Senior and Graduate Math Course Offerings 2007 Spring


Senior undergraduate courses

Online course

Graduate course

Senior undergraduate courses


MATH 4315: GRAPH THEORY with APPLICATIONS (section#13402 )
Time: 0100-0200PM - MWF - 105-SEC
Instructor: S. Fajtlowicz
Prerequisites: Discrete Mathematics.
Text(s): The course will be based on the instructor's notes.
Description: Planar graphs and the Four-Color Theorem. Trivalent planar graphs with applications to fullerness - new forms of carbon. Algorithms for Eulerian and Hamiltonian tours. Erdos' probabilistic method with applications to Ramsey Theory and , if time permits, network flows algorithms with applications to transportation and job assigning problems, or selected problems about trees.
MATH 4332 INTRO TO REAL ANALYSIS (Section# 13258)
Time: 0900-1000AM - MWF - 9-AH
Instructor: David Wagner
Prerequisites: Math 4331 or consent of instructor.
Text(s): Principles of Mathematical Analysis, Walter Rudin, McGraw-Hill, third Edition.

Continuation of Math 4331. Covers Chapters 7, 9, 11 of Rudin: Sequences and series of functions, functions of several variables, Lebesgue Theory on R^1.

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Time: 1200-0100PM - MWF - 350-PGH
Instructor: JOSIC
Prerequisites: MATH 3331
Text(s): Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, Author: Steven Strogatz, Publisher: Perseus Books

The focus of the course is on investigating the qualitative properties of the solutions of ordinary differential equations: Where they go, and what they do once they get there. One of the strengths of the book we will be using is the great number of applications that are discussed. All abstract concepts will be illustrated in pertinent examples taken from biology, chemistry, engineering, physics and a number of other disciplines. I will keep this focus on applications in the course. I plan to cover most of Strogatz' book during the semester, and will use some supplementary materials.

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MATH 4351: DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY (secton# 13403 )
Time: 1000-1100AM - MWF - 348-PGH
Instructor: M. Ru
Prerequisites: 4350 or consent of instructor.
Description: This year-long course will introduce the theory of the geometry of curves and surfaces in three-dimensional space using calculus techniques, exhibiting the interplay between local and global quantities. Topics include: curves in the plane and in space, global properties of curves and surfaces in three dimensions, the first fundamental form, curvature of surfaces, Gaussian curvature and the Gaussian map, geodesics, minimal surfaces, Gauss' Theorem Egregium, Gauss-Bonnet theorem etc.

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MATH 4365: NUMERICAL ANALYSIS (Section# 11105)
Time: 0530-0700PM -TTH - 106-AH
Instructor: Alexandre Caboussat
Prerequisites: Math 4364 or consent of instructor
Text(s): Numerical Analysis (8th edition), by R.L. Burden and J.D. Faires, Brooks-Cole Publishers

We will develop and analyze numerical methods for approximating the solutions of common mathematical problems. This is an introductory course and will be a mix of mathematics and computing.

The emphasis this semester
will be on interpolation, numerical integration, direct and iterative methods for solving linear systems of algebraic equations and numerical methods for solving nonlinear algebraic equations.

N.B. This is the first semester of a two semester course. The emphasis the second semester will be in particular on numerical methods for ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations.


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MATH 4377: ADVANCED LINEAR ALGEBRA (section# 11106)
Time: 1000-1130AM - TTH - 347-PGH
Instructor: Kaiser
Prerequisites: Math 2431 + a minimum of 3 semester hours of 3000 level mathematics
Text(s): Linear Algebra second edition, Kenneth Hoffmann, Ray Kunze, Prentice-Hall

Syllabus: First five Chapters of the book:
1. Fields and Linear Equations
2. Vector Spaces over fields, subspaces, bases and dimension,.
3. Linear Transformations and Matrix Representations
4. Polynomials, ideals and prime factorization
5. Determinants (if time permits)
Grading: There will be three Tests and the Final. I will take the two highest test scores (60%) and the mandatory final (40%).

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MATH 4378: ADVANCED LINEAR ALGEBRA (section# 11107)
Time: 0230-0400PM - TTH - 215-FH
Instructor: HAUSEN
Prerequisites: Math 4377
Text(s): Hoffman-Kunze, 'Linear Algebra,' Second Edition, Prentice-Hall.
Description: This course is a continuation of MATH 4377 which was taught from the same text. Topics to be covered include Determinants, Elementary Canonical Forms, and the Rational and Jordan Forms.

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MATH 4389: Survey of Undergraduate Mathematics (section# 13405 )
Time: 0400-0530PM - MW - 347-PGH
Instructor: Peters
Prerequisites: Math 3331, 3333, 3330 and 3 hours of 4000 level mathematics or consent of instructor.
Text(s): None
Description: Brief reviews of analysis, algebra, differential equations, linear algebra, and other topics in the undergraduate mathematics curriculum. This course is approved for three hours credit forward the NS&M Capstone requirement.  




Time: ARRANGE (online course)
Instructor: LOWE



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Time: ARRANGE (online course)
Instructor: GUIDOBONI
Prerequisites: Some knowledge of ODE or consent of instructor.
Text(s): Linear algebra and differential equations using Matlab, by M. Golubitsky and M. Dellnitz

The class is focused on ordinary differential equations, and we will go through different analytical and numerical techniques to solve them.

Some of the topics that we will cover are:

  • Linear and nonlinear systems of ordinary differential equations; - >Existence, uniqueness and stability of solutions; - Initial value problems; - Laplace transforms; - Bifurcation theory: equilibrium, stability, periodic solutions, phase portraits; - Numerical solutions of ODEs.
  • The theory will be discussed together with interesting applications in science and engineering.Theory and applications will be illustrated by computer assignments and projects.

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MATH5336: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS (section# 13426)
Time: ARRANGE (online course)
Instructor: KAISER
Text(s): Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, Kenneth H. Rosen, fifth edition. McGraw Hill, ISBN 0-07-242434-6.

Plus: My own Notes on the Zermelo-Fraenkel Axioms and Equivalence of Sets.

Recommended Text: "Introduction to Set Theory" by Karel Hrbacek and Thomas Jech, Second Edition, ISBN 0-8247-7074-9.
Syllabus: Chapter 1, Chapter 3 (3.3), Chapter 7 (7.1, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6) from the Rosen book. The Zermelo Fraenkel Axioms; Equivalence of Sets in form of my notes.

Grading: Two Tests (50%), final 40%, HW 10%

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MATH5382: PROBABILITY (section# 11136)
Time: ARRANGE (online course)
Instructor: PETERS
Prerequisites: Math 2431 and Math 1432 or consent of instructor.
Text(s): Concepts in Probability and Stochastic Modeling, by James J. Higgins & Sallie Keller-McNulty, Duxbury 1995.
Description: Sample spaces, events and axioms of probability; basic discrete and continuous distributions and their relationships; Markov chains, Poisson processes and renewal processes; applications. Applies toward the Master of Arts in Mathematics degree; does not apply toward Master of Science in Mathematics or the Master of Science in Applied Mathematics degrees.

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MATH5383: NUMBER THEORY (section# 13427)
Time: ARRANGE (Online course, offered through UH webct)
Instructor: RU
Prerequisites: None
Text(s): Discovering Number Theory, by Jeffrey J. Holt and John W. Jones, W.H. Freeman and Company, New York, 2001.
Description: Number theory is a subject that has interested people for thousand of years. This course is a one-semester long graduate course on number theory. Topics to be covered include divisibility and factorization, linear Diophantine equations, congruences, applications of congruences, solving linear congruences, primes of special forms, the Chinese Remainder Theorem, multiplicative orders, the Euler function, primitive roots, quadratic congruences, representation problems and continued fractions. There are no specific prerequisites beyond basic algebra and some ability in reading and writing mathematical proofs. The method of presentation in this course is quite different. Rather than simply presenting the material, students first work to discover many of the important concepts and theorems themselves. After reading a brief introductory material on a particular subject, students work through electronic materials that contain additional background, exercises, and Research Questions. The research questions are typically more open ended and require students to respond with a conjecture and proof. We the present the theory of the material which the students have worked on, along with the proofs. The homework problems contain both computational problems and questions requiring proofs. It is hoped that students, through this course, not only learn the material, learn how to write the proofs, but also gain valuable insight into some of the realities of mathematical research by developing the subject matter on their own.

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Time: ARRANGE (online course)
Instructor: LOWE
Prerequisites: Math 2433, Math 3338.
Text(s): Course materials provided by instructor.

Option contracts, asset price dynamics, binomial pricing model, Ito's calculus, Black-Scholes pricing model, hedging and arbitrage.

More information about this course, lick here

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MATH 6303: MODERN ALGEBRA (section# 11177)
Time: 1130-0100 - TTH - 345-PGH
Instructor: Johnny Johnson
Prerequisites: Math 6302 or consent of instructor

Thomas W. Hungerford, Algebra, Springer Verlag Graduate Texts in mathematics # 73


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MATH 6321: REAL ANALYSIS (section# 11200)
Time: 0900-1000AM - MWF - 348-PGH
Instructor: Ji
Prerequisites: Math 6320 or consent of instructor
Text(s): Gerald B. Folland, Real Analysis: Modern Techniques and their Applications, John Wiley and Sons, ISBN 0471317160.
  • Measures.
  • Integration.
  • Signed Measures and Differentiation.
  • Point Set Topology.
  • Elements of Functional Analysis.
  • Lp Spaces.
  • Radon Measures.
  • Elements of Fourier Analysis.
  • Elements of Distribution Theory.
  • Topics in Probability Theory.
  • More Measures and Integrals.

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MATH 6325: DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS (section# 13406)
Time: 1000-1130AM - TTH - 345-PGH
Instructor: GOLUBITSKY
Prerequisites: Math 6324 or consent of instructor.
Text(s): The text that I would like to use is the latest edition of Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, and An Introduction to Chaos by Hirsh, Smale, and Devaney. Elsevier.

The content will follow the description for the ODE:

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MATH 6361: APPLICABLE ANALYSIS (section# 11203)
Time: 1130-0100 - TTH - 12-AH
Instructor: GLOWINSKI



The course will be essentially self-contained but some of the material to be discussed can be found in:

K.ATKINSON and W. HAN, Theoretical Numerical Analysis: A Functional Analysis Framework, 2nd Edition, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 2005 R.

GLOWINSKI, Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Variational Problems, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 1984.


Following Part I of the course where various functional spaces of practical importance have been introduced, we will focus on the solution of variational problems from Image Processing (L^1 fitting, in particular). The following topics will be systematically discussed:
1)Existence and uniqueness of solutions to the variational problem
2)Finite Element approximations
3)Iterative solution by a variety of algorithms, including over-relaxation ones.

The methodology to be discussed can be applied to a variety of variational problems from Mechanics, Physics and Image Processing.

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MATH 6367: OPTIMIZATION THEORY (section# 11204)
Time: 0400-0530PM - MW - 16-AH
Instructor: Hoppe
Prerequisites: Math 6366 or consent of instructor
  • L.D. Berkovitz; Convexity and Optimization in $ \bf R^{n} $. Wiley-Interscience, New York, 2001
  • I. Ekeland and R. T\'{e}mam; Convex Analysis and Variational Problems. SIAM, Philadelphia, 1999
Description: This course focuses on convex optimization in the framework of convex analysis, including duality, minmax, and Lagrangians. The course consists of two parts. In part I, we consider convex optimization in a finite dimensional setting which allows an intuitive, geometrical approach. The mathematical theory will be introduced in detail and on this basis efficient algorithmic toolswill be developed and analyzed. In part II, we will be concerned with convex optimization in function space. We will provide the prerequisites from the Calculus of Variations and generalize the concepts from part I to the infinite dimensional setting. 

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MATH 6371: NUMERICAL ANALYSIS(section# 11205)
Time: 0400-0530PM - TTH - 16-AH
Instructor: DEAN
Prerequisites: Graduate standing or consent of the instructor. Students should have had a course in advanced Linear Algebra (Math 4377-4378) and an introductory course in Analysis (Math 4331-4332 ).
Text(s): Introduction to Numerical Analysis, by J. Stoer and R. Bulirsch (Springer-Verlag), 3rd Edition.

We will develop and analyze numerical methods for approximating the solutions of common mathematical problems. The topics this semester will include: systems of nonlinear equations, eigenvalue problems, iterative methods for systems of linear equations, and initial value problems for ordinary differential equations.

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MATH 6374: Numerical Partial Differential Equations(section# 13410)
Time: 0100-0230PM - MW - 350-PGH
Instructor: KUZNETSOV
Prerequisites: Undergraduate Courses on Partial Differential Equations and Numerical Analysis
Text(s): None
Description: Description:This is an introductory course on numerical methods for the second order linear partial differential equations.The course consists in four parts.In the beginning of the course,we shall discuss the formulations of differential boundary value problems and basic properties of the underlying partial differential operators.In the second part, a detailed description of finite difference,finite volume,and finite element discretization methods for elliptic partial differential equations will be given.Basically, we will consider the diffusion and convection-diffusion equations. Finally,we shall briefly discuss the finite difference methods for the simplest hyperbolic partial differential equations.

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Time: 0400-0530PM - TTH - 348-PGH
Instructor: SANDERS
Prerequisites: Elementary Numerical Analysis. Knowledge of C and/or Fortran. Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
Text(s): Lecture note.
Description: Fundamental techniques in high performance scientific computation. Hardware architecture and floating point performance. Pointers and dynamic memory allocation. Data structures and storage techniques related to numerical algorithms. Parallel programming techniques. Code design. Applications to numerical algorithms for the solution of systems of equations, differential equations and optimization. Data visualization. This course also provides an introduction to computer programming issues and techniques related to large scale numerical computation.

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MATH 6383: Probability Models and Mathematical Statistics (section# 11208)
Time: 1100-1200 - MWF - 343PGH
Instructor: AZENCOTT
Prerequisites: Basic notions in probability, such as in introductory books by Sheldon Ross
Text(s): Statistical Inference by George Casella /Roger Berger, 2002, Duxbury Press.

This course is an introduction to mathematical statistics. Topics covered include random samples, data reduction and clustering, maximum likelihood estimators and their asymptotic behaviour, confidence intervals, regression and classification.

Students will have the possibility to base part of their grade on projects realization involving the use of scientific softwares such as R or Mathlab. Extra reading material for potential PhD students will be suggested by the instructor.

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MATH 6385: Continuous-Time Models in Finance (section# 11209 )
Time: 0230-0400PM - TTH - 345-PGH
Instructor: Kao
Prerequisites: MATH 6397 Discrete-Time Models in Finance
Text(s): "Arbitrage Theory in Continuous Time" by Tomas Bjork, Oxford University Press, 2004, ISBN 0-19-927126-7.
Description: This is a continuation of the course enetitled "Discrete-Time Models in Finance." The course studies the roles played by continuous-time stochastic processes in pricing derivative securities. Topics incluse stochastic calculus, martingales, the Black-Scholes model and its variants, pricing market securities, interest rate models, arbitrage, and hedging.

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MATH 6397: Stochastic Processes (section# 13407)
Time: 0100-0200PM - MWF - 135-FH
Instructor: Nicol
Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
Text(s): A First Course in Stochastic Processes, Karlin and Taylor, Second Edition, Academic Press.
Reference Book: Stochastic Differential Equations: An introduction with applications, Oksendal, 6th Edition, Springer.

This course will cover a wide range of topics in stochastic processes and applied probability. The emphasis will be on understanding the main ideas with a view to applications. Some group projects involving simulations will be given, but ni computer programming experience will be assumed.

  1. Brief review of discrete time Markov chains. Continuous time Markov chains: birth-death processes; Poisson processes; birth and death with absorbing states. Applications.
  2. Martingales and martingale convergence theorems. Stopping times. Brownian motion, properties of Brownian paths and applications.
  3. Stochastic differential equations and applications.
  4. Diffusion processes, backward and forward equations, diffusion models with killing, semigroup formulation of continuous time Markov processes.
  5. Stationary processes, ergodic theorems, prediction of mean square error and covariance, applications of ergodic theory.
  6. Brief introduction to branching processes, generating functions, extinction probabilies.

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Time: 1000-1100AM - MWF - 350-PGH
Instructor: Josic
Prerequisites: Undergraduate classes in differential equations, linear algebra, and/or some type of engineering math.
Text(s): Lecture note.

The purpose of this course is to introduce the student to the mathematical techniques that are useful in the modelling and analysis of active membranes, neurons and neuronal networks. The course will start with a brief review of the biology, and an introduction to applied dynamical systems theory. This will be followed by the derivation and analysis of the fundamental equations of neuroscience - the Hodgkin-Huxley equations - and their various reductions. The course will continue with a description of the dynamics of small networks, including central pattern generators. Finally analytically tractable models of large scale networks will be considered. Time permitting, I will discuss information theoretic techniques and their applications in data analysis.

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MATH 6397: Statistical Properties of Dynamical Systems (section# 13408)
Time: 1200-0100PM - MWF - 301-AH
Instructor: Mike Field
Prerequisites: At least some knowledge of measure theory is advised. Generally, I won't spend much time (if any) proving results from measure theory. Though, where necessary, I will do an appropriate overview. In fact this course is a very good way to learn about measure theory. I don't expect any significant background in dynamical systems. If you don't know what a differential equation is, it doesn't matter (though it won't hurt if you do know). As always, the material and level that I include will depend on the audience and their background. I will list some useful reference texts later but I want to emphasize that I will provide printed notes giving main definitions, proofs etc. I will also provide complete sets of solutions to homework.
Text(s): There will be no set text but (detailed) notes will be provided.

Brief course description: This course will be about properties of measure preserving transformations of a probability space (including mixing, weak mixing and
ergodicity). Our first main result will be Birkoff's ergodic theorem - "time average = space average"'. This result is a far reaching generalization of Borel's strong law of large numbers and has some rather amazing applications to number theory (as we
shall illustrate).

We will then specialize to the class of topological Markov chains (or subshifts of finite type). These spaces can be viewed as modelling coin tossing of a multi-faceted coin with quite variable statistics. After setting up the spaces and map (there
is just one --- the shift map), we use functional analytic techniques based on Ruelle's transfer operator (a generalization of the Perron-Frobenius operator) to determine ergodic, mixing and other statistical properties of topological Markov chains. Although a topological Markov chain is, topologically speaking, a Cantor set, we can use topological Markov chains to model a wide range of differentiable dynamics. We indicate how.

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Time: 0400-0530PM - TTH - 204-AH
Instructor: Canic
Prerequisites: Multivariable Calculus, Real and Complex Analysis

None required. Texbooks that will be used are:

  • W. Strauss's: "Partial Differential Equations"
  • R. Glowinski: "Numerical Methods for Fluids (Part 3)"
  • Chorin and Marsden: "Mathematical Introduction to Fluid Mechanics"
  • Y.C. Fung: "Circulation"
  • Y.C. Fung: "Biomechanics: Mechanical properties of living tissues
  • R. LeVeques: "Conservation Laws", Research Papers

Review of basic linear PDEs. Analysis of quasilinear PDEs with concentration to hyperbolic conservation laws.

Introduction to fundamentals of fluid mechanics(basic equations of motion: continuity, momentum, energy, vorticity). Incompressible/compressible flow examples (derivation of the incompressible, viscous Navier-Stokes equations).

A brief introduction to Sobolev spaces. Fluid-structure interaction arising in blood flow modeling(effective models). Energy estimates.

Special topics related to the study of blood flow through compliant blood vessels.

For more infomation, click here

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MATH7321: Functional Analysis (section# 13412)
Time: 1000-1100AM - MWF - 347-PGH
Instructor: Paulsen
Prerequisites: Math 7320 or permission of Instructor
Text(s): None, course notes will be distributed;
Description: This semester will focus on Banach algebras and an introduction to K-theory.

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MATH7306: Structure of Rings and Modules (section# 13411)
Time: 1130-0100 - TTH - 301-AH
Instructor: Hausen
Prerequisites: Graduate Standing or consent of instructor.
Text(s): F. W. Anderson and K. R. Fuller, 'Rings and Categories of Modules,' Second Edition, Springer--Verlag, New York, 1992, ISBN 0-387-97845-3.
Description: This is a one-semester graduate course on Ring and Module Theory. Topics to be covered include basic ring and module theory, Direct Sums and Products, Finiteness Conditions for Modules, Classical Ring-Structure Theorems, Functors between Module Categories, and Projectivity and Injectivity.

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MATH7350: Topology/Geometry II (GEOMETRY OF MANIFOLDS) (section# 11298)
Time: 0100-0230PM - MW - 345-PGH
Instructor: TOROK
Prerequisites: Math6342 or consent of the instructor.
Text(s): Course notes will be distributed in class. Relevant books will be placed on reserve in the library.
Description: This course intends to cover the geometry part of the syllabus for the Topology/Geometry preliminary examination. It includes: manifolds, the inverse and implicit function theorems, submanifolds, partitions of unity; tangent bundles, vector fields, the Frobenius theorem, Lie derivatives, vector bundles; differential forms, tensors and tensor fields on manifolds; exterior algebra, orientation, integration on manifolds, Stokes' theorem.
A few additional topics might be also covered, depending on the interest of the audience

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MATH7374: Finite Element Methods (section# 13413)
Time: 1000-1130AM - TTH - 154-F
Instructor: He
Prerequisites: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.

D. Braess: Finite Elements Theory, Fast Solvers and Applications in Solid Mechanics. 2nd Edition. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 2001, ISBN: 0521011957.

The optional reference books:

  • S.C. Brenner and L. Ridgway Scott: The Mathematical Theory of Finite Element Methods, 2nd Edition. Springer, New York, 2002, ISBN: 0387954511.
  • P.G. Ciarlet: The Finite Element Method for Elliptic Problems (Classics in Applied Mathematics, 40), SIAM, 2002, ISBN: 0898715148 .

Finite element methods represent a powerful and general class of techniques for the approximate solution of partial differential equations. The aim of this course is to provide an introduction to their mathematical theory, with special emphasis on theoretical questions such as accuracy, reliability and adaptivity. Practical issues concerning the development of efficient finite element algorithms will also be discussed.

The lectures will be accompanied by problem solving classes using FreeFem++ (a finite element PDE solver) in the Math Computing Laboratory. Design projects involving the applications of the finite element methods to problems of practical interest in fluid dynamics (potential and Stokes flows), solid mechanics (Lame equations), electromagnetics and acoustics will be given.

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Time: 1000-1130AM - TTH - 350-PGH
Instructor: KAO
Prerequisites: MATH 6397 Time Series Analysis
Text(s): "Analysis of Financial Time Series," by Ruey S. Tsay, Wiley, ISBN 0-471-415448, 2002.
Description: This is a data analysis course with a focus on financial and energy time series for applications in pricing contingency claims, value-at-risk (VAR), and portfolio optimization.

Topics include autoregressive and moving averages (ARMA) models, conditional heterscedastic (GARCH) models, nonlinear and multivariate time series, estimation and analysis of jump diffusion models. The computation software chosen for data analysis is S-Plus.

Students enrolled in the course are expected to have some proficiency in computer usage and a strong interest in developing expertise in computational statistics as it is applied to financial and energy data analysis.

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