Dr. Snider Receives Honorary Membership in Golden Key International Honour Society

Exemplifies Organization’s Pillar of Academics

Golden KeyDr. Philip Snider, associate professor of biology and biochemistry, was honored by the Golden Key International Honor Society for his long and inspiring career at the University of Houston that spans six decades.

Golden Key is a global collegiate honor society, recognizing outstanding academic achievement with a commitment to unlocking each member’s potential through the three pillars: Academics, Leadership, and Service.

At their annual membership banquet held November 13, 2011, Snider was given Honorary Membership into Golden Key International Honour Society with a Certificate of Appreciation on behalf of the University of Houston Chapter. He was also the keynote speaker for the event.

In presentation of the award, Snider was recognized as a perfect example for upholding the pillar of Academics. He has had many career accomplishments that Golden Key finds to be rather extraordinary. He received his Master’s and Ph.D. in genetics at Harvard University in 1957 and spent four years at the University of California, Berkeley, before coming to UH in 1963.

At UH, he established a program in genetics and served as the director of The Honors College from 1965-1970. It is estimated that Snider has taught more than 40,000 undergraduate students in his classes during his 48 years at UH and has trained numerous graduate students to M.A., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in both biology and biochemistry.

Throughout the years, Snider has won several awards both nationally and internationally and continues to be an inspiration for all his students at UH.

Other well-known honorary members of Golden Key:

  • Ronald W. Reagan – Former President
  • William J. Clinton – Former President
  • Bill Cosby – Entertainer
  • Ian Thorpe – Olympic Gold Medalist
  • Elie Wiesel – Nobel Laureate and Author
  • Stephen King – Bestselling Author