Senior and Graduate Math Course Offerings 2010 Fall
from 8/23/2010 to 12/17/2010


Senior undergraduate courses

Math 4320 - Section: 24134 - Introduction to Stochastic Processes - by Ott
MATH 4320: Introduction to Stochastic process(section# 24134)
Time: MoWeFr 12:00PM - 1:00PM - Room : PGH 345
Instructor: William Ott
Prerequisites: MATH 3338 or consent of instructor
Text(s): An Introduction to Stochastic Modeling (3rd edition) by Howard Taylor and Samuel Karlin
Description: We study the theory and applications of stochastic processes.  Topics include Markov chains, Poisson processes, renewal phenomena, Brownian motion, an introduction to stochastic calculus, and queueing theory.
Math 4331 - Section: 26180 - Intro To Real Analysis - by Tomforde
MATH 4331 Intro To Real Analysis (Section# 26180)
Time: MoWeFr 12:00PM - 1:00PM - Room: AH 15
Instructor: Tomforde
Prerequisites: MATH 3333 or consent of instructor.
Text(s): lecture note from instructor

This is a first semester of a two semester course.

The emphasis in MATH 6312 will be on 1-variable theory and results from "classical analysis". Topics covered will include infinite series, sequences, functions (continuous, analytic, smooth), uniform convergence, Weierstrass Approximation theorem, Fourier series, the Gamma-function and the Euler-Maclaurin formula. There will also be a fairly extensive introduction about the real number system.

For detailed information, visit

Math 4350 - Section: 31208 - Differential Geometry - by Ru
MATH 4350 Differential Geometry (Section# 31208)
Time: MoWeFr 11:00AM - 12:00PM - Room : AH 201
Instructor: Ru
Prerequisites: Math 2433 (Calculus of Functions of Several Variables) and Math 2431
(Linear Algebra)
Text(s): Differential Geometry: A first course in curves and surfaces by Prof. Theodore Shifrin at the University of Georgia (

This year-long course will introduce the theory of the geometry of curves and surfaces in three-dimensional space using calculus techniques, exhibiting the interplay between local and global quantities.

Topics include: curves in the plane and in space, global properties of curves and surfaces in three dimensions, the first fundamental form, curvature of surfaces, Gaussian curvature and the Gaussian map, geodesics, minimal surfaces, Gauss' Theorem Egregium, Gauss-Bonnet theorem etc.

Math 4364 - Section: 24136 - Numerical Analysis - by Pan
MATH 4364 Numerical Analysis (Section# 24136)
Time: MoWe 4:00PM - 5:30PM - Room: PGH 345
Instructor: T. Pan
Prerequisites: Math 2431 (Linear Algebra), Math 3331 (Differential Equations). Ability to
do computer assignments in FORTRAN, C, Matlab, Pascal, Mathematica or Maple. This is a first semester of a two semester course.
Text(s): Numerical Analysis (8th edition) by RL Burden & JD Faires
Description: We will develop and analyze numerical methods for approximating the solutions of common mathematical problems. The emphasis this semester will be on solving nonlinear equations, interpolation, numerical differentiation and integration, initial value problems of ordinary differential equations, and direct methods for solving linear systems of equations. This is an introductory course and will be a mix of mathematics and computing.
Math 4377 - Section: 31209 - Advanced Linear Algebra I - by Heier
MATH 4377 Advanced Linear Algebra I (Section# 31209)
Time: MoWeFr 10:00AM - 11:00AM - Room: SEC 103
Instructor: G. Heier
Prerequisites: Math 2331 and minimum 3 hours of 3000 level mathematics.
Text(s): Linear Algebra, 4th edition, by Friedberg, Insel, and Spence,
ISBN 0-13-008451-4
Description: Instructor will cover up to Chapter 4 (determinant).
Topics covered include linear systems of equations, vector spaces, linear transformation, and matrices.
Math 4377 - Section: 26178 - Advanced Linear Algebra I - by Kaiser
MATH 4377 Advanced Linear Algebra I (Section# 26178)
Time: TuTh 11:30AM - 1:00PM - Room: SEC 103
Instructor: Kaiser
Prerequisites: Math 2331 and minimum 3 hours of 3000 level mathematics
Text(s): Linear Algebra, fourth Edition, by S.H. Friedberg, A.J Insel, L.E. Spence, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-008451-4
Description: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, , Chapter 4 (4.1-4.4), Chapter 5 (5.1—5.2).

Course Description: The general theory of Vector Spaces and Linear Transformations will be developed in an axiomatic fashion. Determinants will be covered to the extent to study eigenvalues, eigenvectors and diagonalization.

There will be three tests and a Final. Homework will be assigned regularly and discussed in class.

Grading: Tests worth 60% , Final, worth 40%
Math 4397 - Section: 31211 - History of Mathematics (online) - by Ji
MATH 4397 Selected Topics in Math (Section# 31211)
- History of Mathematics -
Time: ARRANGE (online course)
Instructor: Ji
Prerequisites: Calculus II.
Text(s): Victor Katz, A History of Mathematics: An Introduction, 3rd (or 2nd Ed.), Addison-Wesley, 2009 (or 1998), and lecture notes.

This course is designed to provide a college-level experience in history of mathematics. Students will understand some critical historical mathematics events, such as creation of classical Greek mathematics, and development of calculus; recognize notable mathematicians and the impact of their discoveries, such as Fermat, Descartes, Newton and Leibniz, Euler and Gauss; understand the development of certain mathematical topics, such as Pythagoras theorem, the real number theory and calculus.

Aims of the course: To help students
to understand the history of mathematics;
to attain an orientation in the history and philosophy of mathematics;
to gain an appreciation for our ancestor's effort and great contribution;
to gain an appreciation for the current state of mathematics;
to obtain inspiration for mathematical education,
and to obtain inspiration for further development of mathematics.

On-line course is taught through Blackboard Vista, visit for information on obtaining ID and password.

The course will be based on my notes. The textbook is used for extra reading, do homework or do project (write essays).

In each week, three chapters of my notes will be posted on Monday, Wednesday and Friday in Blackboard Vista. Weekly homework and reading assignment may be posted in Blackboard Vista in Friday, including projects (essays). Turn all your homework  by next Friday through Blackboard Vista.

All homework, essays or exam paper, handwriting or typed,  should be turned into PDF files and be submitted through Blackboard Vista..

There is one final exam in multiple choice.

Grading: 30% homework, 50% projects, 20 % Final exam.

By petition, this course will count toward  major or minor requirements in mathematics.


Math 4389 - Section: 28570 - Survey of Undergraduate Math (Online) - by Peters
MATH 4389: Survey of Undergraduate Math (section# 28570)
Time: ARRANGE (online course)
Instructor: Burnis Peters




Graduate online courses

Math 5331 - Section: 31212 - Linear Algebra With Applications (online) - by Kaiser
MATH 5331: Linear Algebra With Applications (section# 31212)
Time: ARRANGE (online course)
Instructor: Kaiser

Linear Algebra Using MATLAB, Selected material from the text Linear Algebra and Differential Equations Using Matlab by Martin Golubitsky and Michael Dellnitz)
The text  will made available to enrolled students free of charge.

Software: Scientific Note Book (SNB) 5.5  (available through MacKichan Software,


Syllabus: Chapter 1 (1.1, 1.3, 1.4), Chapter 2 (2.1-2.5), Chapter 3 (3.1-3.8), Chapter 4 (4.1-4.4), Chapter 5 (5.1-5.2, 5.4-5-6), Chapter 6 (6.1-6.4), Chapter 7 (7.1-7.4), Chapter 8 (8.1)

Project: Applications of linear algebra to demographics. To be completed by the end of the semester as part of the final.

Course Description: Solving Linear Systems of Equations, Linear Maps and Matrix Algebra, Determinants and Eigenvalues, Vector Spaces, Linear Maps, Orthogonality, Symmetric Matrices, Spectral Theorem
Students will also learn how to use the computer algebra portion of SNB for completing the project. 

Homework: Weekly assignments to be emailed as SNB file.

There will be three tests and a Final.

Grading: Tests count for 60%, final for 40%

Math 5385 - Section: 26188 - Statistics (online) - by Peters
MATH 5385: Statistics (section# 26188)
Time: ARRANGE (online course)
Instructor: Charles Peters
Math 5389 - Section: 31213 - Survey of Mathematics (online) - by Etgen
MATH 5397: Survey of Mathematics (section# 31213)
Time: ARRANGE (online course)
Instructor: Etgen
Math 5397 - Section: 31214 - Mathematical Modeling (online) - by Morgan
MATH 5397: Selected Topics in Mathematics (section# 31214)
- Mathematical Modeling -
Time: ARRANGE (online course)
Instructor: Morgan
Prerequisites: Calculus III and a first course in linear algebra
Text(s): Mathematical Modeling with Excel by Brain Albright

Students will be given an introduction to mathematical modeling with exposure to empirical modeling, discrete and continuous dynamical systems, simulation and optimization. No previous Excel experience us required.

Students will be expected to have access to Excel and a high speed internet connection to accommodate online meetings.

Math 5397 - Section: 35171 - Mult. Var. Calculus & Geometry - by Ru

MATH 5397: Selected Topics in Mathematics: (section# 35171)
- Mult. Var. Calculus & Geometry -

Time: Online course
Instructor: M. Ru
Prerequisites:  Math 2433(or equivalent) or consent of instructor.

Multivariate Calculus and Geometry, by Sean Dineen, 2nd edition
ISBN 978-1852334727, Springer-Verlage


Multivariate calculus links together in a non-trival way, perhapes for the first time in student's experience, four important subject areas: analysis, linear algebra, geometry and differential calculus.

This course covers: Differential calculus on open sets and surfaces (chapter 1-4), Integration theory (chapter 6, 9, 11-15), Goemtry of curves and surfaces (chapter 5, 6-8, 10, 16-18). The course provides a review and further development of the calculus III (Math 2333, Multivariate calculus and vector calculus). It also gives a nice preparation for students who intend to take my differential geometry online course later.




Graduate Courses

Math 6302 - Section: 24164 - Modern Algebra - by Tomforde
MATH 6302: Modern Algebra (section# 24164 )
Time: MoWeFr 10:00AM - 11:00AM - Room: PGH 350
Instructor: Mark Tomforde
Prerequisites: MATH 4333 or MATH 4378 or consent of instructor.
Text(s): "Abstract Algebra" by David Dummit and Richard Foote, 3rd Edition
Description: The course will cover the fundamentals of groups and rings.  Together with Math 6303, this course will serve as preparation for the Algebra preliminary exam.
Math 6308 - Section: 31210, 26182- Advanced Linear Algebra I - by Heier & Kaiser
MATH 6308: Advanced Linear Algebra I (section# 31210 )

MoWeFr 10:00AM - 11:00AM - Room : SEC 103

Instructor: Heier
Prerequisites: Math 2331 and minimum 3 hours of 3000 level mathematics.
Text(s): Linear Algebra, 4th edition, by Friedberg, Insel, and Spence, ISBN 0-13-008451-4
Description: Topics covered include linear systems of equations, vector spaces, linear transformation, and matrices.
Remark: There is a limitation for counting graduate credits for Math 6308, 6309, 6312, or 6313. For detailed information, see Masters Degree Options.

MATH 6308: Advanced Linear Algebra I (section# 26182 )
Time: TuTh 11:30AM - 1:00PM - Room: SEC 103
Instructor: Kaiser
Prerequisites: Math 2331 and minimum 3 hours of 3000 level mathematics
Text(s): Linear Algebra, 4th edition, by Friedberg, Insel, and Spence, ISBN 0-13-008451-4
Description: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, , Chapter 4 (4.1-4.4), Chapter 5 (5.1—5.2).

Course Description: The general theory of Vector Spaces and Linear Transformations will be developed in an axiomatic fashion. Determinants will be covered to the extent to study eigenvalues, eigenvectors and diagonalization.

There will be three tests and a Final. Homework will be assigned regularly and discussed in class.

Grading: Tests worth 60% , Final, worth 40%
Remark: There is a limitation for counting graduate credits for Math 6308, 6309, 6312, or 6313. For detailed information, see Masters Degree Options.


Math 6312 - Section: 26184 - Intro To Real Analysis - by Tomforde
MATH 6312: Intro To Real Analysis(section# 26184 )
Time: MoWeFr 12:00PM - 1:00PM - Room: AH 15
Instructor: Tomforde
Prerequisites: MATH 3333 or consent of instructor.
Text(s): lecture note from instructor

This is a first semester of a two semester course.

The emphasis in MATH 6312 will be on 1-variable theory and results from "classical analysis". Topics covered will include infinite series, sequences, functions (continuous, analytic, smooth), uniform convergence, Weierstrass Approximation theorem, Fourier series, the Gamma-function and the Euler-Maclaurin formula. There will also be a fairly extensive introduction about the real number system.

For detailed information, visit

Remark: There is a limitation for counting graduate credits for Math 6308, 6309, 6312, or 6313. For detailed information, see Masters Degree Options.
Math 6320 - Section: 24234 - Theory of Functions of a Real Variable - by Bodmann
MATH 6320: Theory of Functions of a Real Variable (section# 24234 )
Time: TuTh 2:30PM - 4:00PM - Room: PGH 350
Instructor: Bodmann
Prerequisites: PrerequisitesAn undergraduate real analysis sequence (Math 4331, 4332) or equivalent. 
A little topology and metric spaces would be useful.
Text(s): Walter Rudin, Real and Complex Analysis, 3rd edition, McGraw Hill. (Optional reading: Gerald Folland, Real Analysis, 2nd edition, Wiley-Interscience.)

This is the first semester of a 2 semester sequence. This semester focuses on the basic principles of measure and integration, which is essential in many areas of mathematics (in particular in analysis and probability). The syllabus for the first semester will cover most of the following topics: Measures. Measurable functions. Integration. Convergence of sequences of functions. Elementary Hilbert space theory. Banach spaces, e.g. the L^p spaces. Complex measures. Differentiation. Product measures and Fubini's theorem. Fourier transforms.

The midterm and the final exam will be based on the notes given in class, and on the homework. The final grade is approximately based on a total score of 400 points consisting of homework (100 points), a semester test (100 points), and a final exam (200 points).

Math 6324 - Section: 31216 - Differential Equations - by Nicol
MATH 6324: Differential Equations (section# 31216)
Time: TuTh 10:00AM - 11:30AM - Room 201 AH
Instructor: Nicol

Lecture note.

Recommended Texts

Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems and Linear Algebra by M. Hirsch and S. Smale (available at Amazon or in the library)

Ordinary Differential Equations by V. I. Arnold, M.I.T press, 1998 (paperback)

Geometrical Methods in the Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations by V. I. Arnold, Springer Verlag, 2nd Edition 1988.

Nonlinear Oscillations, Dynamical Systems and Bifurcations of Vector Fields by J. Guckenheimer and P. Holmes (Applied Mathematical Sciences Vol 42) Springer  Verlag.

Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics by V. I. Arnold, Springer Verlag, 2nd Edition.


This course is an introduction to differential equations. We cover linear theory: existence and uniqueness for autonomous and non-autonomous equations; stability analysis; stable and unstable manifolds; floquet theory and elementary bifurcation theory. We will also cover topics such as quasiperiodic motion; normal form theory; perturbation theory and classical mechanics.


There will be one  midterm (worth 20 points), a final exam (30 points) as well as 2 to 4 take-home problem sheets (to make up 50 points in total).

Math 6342 - Section: 24236 - Topology - by Blecher
MATH 6342: Topology (section# 24236 )
Time: MoWeFr 11:00AM - 12:00PM - Room: PGH 350
Instructor: Blecher
Prerequisites: Math 4331
Text(s): Topology, A First Course, J. R. Munkres, Second Edition, (required), or V. Runde A taste of topology, Springer Universitext (paperback, $34, not required).

This is the first semester of a two-semester introductory graduate course in topology (the second semester is largely devoted to differential geometry and I probably won't teach that). This is a central and fundamental course and one which graduate students usually enjoy very much! This semester we cover point-set topology. We begin by discussing a little set theory, the basic definitions of topology and basis, and go on to discuss separation properties, compactness, connectedness, nets, continuity, local compactness, Urysohn's lemma, local compactness, Tietze's theorem, the characterization of separable metric spaces, paracompactness, partitions of unity, and basic constructions such as subspaces, quotients, and products and the Tychonoff theorem.

You do not need a textbook, although I recommend the Munkres or the Runde books. You are expected to read the classnotes carefully each week, and bring to me things you don't understand there. You are also expected to do most of the homework sets, and turn in selected homework problems for grading. You are encouraged to work with others, form study groups, and so on, however copied turned in homework will not help you assimilate the material, and will not be graded.

The final grade is aproximately based on a total score of 400 points consisting of homework (100 points), a semester test (100 points), and a final exam (200 points). The instructor may change this at his discretion. We may also move the class time to a time thats more convenient for all; if the latter is possible ;

Math 6360 - Section: 26116 - Applicable Analysis - by Gorb
MATH 6360: Applicable Analysis (section# 26116)
Time: TuTh 4:00PM - 5:30PM - Room: PGH 347
Instructor: Y. Gorb

MATH 4331 or equivalent or consent of instructor.

Text(s): John Hunter, Bruno Nachtergaele, Applied Analysis, World Scientific Publishing Company, 2005.
Description: This course treats topics related to the solvability of various types of equations, and also of optimization and variational problems. The first half of the semester will concentrate on introductory material about norms, Banach and Hilbert spaces, etc. This will be used to obtain conditions for the solvability of linear equations, including the Fredholm alternative. The main focus will be on the theory for equations that typically arise in applications. In the second half of the course the contraction mapping theorem and its applications will be discussed. Also, topics to be covered include finite dimensional implicit and inverse function theorems, and existence of solutions of initial value problems for ordinary differential equations and integral equations.
Math 6366 - Section: 24238 - Optimization and Variational Methods - by He
MATH 6366: Optimization and Variational Methods (section# 24238)
Time: MoWeFri 12:00PM - 1:00PM - Room: PGH 343
Instructor: J. He
Prerequisites: Graduate standing or consent of the instructor. Students are expected to have a good grounding in basic real analysis and linear algebra.
Text(s): Stephen Boyd and Lieven Vandenberghe, Convex Optimization, Cambridge University Press, 2004 (available on the web at

The focus is on key topics in optimization that are connected through the themes of convexity, Lagrange multipliers, and duality. The aim is to develop a analytical treatment of finite dimensional constrained optimization, duality, and saddle point theory, using a few of unifying principles that can be easily visualized and readily understood. The course is divided into three parts that deal with convex analysis, optimality conditions and duality, computational techniques. In Part I, the mathematical theory of convex sets and functions is developed, which allows an intuitive, geometrical approach to the subject of duality and saddle point theory. This theory is developed in detail in Part II and in parallel with other convex optimization topics. In Part III, a comprehensive and up-to-date description of the most effective algorithms is given along with convergence analysis.

Math 6370 - Section: 24240 - Numerical Analysis - by He
MATH 6370: Numerical Analysis (section# 24240)
Time: TuTh 1:00PM - 2:30PM - Room: PGH 350
Instructor: J. He
Prerequisites: Graduate standing or consent of instructor. Students should have had a course in Linear Algebra and an introductory course in analysis. Familiarity with Matlab is also required.
Text(s): Numerical Linear Algebra, Lloyd N . Trefethen and David Bau, SIAM, 1997, ISBN: 0898713617
Description: This is the first semester of a two-semester course. The focus in this semester will be on numerical linear algebra. A short introduction to iterative solution of nonlinear systems and numerical optimization will also be given.
Math 6382 - Section: 24242 - Probability Models and Mathematical Statistics - by Azencott
MATH 6382: Probability Models and Mathematical Statistics (section# 24242)
Time: TuTh 4:00PM - 5:30PM - Room: PGH 350
Instructor: R. Azencott
Prerequisites: Undergraduate course in probability.
Text(s): Jeffrey Rosenthal: A first look at rigorous probability
Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Company; 2 edition (November 14, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9812703713
ISBN-13: 978-9812703712
Description: The main goals are to reach a good understanding of basic probability concepts, and to develop competence in problem solving. Course contents will include combinatorial analysis, joint distributions and conditional probability, independent random variables and Markov chains, major discrete and continuous distributions, modes of convergence. The course will be illustrated through examples and applications.
Math 6384 - Section: 24244 - Discrete-Time Model in Finance- by Kao
MATH 6384: Discrete -Time Model in Finance (section# 24244)
Time: TuTh 5:30PM - 7:00PM - Room: PGH 350
Instructor: Edward Kao
Prerequisites: Concurrent registration of MATH 6382, or some prior background in elementary probability.
Text(s): Introduction to Mathematical Finance: Discrete-Time Models
By Stanley R. Pliska, Blackwell Publishers, ISBN 1-55786-945-6, 1997.
Description: This course is an introduction to discrete-time models in finance. We start with single-period security markets and discuss arbitrage, risk-neutral probabilities, complete and incomplete markets. We survey consumption investment problems, mean-variance portfolio analysis, and equilibrium models. Theses ideas are then extended to multi-period settings. Valuation of options, futures, and other derivatives on equities, currencies, commodities, and fixed-income securities will be covered under discrete-time paradigms.
Math 6395 - Section: 31215 - Complex geometry and analysis - by Ji
MATH 6395: Complex geometry and analysis Flows (section# 31215)
Time: MoWeFr 9:00AM - 10:00AM - Room: AH 301
Instructor: Ji
Prerequisites: Complex analysis or consent of the instructor.
Text(s): No textbooks.
Description: This course will introduce Complex Geometry and Complex Analysis for the one dimensional case and higher dimensional case. It will covers complex manifolds, holomorphic line bundles, cohomology, sheaves, and Riemann-Roch theorem.

Homework assigned on each Friday and turn it in next Friday. One of the lowest scores will be dropped.

My lecture notes will be posted in Blackboard Vista.
Visit for information and to obtain ID and password. References will be given in class.

Exams Three exams. Open books and notes. No make up exam.
Math 6397 - Section: 31218 - Mathematical Hemodynamics - by Canic
MATH 6397: Mathematical Hemodynamics (section# 31218 )
Time: MoWe 4:00PM - 5:30PM - Room: PGH 348
Instructor: S. Canic
Prerequisites: Multivariable Calculus, Real and Complex Analysis
Text(s): None required.
(Texbooks which will be used are:
W. Strauss's: "Partial Differential Equations" ,
R. Glowinski: "Numerical Methods for Fluids (Part 3)",
Chorin and Marsden: "Mathematical Introduction to Fluid Mechanics",
Y.C. Fung: "Circulation",
Y.C. Fung: "Biomechanics: Mechanical properties of living tissues."
R. LeVeques: "Conservation Laws",
Research Papers)
Description: Review of basic linear PDEs.
Analysis of quasilinear PDEs with concentration to hyperbolic conservation laws.
Introduction to fundamentals of fluid mechanics.
Incompressible/compressible flow examples.
A brief introduction to Sobolev spaces.
The cardiovascular system.
Models of arterial walls.
Fluid-structure interaction in blood flow modeling.
Special topics including Stent Modeling.
Math 6397 - Section: 31271 - Stochastic Models in Biology - by Josic
MATH 6397: Stochastic Models in Biology (section# 31271 )
Time: MoWe 4:00PM - 5:30PM - Room: PGH 343
Instructor: Kresimir Josic
Prerequisites: two semesters of calculus, undergraduate probability, differential
equations and linear algebra.
Text(s): Instructor notes

While deterministic models of biological systems can offer valuable insights into their function and behavior, they do not fully capture the effects of randomness and variability which are fundamental features of nearly all biological systems. In this course we will apply the theory of probability and stochastic processes to models of biological systems. Students taking the course should be comfortable with multivariate calculus, differential equations and linear algebra.

Topics to be covered include: a review of probability, including numerical techniques for generating random samples, Markov processes with discrete and continuous space vari-ables, diffusion processes, Wiener and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes, point processes, Gillespie's algorithm and other algorithms for simulating stochastic processes and their application in biology, statistical analysis of time series, power spectra of random processes. A portion of the course will be devoted to numerical simulations of stochastic systems using MATLAB.

Math 6397 - Section: 31217 - Dynamic Systems and Ergodic Theory - by Torok
MATH 6397: Dynamic Systems and Ergodic Theory (section# 31217)
Time: TuTh 1:00PM - 2:30PM - Room: SEC 204
Instructor: Andrew Torok
Prerequisites: Familiarity with basic notions of measure theory and topology is recommended. The necessary results will be reviewed.
Text(s): no textbook .

We will begin with basic notions used in describing properties of dynamical systems and continue with tools for understanding certain chaotic systems.

The first part includes: basic examples (circle and interval maps, toral automorphisms, expanding maps, subshifts of finite type); ergodicity, mixing and their spectral characterization; recurrence, transitivity, minimality; the Ergodic Theorems of Birkhoff and von Neumann.

We will then use functional analysis (operators on Banach spaces) to describe a class of invariant measures for subshifts of finite type, and the mixing properties of these measures. Through Markov partitions, subshifts of finite type model uniformly hyperbolic dynamical systems, as we will describe.

These methods extend in a non-trivial way to Young towers, which model a class of non-uniformly hyperbolic systems.

Books that contain some of these topics are "Introduction to Ergodic Theory" by Peter Walters, "Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory" by Mark Pollicott and Michiko Yuri, "Introduction to the Modern Theory of Dynamical Systems" by A. Katok and B. Hasselblatt, "Introduction to Dynamical Systems" by M. Brin and G. Stuck, "Zeta functions and the periodic orbit structure of hyperbolic dynamics" by William Parry and Mark Pollicott. Additional notes will be provided.

Math 6397 - Section: 31275 - Variational Analysis of Differential Equations - by Auchmuty
MATH 6397: Variational Analysis of Differential Equations
Section# 31275
Time: TuTh 1:00PM - 2:30PM - Room: AH 204
Instructor: G. Auchmuty
Prerequisites: Math 6321, Math 6361 (or Math 6366) or consent of the instructor.
Text(s): Introduction to the Calculus of Variations by B. Dacorogna - 2nd edition- Imperial College Press ISBN-13: 978-1848163348

The first topic in this course is an introduction to Sobolev spaces of functions in one or more variables. A variational analysis of some classes of ordinary differential equations will then be described. This will include the use of variational principles to characterize solutions, obtain existence-uniqueness results, prove conservation laws and derive inequalities for these systems. Results for both boundary value problems and initial value problems will be treated. Results from convex analysis will be introduced as needed.

If time permits, extensions to classes of boundary value problems for PDEs and related evolution equations will be started.

Math 7320 - Section: 31219 - Functional Analysis - by Labate
MATH 7320: Functional Analysis (section# 31219 )
Time: MoWe 1:00PM - 2:30PM - Room: PGH 350
Instructor: D. Labate
Prerequisites: Real Analysis (MA 4331 or, better, MA 6320-6321) and Linear Algebra (MA
The course and the textbook do not require a specific knowledge of measure theory, so that students don't need be too concerned if they lack that background. However, basic notions from linear algebra (e.g., matrices, linear independence), analysis (e.g., convergence) and topology (e.g., open/closed sets) are needed.
Text(s): Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications, by Kreyszig, Wiley (1989)

The course will cover Hilbert spaces, Banach spaces and elementary properties of Linear Operators acting on these spaces. A number of applications will also be presented in class.

This course is part of a two semester sequence. The second semester will be a more technical development of the theory of linear operators on Hilbert spaces; unbounded operators; topics from Fourier Analysis. The selection of topics for the second semester will be based, in part, on the interest and feedback from interested students

Math 7397 - Section: 31277 - Monte Carlo Statistics Methods - by Kao
MATH 7397:Monte Carlo Statistics Methods (section# 31277)
Time: TuTh 2:30PM - 4:00PM - Room: AH 322
Instructor: Kao

MATH 6382-6383


Required text: Monte Carlo Statistical Methods, by Christian P. Roberts, and George Casella Springer, Second Edition, 2010, ISBN 978-0-387-21239-5

Recommended text: Introducing Monte Carlo Methods with R" by Christian Robert and George Casella, Springer, 2009

Description: This course is an introduction to computational statistics. The subjects include random number generation, Monte Carlo integration, Markoov chain Monte Carlo, the Metropolis-Hasting algorithm, the Gibb sampler, missing data models, and monitoring of convergence. Statistics are expected to possess some computer programming skills (e.g., Matlab, C++, R, etc) and use them in the course.






How to enroll course:

  1. Log in to My UH (People Soft)
  2. Click on "UH Self-Service"
  3. Click on "Enrollment" select "add classes" and choose the semester in which you would like to enroll.
  4. Enter the specific section number for the class (example: if you like to add Math 4320, you will enter the section number xxxxx).
  5. Continue to add more courses if needed and continue to finish the enrollment process.