Ways to Give

Dean’s Excellence Fund gifts provide the Tilman J. Fertitta Family College of Medicine with funds to use in its areas of greatest need. Whether it’s for students or community outreach, your gift helps medical students in their journey to become the physicians we need for tomorrow.
Fund for Students gifts to the Fertitta College of Medicine Fund for Students supports medical students' by providing resources not included in tuition and fees.
Scholarships and Fellowships make the difference in students pursuing their dreams or simply watching from the sidelines. Scholarships help to achieve the college’s goal of having 50% of its graduates choose primary care specialties.
Medicine with a Mission is critical as we launch the city of Houston’s first new medical school in nearly 50 years. Join us – and others who have made gifts – as we embrace this historic endeavor.
Endowed Chairs and Professorships are an exceptional honor, bestowing upon a faculty member respect and recognition as well as additional research and teaching resources. These endowments allow the university to recruit and retain top faculty and reward those who are top in their fields.
Gift Planning can be as simple as including us in your will. Including the college in your estate plan provides for the future of our students and enhances your legacy