Office of Medical Education
The Office of Medical Education provides support for faculty, students and overall curricular support for the Tilman J. Fertitta Family College of Medicine. We support curricular design, instructional strategies, accreditation and overall quality improvement. Key services include faculty development, course design and support, instructional strategies, and program evaluation.
The frontline curriculum support team is composed of program coordinators who interface Fertitta College of Medicine's learning management system eMedley and manage course scheduling for their respective faculty members. Please feel free to contact us to inquire about how we can customize a support plan for you and your instructional team.
Fertitta College of Medicine’s unique and innovative curriculum will prepare students to practice high-quality, high-value patient-centered medicine in a rapidly changing and complex health system. We place a major emphasis on primary care in underserved populations, social determinants of health, community and population health, and behavioral health to improve health care in urban and rural areas.
Throughout the four-year curriculum, students will be immersed in a highly integrated approach to the teaching of biomedical, clinical, behavioral and social, health system and population health sciences, complemented with robust experiential learning.
How am I graded in the preclerkship and clerkship curriculum?
All preclerkship courses are graded as pass/ fail. Students must pass the comprehensive final summative exam in a course to achieve a passing score. Clerkships will be graded as pass/ fail/ honors.