22.-24.03.2004
- Steinbrecher R., Rappenglück B., Gasche R., Steigner D., Forkel R., Smiatek G., Graus M., Lindinger Ch., Grabmer W., Wisthaler A., Hansel A (2004): Emissions from selected VOC from forests: Improvement and valisdation of emission models, presented at the AFO2000-Statusseminar, Bad Tölz/Germany, 22.-24.03.2004
- Smiatek G., Forkel R., Rappenglück B., Steinbrecher R., Held A., Hansel A., Graus M. (2004): Determination of the Regional BVOC Emissions, presented at the AFO2000-Statusseminar, Bad Tölz/Germany, 22.-24.03.2004
- Forkel R., Rappenglück B., Steinbrecher R., Klemm O., Hansel A., Graus M. (2004): A Model to Describe Chemical Transformations of Biogenic VOC and Canopy Fluxes: A Contribution to Improve the Quantification of Biogenic VOC Emissions, presented at the AFO2000-Statusseminar, Bad Tölz/Germany, 22.-24.03.2004
- Rappenglück B., Steinbrecher R., Plewka A., Böge O., Herrmann H. (2004): Investigations on the atmospheric degradation of biogenic VOCs: Determination of typical oxidation products in forest ecosystems, presented at the AFO2000-Statusseminar, Bad Tölz/Germany, 22.-24.03.2004
- Grabmer W., Graus M., Lindinger Ch., Wisthaler A., Hansel A., Rappenglück B., Steigner D., Zuurbier R., Steinbrecher R. (2004): Disjunct Eddy Covariant flux measurements with PTR-MS during BEWA 2002, presented at the 68st Meeting of Physicists of the German Physical Society (DPG), Munich, Germany, 22.-26.03.2004
- Forkel R., Smiatek G., Hernandez F., Iniestra R., Rappenglück B., Steinbrecher R. (2004): Numerical Simulations of Ozone Level Scenarios for Mexico City, presented at the 6st Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry: Air Quality in Megacities, 84st Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, Seattle WA/USA, 11 - 15.01.2004
- Rappenglück B., Schmitz R., Bauerfeind M., Cereceda-Balic F., von Baer D., Silva Y., Rubio M.A., Lissi E., Oyola P. (2004): An Urban Photochemistry Study in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago de Chile, presented at the 6st Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry: Air Quality in Megacities, 84st Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, Seattle WA/USA, 11 - 15.01.2004
- Steinbrecher R., Rappenglück B., Steigner D., Hansel A., Graus M., Lindinger Ch. (2003): Fluxes of Primary and Secondary Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds (BVOC) During the BEWA Field Experiments, presented at the American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 8.-12.12.2003
- Forkel R., Rappenglück B., Steinbrecher R. (2003): Simulation of BVOC Fluxes and Chemical Transformations with a One-dimensional Canopy Chemistry Model for the BEWA Campaigns, presented at the American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 8.-12.12.2003
- Rappenglück B. (2003): VOC Measurements: Quality Control, invited lecture at the 5th GAWTEC Course organized by the Global Atmosphere Watch – Training and Education Center of the WMO, Umweltforschungsstation Schneefernerhaus – Zugspitze, Germany, 03.07.2003
- Rappenglück B. (2003): VOC Measurements: Sampling, invited lecture at the 5th GAWTEC Course organized by the Global Atmosphere Watch – Training and Education Center of the WMO, Umweltforschungsstation Schneefernerhaus – Zugspitze, Germany, 03.07.2003
- Steigner D., Steinbrecher R., Rappenglück B., Gasche R., Hansel A., Graus M., Lindinger Ch. (2003): Emissions of selected VOC from forests: first results on measurements needed for improvement and validation of emission models, presented at the EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nizza/Frankreich, 06. - 11.04.2003
- Rappenglück B. and the BEWA2000 Team (BEWA2000 Team: Steinbrecher R., Barnes I., Forkel R., Giersch Ch.,. Hampp R., Herrmann H., Klemm O., Kreuzwieser J., Mohnen V., Moortgat G., Müller K., Rappenglück B., Rennenberg H., Schnitzler J.-P., Smiatek G., Weitz A., Zimmer W.) (2003): Regional biogenic emissions of reactive volatile organic compounds (BVOC) from forests: first results on process studies, modelling and validation experiments (BEWA2000), presented at the EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nizza/Frankreich, 06. - 11.04.2003
- Steinbrecher R., Junkermann W., Zuurbier R., Steigner D., Rappenglück B., Burger J., Schaab G. (2003): Biodiversity of the Kakamega Forest in Kenya and the impact of increasing pressure through population: A new technique for assessing area averaged change in trace gas exchange between ecosystems and the atmosphere, presented at the 16th Annual Meeting of the Society for Ecology of the Tropics (GTÖ), Rostock/Germany, 19.-22.02.2003
- Rappenglück B. (2002): World Calibration Center for VOC (WCC-VOC), a new Facility for the GAW-Programme, presented at the American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA/USA, 5.-10.12.2002
- Forster C., Stohl A., Huntrieser H., Cooper O., Eckhardt S., James P., Heland J., Mannstein H., Schlager H., Rappenglück B., Junkermann W., Arnold F., Aufmhoff H., Wilhelm S., Spichtinger N., Wernli H. (2002): A chemical characterization of North American pollutant plumes over Europe and a 15-year climatology of warm conveyor belt transport, EMEP/German/US EPA Workshop I, Hemispheric Air Pollution, Bad Breisig/Germany, 07.-09.10.2002
- Steigner D., Steinbrecher R., Rappenglück B., Gasche R., Hansel A., Graus M., Lindinger Ch. (2002): Emissions of selected VOC from forests: First results on measurements needed for improvement and validation of emission models, presented at the AFO2000-Statusseminar, Schliersee/Germany, 07.-09.10.2002
- Rappenglück B., Hofmann D., Steigner D., Plewka A., Steinbrecher R., Herrmann H. (2002): Investigations on the Atmospheric Degradation of Biogenic VOCs: Determination of Typical Oxidation Products in Forest Ecosystems, presented at the AFO2000-Statusseminar, Schliersee/Germany, 7.-9.10.2002
- Stohl A., Huntrieser H., Cooper O., Eckhardt S., Forster C., James P., Heland J., Mannstein H., Schlager H., Junkermann W., Rappenglück B., Arnold F., Aufmhoff H., Wilhelm S. (2002): A chemical characterisation of North American pollutant plumes over Europe and a 15-year climatology of global warm conveyor belt transport, presented at the 10th Scientific Conference of the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (IAMAS), Commission for Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution (CACGP), 7th Scientific Conference of the International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Project (IGAC), Hersonissos-Heraklion/Greece, 18.-25.09.2002
- Rappenglück B., Kourtidis K., Mihalopoulos N., Melas D., Schmitt R., Rapsomanikis S., Fabian P., Zerefos C. (2002): Observations of photochemically relevant species on the island of Crete, Greece, presented at the 10th Scientific Conference of the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (IAMAS), Commission for Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution (CACGP), 7th Scientific Conference of the International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Project (IGAC), Hersonissos-Heraklion/Greece, 18.-25.09.2002
- Steinbrecher R., Barnes I., Forkel R., Giersch Ch., Hansel A., Hampp R., Herrmann H., Klemm O., Kreuzwieser J., Mohnen V., Moortgat G., Rennenberg H., Rappenglück B., Rennenberg H., Schnitzler J.-P., Smiatek G., Weitz A., Zimmer W. (2002): Regional biogenic emissions of reactive volatile organic compounds from forests (BEWA2000): First results from model, process, and validation studies based on laboratory and field conditions (in German), presented at the BMBF-Tagung “Bedeutung der Wechselwirkungen Biosphäre/Atmospäre für die Nachhaltige Nutzung der Biospäre und den Klimaschutz“, Bonn/Germany, 16.09.-17. 09.2002
- Steinbrecher R., Barnes I., Forkel R., Giersch Ch., Hampp R., Herrmann H., Klemm O., Kreuzwieser J., Mohnen V., Moortgat G., Müller K., Rappenglück B., Rennenberg H., Schnitzler J.-P., Smiatek G., Weitz A., Zimmer W. (2002): Regional biogenic emissions of reactive volatile organic compounds (BVOC) from forests: Process studies, modeling and validation experiments (BEWA2000), presented at the Gordon Research Conferences “Biogenic Hydrocarbons and the Atmosphere”, Oxford/UK, 01.-06.09.2002
- Rappenglück B. (2002): World Calibration Center for VOC (WCC-VOC), invited lecture at the 3th GAWTEC Course organized by the Global Atmosphere Watch – Training and Education Center of the WMO, Umweltforschungsstation Schneefernerhaus – Zugspitze, Germany, 24.06.2002
- Rappenglück B. (2002): VOC: Quality assurance, invited lecture at the 3th GAWTEC Course organized by the Global Atmosphere Watch – Training and Education Center of the WMO, Umweltforschungsstation Schneefernerhaus – Zugspitze, Germany, 19.06.2002
- Rappenglück B. (2002): Flask sampling, invited lecture at the 3th GAWTEC Course organized by the Global Atmosphere Watch – Training and Education Center of the WMO, Umweltforschungsstation Schneefernerhaus – Zugspitze, Germany, 19.06.2002
- Rappenglück B., Gilles U. (2002): VOC: Sampling and measurement techniques, invited lecture at the 3th GAWTEC Course organized by the Global Atmosphere Watch – Training and Education Center of the WMO, Umweltforschungsstation Schneefernerhaus – Zugspitze, Germany, 19.06.2002
- Rappenglück B. (2002): VOC: Chemistry and emissions, invited lecture at the 3th GAWTEC Course organized by the Global Atmosphere Watch – Training and Education Center of the WMO, Umweltforschungsstation Schneefernerhaus – Zugspitze, Germany, 19.06.2002
- Rappenglück B. (2002): World Calibration Center for VOC (WCC-VOC), presented at RIGA 2002 - GAW Workshop for WMO RA VI (Europe) on Status and Trends of Global Atmosphere Watch, Riga/Latvia, 27.-30.05.2002
- Rappenglück B., Klauer M., Hauff K., Pfichner A., Steinbrecher R. (2002): A novel Relaxed-Eddy-Accumulation (REA) technique for the determination of BVOC-fluxes, presented at the 25th Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 12th Joint Conference on the Applications of Air Pollution Meteorology with A&WMA, 4th Symposium on the Urban Environment, Norfolk VA/USA, 20.-24.05.2002
- Steinbrecher R., Barnes I., Forkel R., Giersch Ch., Hampp R., Herrmann H., Klemm O., Kreuzwieser J., Mohnen V., Moortgat G., Müller K., Rappenglück B., Rennenberg H., Schnitzler J.-P., Seiler W., Smiatek G., Weitz A., Zimmer W. (2002): Regional Biogenic Emissions of Reactive Volatile Organic Compounds (BVOC) from Forests: Process Studies, Modelling and Validation Experiments (BEWA2000), presented at EUROTRAC Symp. ´02, Garmisch-Partenkirchen/Germany, 11.-15.03.2002
- Steinbrecher R., Junkermann W., Rappenglück B., Walsh M., Awiti A. (2001): Meteorology and surface fluxes of trace gases at the Kakamega Forest, Kenya: methods and first results, presented at the BIOLOG Status Seminar, Bonn/Germany, 6./7.12.2001
- Rappenglück B., Fabian P., Kourtidis K., Zerefos C., Mihalopoulos N., Melas D., Schmitt R., Rapsomanikis S. (2001): Long range transport and photochemistry in the Eastern Mediterranean (in German), Deutsch – Österreichisch – Schweizerische – Meteorologen - Tagung (Meeting of the German, Austrian and Swiss Meteorologists) , Vienna/Austria, 18.-21.09.2001
- Rappenglück B., Forster C., Jakobi G., Pesch M (2001): Analysis of enhanced ozone and PAN concentrations in the nighttime boundary layer over the urban area of Berlin (in German), Deutsch – Österreichisch – Schweizerische – Meteorologen - Tagung (Meeting of the German, Austrian and Swiss Meteorologists) , Vienna/Austria, 18.-21.09.2001
- Spanier U., Rappenglück B., Werner H., Fabian P. (2001): Investigations of ethylene emissions in a forest (in German), presented at the Deutsch – Österreichisch – Schweizerische – Meteorologen – Tagung (Meeting of the German, Austrian and Swiss Meteorologists) , Vienna/Austria, 18.-21.09.2001
- Rappenglück B., Jakobi G., Fabian P., Pesch M., Reimer E. (2001): Enhanced levels of PAN and ozone in the nighttime boundary layer over Berlin, Germany, presented at the Millenium Symposium on Atmospheric Chemistry, 81st Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 14 - 19.01.2001, Albuquerque NM/USA
- Rappenglück B., Melas D., Fabian P. (2001): Long range transport of trace gases observed on Crete, Greece, presented at the Millenium Symposium on Atmospheric Chemistry, 81st Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 14 - 19.01.2001, Albuquerque NM/USA
- Fabian P., Rappenglück B., Stohl A., Werner H., Schlager H., Stock P., Berresheim H., Elste T., Kaminski U., Koepke P., Reuder J. (2000): Boundary layer photochemistry under total solar eclipse conditions, presented at the Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, Sapporo/Japan, 03. - 08.07.2000
- Rappenglück B., Oyola P., Olaeta I., Schmitt R., Fabian P. (2000): Photochemical smog in Santiago de Chile, presented at the Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, Sapporo/Japan, 03. - 08.07.2000
- Rappenglück B., Jakobi,G., Fabian P. (2000): Photochemical processes in the urban plume of Berlin, Germany, presented at the Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, Sapporo/Japan, 03. - 08.07.2000
- Rappenglück, Jakobi G., Pesch M. (2000): Air Quality Studies in the Conurbation of Berlin, presented at the TFS-Workshop, Bonn/Germany, 28. - 29.06.2000
- Konrad S., Pätz H.W., Hofzumahaus A., Holland F., Rohrer F., Bäumle M., Kurtenbach R., Rappenglück B., Volz-Thomas A. (2000): Comparison of OH Radical estimates from VOC decay in the Berlin Plume with direct measurements by LIF, presented at the European Geophysical Society (EGS) XXV General Assembly, Nice/France, 25. - 29.04.2000
- Rappenglück B., Fabian P. (2000): Observations of Hydrocarbons in the Urban Plume of Munich, presented at the European Geophysical Society (EGS) XXV General Assembly, Nice/France, 25. - 29.04.2000
- Rappenglück B., Jakobi G., Fabian P. (2000): Comparison of O3 and PAN measurements during BERLIOZ, presented at the European Geophysical Society (EGS) XXV General Assembly, Nice/France, 25. - 29.04.2000
- Rappenglück B., Reitmayer H., Fabian P. (2000): On the use of manned H2 gas ballooning in boundary layer studies (in German), presented at METTOOLS IV - Fourth Conference on Environmental Meteorology of the German Meteorological Society, Universität-Stuttgart, 03-05.04.2000, 58-60
- Wieprecht W., Möller D., Kalaß D., Acker K., Slemr F., Lörzer J., Kurtenbach R., Rappenglück B., Lohrmann B., Dubois R., Lammel G. (1999): NOwhat - A problem for the BERLIOZ modelling? (Comparison of NOx and NOy measurements by photolytic gold and molybdenum converters), presented at the PIPAPO/BERLIOZ Workshop, Varese/Italy, 13-16.12.1999
- Konrad S., Hofzumahaus A., Holland F., Rohrer F., Schäfer J., Volz-Thomas A., Kurtenbach R., Rappenglück B. (1999): Comparison of OH Radical estimates from VOC decay in the Berlin Plume with direct measurements by LIF, presented at the PIPAPO/BERLIOZ Workshop, Varese/Italy, 13-16.12.1999
- Rappenglück B., Jakobi G., Fabian P. (1999): Comparison of O3 and PAN measurements during BERLIOZ, presented at the PIPAPO/BERLIOZ Workshop, Varese/Italy, 13-16.12.1999
- Rappenglück B., Euskirchen J., Fabian P. (1999): On-line in-situ measurements in the boundary layer - manned hydrogen balloons as Quasi Langrange platforms, Atmosphärische Umweltforschung im Wandel, Berlin, 15.-17.11.1999
- Zerefos C., Kourtidis K., Balis D., Bais A., Blumthaler M., Rappenglück B., Fabian P., Schmitt R., Gobbi G.P., Rapsomanikis S., Gillotay D., Isaksen I., Melas D., Fiocco G., Di Sarra A. Pommereau J.-P., Mihalopoulos N., Herman J., Labow G., Thompson A., Cornwall C., De Luisi J., Tzortziou M. (1999): Overview of the first results from the PAUR II experiment, presented at the 5th European workshop on stratospheric ozone, Saint-Jean-de-Luz/France, 27.09. - 01.10.1999
- Rappenglück B., Euskirchen J., Fabian P. (1999): On-line in-situ measurements in the boundary layer - manned hydrogen balloons as Quasi Langrange platforms, presented at the 4th International Airborne Remote Sensing Conference and Exhibition, Ottawa/Canada, 21 -24.06.1999
- Konrad S., Fabian P., Gomez A., Großmann D., Houben N., Kurtenbach R., Lörzer J., Mihelcic D., Moortgat G., Müsgen P., Pätz H.W., Rappenglück B., Schmitz T., Volz-Thomas A. (1999): Decay of nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds in the plume of Berlin, presented at the European Geophysical Society (EGS) XXIV General Assembly, Den Haag/Netherlands, 19. -23.04.1999
- Rappenglück B., Oyola P., Olaeta I., Jakobi G., Fabian P. (1999): The urban plumes of Santiago de Chile and Berlin, presented at the European Geophysical Society (EGS) XXIV General Assembly, Den Haag/Netherlands, 19 -23.04.1999
- Zerefos, C.S., Fabian P., Isaksen I., Krueger B., Pommereau J.-P.,Hofzumahaus A., Bais A.F., Balis D.S., Berntsen T., Blumthaler M., Goutail F., Kosmidis E., Kourtidis K., Kraus A., Kylling A., Marenco F., Meleti C., Nunes-Pinharanda M., Papayannis A., Rappenglueck B., Santasecaria V., Schmitt R., Suppan P., Tourpali K., Ziomas I.C. (1998): Overview of results from the PAUR campaign, The European Conference on Atmospheric UV Radiation, Helsinki/Finnland, 29.06. – 02.07.1998
- Kourtidis K., Zerefos C., Tsiouri I., Schmitt R., Rappenglück B., Suppan P., Fabian P. (1998): Production and destruction rate of OH at an island and a suburban site in Greece during the 1996 PAUR campaign, European Geophysical Society (EGS) XXIII General Assembly, Nizza/Frankreich, 20. -24.04.1998
- Rappenglück B., Jakobi,G., Fabian P. (1998): Photochemical processes in the urban plume of Berlin in relationship to different VOC/NOx ratios: In-situ measurements aboard a free manned gas balloon and at selected ground-based sites (in German), presented at the TFS-Workshop, Mainz/Germany, 02. - 04.12.1998
- Rappenglück B., Oyola P., Olaeta I., Fabian P. (1998): Photochemical processes in the Metropolitan Area of Santiago de Chile, presented at the VIII National Meteorological Congress of the Mexican Meteorological Society, Veracrúz/Mexico, 28 -30.10.1998
- Rappenglück B., Oyola P., Olaeta I., Fabian P. (1998): Photochemical smog in Santiago de Chile - Relationships between the precursors NOx, CO, NMHC and the secondary compounds ozone and PAN (in German), presented at the Conference of the German Meteorological Society, Leipzig/Germany, 14 -18.09.1998
- Rappenglück B., Fabian P. (1998): Photochemical processes in the Greater Munich Area (in German), presented at the Conference of the German Meteorological Society, Leipzig/Germany, 14 -18.09.1998
- Zerefos, C.S., Fabian P., Isaksen I., Krueger B., Pommereau J.-P.,Hofzumahaus A., Bais A.F., Balis D.S., Berntsen T., Blumthaler M., Goutail F., Kosmidis E., Kourtidis K., Kraus A., Kylling A., Marenco F., Meleti C., Nunes-Pinharanda M., Papayannis A., Rappenglueck B., Santasecaria V., Schmitt R., Suppan P., Tourpali K., Ziomas I.C. (1998): Overview of results from the PAUR campaign, presented at the European Conference on Atmospheric UV Radiation, Helsinki/Finland, 29.06. – 02.07.1998
- Kourtidis K., Zerefos C., Tsiouri I., Schmitt R., Rappenglück B., Suppan P., Fabian P. (1998): Production and destruction rate of OH at an island and a suburban site in Greece during the 1996 PAUR campaign, presented at the European Geophysical Society (EGS) XXIII General Assembly, Nice, 20 -24.04.1998
- Rappenglück B., Oyola P., Olaeta I., Fabian P. (1998): Photochemical smog in Santiago de Chile - Relationships between NOx, CO, NMHC and secondary compounds ozone and PAN, presented at the European Geophysical Society (EGS) XXIII General Assembly, Nice/France, 20 -24.04.1998
- Rappenglück B., Fabian P. (1998): Observations of biogenic and anthropogenic NMHC in Athens during the PAUR campaign, presented at the European Geophysical Society (EGS) XXIII General Assembly, Nice/France, 20 -24.04.1998
- Rappenglück, Fabian P., Oyola P. (1998): On-Line GC-Measurements of Non Methane Hydrocarbons (NMHC) in Santiago de Chile, presented at the COLACRO VII (7th Latin-American Congress on Chromatography and Related Techniques, Águas de São Pedro/Brazil, 25 - 27.03.1998
- Rappenglück B., Oyola P., Olaeta I., Schmitt R., Fabian P. (1998): The evolution of photochemical smog in the Metropolitan Area of Santiago de Chile, presented at the 10th Joint Conference on the Applications of Air Pollution Meteorology with the Air and Waste Manag. Assoc., Phoenix AZ/USA, 11 - 16.01.1998
- Kourtidis K., Zerefos C., Balis D., Schmitt R., Rappenglück B., Suppan P., Fabian P. (1997): Production rate of OH at an island and a suburban site in Greece during the 1996 PAUR campaign, presented at the European Geophysical Society (EGS) XXII General Assembly, Vienna/Austria, 21.-25.04.1997
- Rappenglück B., Fabian P., Kalabokas P., Vyras L., Ziomas I. (1996): Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) and their contribution to the enhancement of photooxidants in the Greater Athens Area under Mediterranean climate conditions, presented at the 9th Joint Conference on the Applications of Air Pollution Meteorology with the Air and Waste Management Association, Atlanta GA/USA, 28.01.-02.02.1996
- Ziomas I., Rappenglück B., Kourtidis K., Balis D., Tzoumaka P. (1996): An improved emission inventory for Athens tested with the Urban Airshed Model, on phys.-chemical behaviour of atmospheric pollutants, Ispra/Var./Italien, 02. - 04.10.1996
- Fabian P., Suppan P., Rappenglück B., Ziomas I., Klemm O. (1996): The effect of the transportation sector on photochemical smog in Athens, International Mobile Sources/Clean Air Conference, München, 19.03.1996
- Fabian P., Suppan P., Rappenglück B., Ziomas I., Klemm O. (1995): Photochemical smog in the Athens Metropolitan Area, International Workshop on Pollution, Santiago, Chile, 07.11.1995
- Rappenglück B., Jakobi G., Fabian P., Kalabokas P., Vyras L., Ziomas I. (1995): VOC-Measurements in the urban areas of Munich and Athens, presented at the European Geophysical Society (EGS)- Conference, Hamburg/Germany, 07.04.1995
- Rappenglück B. (1993): New results of aromatic hydrocarbon measurements ("BTEX") in a forest area (in German), presented at the Second Meeting of the Biometeorological Committee of the German Meteorological Society (BIOMET), Freising-Weihenstephan/Germany, 20.-22.10.1993
- Rappenglück B. (1993): Quasi-continuous measurements of hydrocarbons (in German), presented at METTOOLS II - Second International Conference on Environmental Meteorology of the German Meteorological Society, Stuttgart-Hohenheim/Germany, 13.-17.09.1993
- Suppan P., Rappenglück B., Fabian P. (1992): Photooxidants in the urban area of Munich, Symp. on "Planning applications of urban and building climatology", Berlin, 14. - 15.10.1991
- Rappenglück B., Kourtidis K., Fabian P. (1991): Measurements of ozone and peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) in Munich, presented at the EUROTRAC Workshop & European Geophysical Society (EGS) Conference, Wiesbaden,/Germany 26.04.1991
- Kourtidis, K. A., Rappenglück B., Fabian P., Borchers R. (1990): Measurements of peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) and other photooxidants in the urban area of Munich: preliminary results. 10th Clean Air Conference, The Clean Air Society of Australia and New Zealand, Auckland/New Zealand