Senior and Graduate Math Course Offerings 2008 Spring

Senior undergraduate courses

Math 4315 - Section: 26758 - Graph Theory with Applications
MATH 4315: GRAPH THEORY with APPLICATIONS (section# 26758)
Time: MWF 1:00PM - 2:00PM - Room: F 162
Instructor: S. Fajtlowicz
Prerequisites: Discrete Mathematics
Text(s): The course will be based on the instructor's notes

COURSE PURPOSE: Introduction to basic concepts of graph theory.

COURSE CONTENT: Two contributions of Euler - Eulerian tours and Euler characteristic formula. Hamiltonian tours. Chromatic number. Planar graphs including applications to fullerenes and carbon chemistry. Four-color conjecture and 5-color theorem. Decision problems and introduction to computational complexity emphasizing algorithmic solutions. Ramsey-like results including discussion of their applications to foundations of mathematics. Erdos' probabilistic methods with applications to Ramsey theory. Time permitting we will discuss eigenvalues and their significance in chemistry.

EVALUATION AND GRADING: The final grade will be the average of grades received on the first two tests, but active class participation and volunteering solutions of homework problems may be used in the calculation of the final grade to increase it by up to half a point.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Many topics discussed in this course are included in most of discrete math textbooks.

Math 4332 - Section: 26760 - Intro to Real Analysis
MATH 4332 INTRO TO REAL ANALYSIS (Section# 26760 )
Time: MW 4:00PM - 5:30PM - Room: AH 301
Instructor: Field
Prerequisites: Math 4332 or consent of instructor.
Text(s): Principles of Mathematical Analysis, Walter > Rudin, McGraw-Hill, 3nd Edition.

Sequences and series of functions and uniform convergence. Functions of several variables and the inverse and implicit function theorems. Measure theory, in particular Lebesgue measure for the real line and Euclidean n-space.

Math 4336 - Section: 34188 - Partial Differential Equations
Time: MW 1:00PM - 2:30PM - Room: PGH 345
Instructor: Wagner
Prerequisites: Math 4335 or consent of instructor.
Text(s): Partial Differential Equations: An Introduction, 1st edition, Wiley. ISBN 0-471-54868-5.
Description: This is a continuation of Math 4335 from the Fall semester. I plan to cover chapters 7, 9, 11, and 12 from the textbook. The topics covered include Green's functions, Waves in Space, General Eigenvalue Problems, and Distributions and Transforms.
Math 4337 - Section: 34295 - Topology
MATH 4337 TOPOLOGY (Section# 34295 )
Time: MWF 11:00AM - 12:00PM - Room: PGH 348
Instructor: Gordon Johnson
Prerequisites: MATH 3333 or MATH 3334 or consent of instructor.
Text(s): Lecture note.
Description: Socratic style class offering a careful study of limit points that includes such notions as completeness, continuity, compactness and connectedness.
Math 4365 - Section: 26766 - Numerical Analysis
MATH 4365: NUMERICAL ANALYSIS (Section# 26766)
Time: MW 4:00PM - 5:30PM - Room: AH 11
Instructor: Pan
Prerequisites: Math 2331 (Linear Algebra), Math 3331 (Differential Equations). Ability to do computer assignments in one of FORTRAN, C, Pascal, Matlab, Maple, Mathematica. The first semester is not a prerequisite.
Text(s): R. L. Burden & J. D. Faires, Numerical Analysis, 8th edition, Thomson, 2005.

We will develop and analyze numerical methods for approximating the solutions of common mathematical problems. The emphasis this semester will be on the iterative methods for solving linear systems, approximation theory, numerical solutions of nonlinear equations, iterative methods for approximating eigenvalues, and elementary methods for ordinary differential equations with boundary conditions and partial differential equations. This is an introductory course and will be a mix of mathematics and computing.

Math 4377 - Section: 26768 - Advanced Linear Algebra
MATH 4377: ADVANCED LINEAR ALGEBRA (section# 26768)
Time: TuTh 10:00AM - 11:30AM - Room: SEC 201
Instructor: Friedberg
Prerequisites: Math 2431 and minimum 3 hours of 3000 level mathematics.
Text(s): Linear Algebra, K. Hoffman and R. Kunze, 2nd Edition, Prentice-Hall

Fields, vector spaces, linear systems, and matrices.

Math 4378 - Section: 26770 - Advanced Linear Algebra
MATH 4378: ADVANCED LINEAR ALGEBRA (section# 26770 )
Time: TuTh 2:30PM - 4:00PM - Room: SEC 203
Instructor: J. Johnson
Prerequisites: Math 4377
Text(s): Hoffman-Kunze, 'Linear Algebra,' Second Edition, Prentice-Hall

This course is a continuation of MATH 4377 which was taught from the same text.

Topics to be covered include Determinants, Elementary Canonical Forms, and the Rational and Jordan Forms.

Math 4380 - Section: 26772 - A Mathematical Introduction to Options
Time: MWF 1:00PM - 2:00PM - Room: TBA
Instructor: Timofeyev
Prerequisites: Calculus III and Probability - MATH 2433 and 3338; an acquaintance with partial differential equations is useful, but not essential.
Text(s): Options, Futures and Other Derivatives, 6th Edition by John C. Hull, Prentice Hall
Description: This course is an introduction to mathematical modeling of various financial instruments, such as options, futures, etc. The topics covered include: calls and puts, American and European options, expiry, strike price, drift and volatility, non-rigorous introduction to continuous-time stochastic processes including Wiener Process and Ito calculus, the Greeks, geometric Brownian motion, Black-Scholes theory, binomial model, martingales, filtration, and self financing strategy.
Math 4389 - Section: 26774 - Survey of Undergraduate Mathematics
Time: TuTh 5:30PM - 7:00PM - Room: SR 516
Instructor: Etgen and Peters
Prerequisites: Math 3330, 3331, 3333 and 3 hours of 4000-level Mathematics.
Text(s): None
Description: A review of some of the most important topics in the undergraduate mathematics curriculum. Various topics will be reviewed in a sequence of two or three week modules. At the end of the course students will be required to take the Major Field Test in Mathematics. Students may not receive an A in the course without scoring at or above the national median on the test. The $55 fee for the test will be paid by the department for the first 20 students enrolled.

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Online courses

Math 5330 - Section: 37213 - Abstract algebra
MATH5330: ABSTRACT ALGEBRA (section# 37213 )
Time: ARRANGE (online course)
Instructor: Kaiser
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
Text(s): Abstract Algebra , A First Course by Dan Saracino. Waveland Press, Inc. ISBN 0-88133-665-3 This is a short, one-semester textbook on Groups, Rings and Fields.
Description: You will receive weekly reading assignments together with homework. For most sections, I will add some comments. They are meant to add a graduate course perspective. All homework has to be submitted by e-mail, as a ScientificNotebook(SN) or LaTeX file. Tests: I plan to give three test and the final Grading: Tests 45%, Final 40%, Homework 15%.
Math 5332 - Section: 26830 - Differential Equations
MATH5332: DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS (section# 26830 )
Time: ARRANGE (online course)
Instructor: Etgen
Prerequisites: MATH 5331 and consent of instructor.
Text(s): Linear Algebra and Differential Equations by Golubitsky and Dellnitz, Brooks/Cole Publishers.
Description: Linear and nonlinear systems of ordinary differential equations; existence, uniqueness and stability of solutions; initial value problems; higher dimensional systems; Laplace transforms. Theory and applications illustrated by computer assignments and by projects. This course will apply toward the Master of Arts in Mathematics degree; it will not apply toward the Master of Science in Mathematics or the Master of Science in Applied Mathematics degrees.
Math 5382 - Section: 26834 - Probability
MATH5382: PROBABILITY (section# 26834 )
Time: ARRANGE (online course)
Instructor: Peters
Math 5383 - Section: 26836 - Number theory
MATH5383: NUMBER THEORY (section# 26836 )
Time: ARRANGE (Online course, offered through UH webct)
Instructor: Ru
Prerequisites: None
Text(s): Discovering Number Theory, by Jeffrey J. Holt and John W. Jones, W.H. Freeman and Company, New York, 2001.
Description: Number theory is a subject that has interested people for thousand of years. This course is a one-semester long graduate course on number theory. Topics to be covered include divisibility and factorization, linear Diophantine equations, congruences, applications of congruences, solving linear congruences, primes of special forms, the Chinese Remainder Theorem, multiplicative orders, the Euler function, primitive roots, quadratic congruences, representation problems and continued fractions. There are no specific prerequisites beyond basic algebra and some ability in reading and writing mathematical proofs. The method of presentation in this course is quite different. Rather than simply presenting the material, students first work to discover many of the important concepts and theorems themselves. After reading a brief introductory material on a particular subject, students work through electronic materials that contain additional background, exercises, and Research Questions. The research questions are typically more open ended and require students to respond with a conjecture and proof. We the present the theory of the material which the students have worked on, along with the proofs. The homework problems contain both computational problems and questions requiring proofs. It is hoped that students, through this course, not only learn the material, learn how to write the proofs, but also gain valuable insight into some of the realities of mathematical research by developing the subject matter on their own.

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Graduate Courses

Math 6303 - Section: 26854 - Modern Algebra - by Hausen
MATH 6303: MODERN ALGEBRA (section# 26854 )
Time: TuTh 1:00PM - 2:30PM - Room: AH 301
Instructor: Hausen
Prerequisites: MATH 6302 or equivalent.
Text(s): P.B. Bhattacharya, S.K. Jain, and S.R. Nagpaul, BASIC ABSTRACT ALGEBRA, Second Edition, Cambridge University Press, ISBN: 0-521-46081-6 (hardback), 0-521-46629-6(paperback).
Description: This is the second half of a two-semester sequence on Modern Algebra. Topics to be covered include Unique Factorization Domains, Principal Ideal Domains (PIDs), and Euclidean Domains (Chapter 11 of the text); Field Theory (Chapters 15, 16, and 17 of the text); and Finitely Generated Modules over PIDs (Chapter 21 of the text). The course will be taught lecture style. Homework assignments will be an integral part of the course.
Math 6321 - Section: 26890 - Theory of Functions of a Real Variables - by Auchmuty
Time: MW 5:30PM - 7:00PM - Room: AH 301
Instructor: Auchmuty
Prerequisites: The prerequisite for M6321 is M6320 or consent of the instructor.

Text book: "An Introduction to Hilbert Space", by N. Young, Cambridge paperback. ISBN 0-521-33717-8.

Reference book: "Real Analysis, Measure Theory, Integration and Hilbert Spaces", by Elias M. Stein and Rami Shakarchi, Princeton Lectures in Analysis III, Princeton U Press. ISBN 978-7-5062-8238-3.


Topics to be covered are:

  1. Introduction to Hilbert and Banach spaces.
  2. Orthonormal bases, Fourier series and the geometry of Hilbert spaces,
  3. Dual spaces and the Hahn-Banach theorem, weak convergence and completeness.
  4. L^p spaces over abstract measure spaces.
  5. Analysis of continuous linear operators on H or X.
  6. Weak differentiation and Hilbert-Sobolev spaces.
Math 6323 - Section: 34189 - Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable - by Ji
Time: MWF 12:00 -1:00PM - Room: AH 15
Instructor: Ji
Prerequisites: Math 6322 or equivalent
Text(s): Introduction to complex analysis, Juniro Noguchi, AMS(Translations of mathematical monographs, Volume 168).
Description: This course is an introduction to complex analysis. It covers the theory of holomorphic functions, residue theorem, analytic continuation, Riemann mapping theorem, Weierstrass' factorization theorem, little and big Picard theorems, and some other topics.
Math 6327 - Section: 34190 - Partial Differential Equations - by Canic
Time: TuTh 2:30PM - 4:00PM - Room: F 162
Instructor: Canic

Math 6367 - Section: 26896 - Optimization and Variational Theory - by Dean
Time: TuTh 4:00PM - 5:30PM - Room: AH 301
Instructor: Dean
Prerequisites: Prerequisites: Math 3338, 4331 and 4377 or consent of instructor.
Text(s): Recommended textbook: Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control, by Dimitri Bertsekas, Vol. 1 (3rd edition).
Description: This is the second semester of a two semester course. The second semester will continue the theory and algorithms of nonlinear optimization. We will also include large scale problems and dynamic programming.
Math 6371 - Section: 26898 - Numerical Analysis - by Caboussat
MATH 6371: NUMERICAL ANALYSIS II (section# 26898)
Time: MW 5:30PM - 7:00PM - Room: PGH 348
Instructor: Caboussat

Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
Students should have had a course in Linear Algebra (for instance Math 4377-4378) and an introductory course in Analysis(for instance Math 4331-4332).

Text(s): Introduction to Numerical Analysis, by J. Stoer and R. Bulirsch (Springer-Verlag, New York), 2002

This is the second semester of a two semester course. We will develop and analyze numerical methods for approximating the solutions of common mathematical problems. The focus in this semester is on approximation theory and numerical methods for initial and boundary-value problems of ordinary differential equations. The applications of approximation theory to interpolation, numerical differentiation and numerical integration will be addressed. The concepts of consistency, convergence, stability for the numerical solution of ODEs will be discussed.

Further Literature:

  • A. Quarteroni, R. Sacco, and F. Saleri; Numerical Mathematics. Springer-Verlag, 2000
  • U.M. Ascher, R.M.M. Mattheij, and R.D. Russell; Numerical Solution of Boundary Value Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations. SIAM, Philadelphia, 1995
  • U. Ascher and L. Petzold; Computer Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations and Differential-Algebraic Equations. SIAM, Philadelphia, 1998
  • E. Hairer, F.P. Norsett, and G. Wanner; Solving Ordinary Differential Equations. I. Nonstiff Problems. Springer, Berlin- Heidelberg-New York, 1987
  • E. Hairer and E. Wanner; Solving Ordinary Differential Equations. II. Stiff Problems. Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1991
Math 6374 - Section: 26900 - Numerical Partial Differential Equations - by Hoppe
Time: MW 4:00PM - 5:30PM - Room: SR 121
Instructor: Hoppe
Prerequisites: Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Numerical Analysis.
Text(s): S. Larsson and V. Thomee; Partial Differential Equations with Numerical Methods. Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2004.

The course provides an introduction to the development, analysis, and implementation of finite difference and finite element methods for partial differential equations:

  1. Foundations of the theory of PDEs
    1.1 Classification and characteristics
    1.2 Sobolev spaces
  2. Numerical methods for elliptic PDEs
    2.1 Finite difference methods
    2.2 Finite element methods
    2.3 Other methods
  3. Numerical methods for parabolic PDEs
    3.1 Finite difference methods
    3.2 Finite element methods
    3.3 Other methods
  4. Numerical methods for hyperbolic PDEs
    4.1 Numerical methods for systems of conservation laws
    4.2 Finite difference and finite element methods for the wave equation
    4.3 Other methods
Math 6378 - Section: 26902 - Basic Scientific Computing - by Sanders
Time: TuTh 4:00PM - 5:30PM - Room: PGH 345
Instructor: Sanders
Prerequisites: Elementary Numerical Analysis. Knowledge of C and/or Fortran. Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
Text(s): Lecture note.
Description: Fundamental techniques in high performance scientific computation. Hardware architecture and floating point performance. Pointers and dynamic memory allocation. Data structures and storage techniques related to numerical algorithms. Parallel programming techniques. Code design. Applications to numerical algorithms for the solution of systems of equations, differential equations and optimization. Data visualization. This course also provides an introduction to computer programming issues and techniques related to large scale numerical computation.
Math 6383 - Section: 26904 - Probability Models and Mathematical Statistics - by Nicol
Time: TuTh 11:30AM - 1:00PM - Room: SEC 202
Instructor: Nicol
Prerequisites: Math 6382, or equivalent.

Recommended Texts:

  • Mathematical Statistics with Applications, 6th Edition by Dennis Wackerly, William Mendenhall and Richard Scheaffer, 2002, Duxbury Press.
  • Probability and Statistical Inference by Hogg and Tannis, 6th Edition, 1997.
  • Mathematical Statistics by Jun Shao, 2nd Edition, 2003, Springer Verlag.

Of the books listed Statistical Inference by Casella and Berger is required reading. The others are useful for reference and lecture notes will be based on a variety of sources.

Description: This course is an introduction to mathematical statistics. It assumes a knowledge of probability at the level of Wackerly, Mendenhall and Scheaffer (Mathematical Statistics with Applications, Duxbury Press 6th Edition) which is the set text for Math 6382. Topics covered include random samples, point and interval estimation, hypothesis testing, analysis of variance and regression, and if time permits asymptotic evaluations.
Math 6385 - Section: 26906 - Continuous-Time Models in Finance - by Kao
Time: TuTh 2:30PM - 4:00PM - Room: PGH 345
Instructor: Kao
Prerequisites: Math 6397 Discrete-Time Models in Finance Math 6382-6383, Probability and Statistics Graduate Standing
Text(s): Arbitrage Theory in Continuous Time by Tomas Bjork Publisher: Oxford University Press, 2004 ISBN 0-19-927126-7
Description: This course is an introduction to continuous-time models in finance. We first cover tools for pricing contingency claims. They include stochastic calculus, Brownian motion, change of measures, and martingale representation theorm. We then apply these ideas in pricing financial derivatives whose underlying assets are equities, foreign exchanges, and fix income securities. In addition, we will study the single-factor and multi-factor HJM models, and models involving jump diffusion and mean reversion.
Math 6395 - Section: 34191 - Topics on analysis: C* algebra and Operator Theory - by Tomforde
Time: MWF 10:00AM - 11:00AM - Room: PGH 345
Instructor: Tomforde
Prerequisites: A year-long course in Functional Analysis
Text(s): Lecture Note
Description: We will discuss various techniques used in the study of C*-algebras (e.g. representation theory, tensor products, Morita equivalence, K-theory.) We will also examine many examples of C*-algebras and see how our techniques can be used to study these examples.
Math 6397 - Section: 26908 - Riemannian Geometry II - by Ru
MATH 6397: RIEMANNIAN GEOMETRY II (section# 26908 )
Time: MWF 10:00AM - 11:00AM - Room: PGH 350
Instructor: Ru
Prerequisites: Riemannian Geometry I (Math 6397)
Text(s): Lecture note.
Description: This is a second part of our year-long course. We will cover the remaining topics in Riemannian geometry. We then will cover the topics in complex geometry.
Math 6397 - Section: 34193 - Math Biology II - by Golubitsky
MATH 6397: MATH BIOLOGY II (section# 34193 )
Time: TuTh 10:00AM - 11:30AM - Room: AH 301
Instructor: Golubitsky
Prerequisites: First courses in ODEs and Linear Algebra, or consent of instructor. It is not necessary to have taken the first semester course.
Text(s): Lecture note.

Topics for this course will be taken from

  1. Mathematical neuroscience Wilson-Cowan equations and rate models
  2. Pattern formation -- Turing bifurcations Murray's work --- patterns of spots and stripes. Phyllotaxis (Duoady, Gole, Newell --- why Fibonacci sequences appear)
  3. Genetics and evolution --- Nowak
  4. Networks theory --- scale-free, etc. models. gene transcription networks, central pattern generators.

Possibly some low-dimensional models as well.

Students will be expected to read papers or books and present material in class once during the semester.

Math 6397 - Section: 34194 - Gibbs-Markov fields applied to image analysis and Monte-Carlo Optimization - by Azencott
MATH 6397: Gibbs-Markov fields applied to image analysis and Monte-Carlo Optimization
(section# 34194 )
Time: TuTh 2:30AM - 4:00PM - Room: AH 15
Instructor: Azencott
Prerequisites: "Introduction to probability" math 6382 , or instructor's consent ;

Reference books : selected chapters in

  • Pierre Bremaud : Markov Chains, Gibbs Fields, Monte Carlo Simulation, Springer TAM Vol 31
  • Bernard Chalmond : Modeling and inverse problems in image analysis , Springer Vol 155, 2003

Gibbs-Markov fields are probabilistic models designed to analyze large systems of "particles" or "processors" in interaction and were introduced by physicists to modelize networks of small magnets.

We give a self contained presentation for the basics of Gibbs- Markov fields theory and develop several applications :

  • Texture identification and segmentation for image analysis
  • Simulated annealing for stochastic minimization of "hard" combinatorics problems

The main probabilistic topics in this course involve the dynamics of discrete time Markov chains on (huge) finite spaces, Gaussian random vectors, Monte-Carlo simulations.

Students familiar with Mathlab or equivalent scientific softwares will have the possibility to replace a large proportion of homework assignments and exams by the realization of applied projects

Math 6397 - Section: 34192 - Stochastic Process - by Bodmann
MATH 6397: STOCHASTIC PROCESS (section# 34192 )
Time: TuTh 10:00AM - 11:30AM - Room: PGH 345
Instructor: Bernhard Bodmann

Recommended Texts: A First Course in Stochastic Processes, Karlin and Taylor, Second Edition, Academic Press.

Reference Book: A Second Course in Stochastic Processes, Karlin and Taylor, 1981, Academic Press.


This course will cover a wide range of topics in stochastic processes and applied probability. The emphasis will be on understanding the main ideas with a view to applications. Some group projects involving simulations will be given, but no computer programming experience will be assumed.

  1. Continuous time Markov chains: birth-death processes; Poisson processes; birth and death with absorbing states. Applications.
  2. Martingales and martingale convergence theorems. Stopping times. Brownian motion, properties of Brownian paths and applications.
  3. Renewal processes and the renewal equation. Applications.
  4. Stochastic differential equations and applications.
  5. Diffusion processes, backward and forward equations, diffusion models with killing, semigroup formulation of continuous time Markov processes.
  6. Stationary processes, ergodic theorems, prediction of mean square error and covariance, applications of ergodic theory.
  7. Gibbs Fields and Monte Carlo simulations.

Lecture notes will be based on A First Course in Stochastic Processes, (Karlin and Taylor) supplemented by a variety of other texts.

Math 7350 - Section: 27052 - Geometry of manifolds - by Torok
MATH7350: GEOMETRY OF MANIFOLDS (section# 27052 )
Time: MWF 9:00AM - 10:00AM - Room: PGH 348
Instructor: Torok
Prerequisites: Math6342 or consent of the instructor.

Recommended: John M. Lee, Introduction to Smooth Manifolds.
Other relevant books will be placed on reserve in the library

This course intends to cover the geometry part of the syllabus for the Topology/Geometry preliminary examination. It includes: manifolds, the inverse and implicit function theorems, submanifolds, partitions of unity; tangent bundles, vector fields, the Frobenius theorem, Lie derivatives, vector bundles; differential forms, tensors and tensor fields on manifolds; exterior algebra, orientation, integration on manifolds, Stokes' theorem; Lie groups. A few additional topics might be also covered, depending on the interest of the audience.
Math 7396 - Section: 34195 - Advanced Numerical Methods for Diffusion Equations - by Kuznetsov
Time: MW 1:00PM - 2:30PM - Room: PGH 350
Instructor: Kuznetsov
Prerequisites: Undergraduate Courses on PDEs and Numerical Analysis.
Text(s): Lecture note.
In this course, we discuss efficient and reliable discretization methods and preconditioned iterative solvers for the diffusion type elliptic partial differential equations.The diffusion type equations are the most frequently appearing partial differential problems in many applications including multidisciplinary ones. The first part of the course is devoted to the advanced discretization methods for the diffusion problems on polygonal/polyhedral meshes in heterogeneous media,namely, finite volume,mixed finite element,and discontinuous Galerkin methods. The discretization methods result in very large scale systems of linear algebraic equations. In the second part of the course,we discuss efficient preconditioned iterative solvers for the underlying algebraic systems as well as implementatin algorithms. Throughout the course,we illustrate the numerical methods by applications to real practical problems in fluid mechanics,flows in porous media,diffusion processes, and electomagnetics.
Math 7396 - Section: 34196 - A PDE and Calculus of variation approach - by Glowinski
Time: TuTh 11:30AM - 1:00PM - Room: SR 516
Instructor: Glowinski
Text(s): Reference: G. Aubert & P. Kornprobst : Mathematical Problems in Image Processing: Partial Differential Equations and the Calculus of Variations, Springer Verlag, Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol 147, November 2001.
Description: The main goal of this course is to provide an introduction essentially self contained to the solution of Problems in Image Processing by Partial Differential Equations and Calculus of Variations Methods. In a first part we will cover basic results from Partial Differential Equations and Calculus of Variations, including several computational techniques, then in a second part we will discuss application to several problems from Image Processing.
Math 7397 - Section: 27056 - Monte-Carlo Methods in Finance - by Kao
Time: TuTh 10:00AM - 11:30AM - Room: PGH 350
Instructor: Kao
Prerequisites: Math 6382-6383, Probability and Statistcics Math 6384 Discrete-Time Models in Finance Math 6385 Continuous-Time Models in Finance A working knowledge of MATLAB and Graduate Standing
Text(s): Monte Carlo Methods in Financial Engineering by Paul Glasserman Publisher: Springer, New York, 2003 ISBN 0-387-00451-3
Description: Fundamentals of Monte Carlo methods. Review of pricing contingency claims. Techniques for improving accuracy and efficiency.Discretization, Estimation, and applications.

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