Explore and Apply to Learning Abroad programs in our 
CoogsAbroad Portal!

  • Begin your journey abroad at our LA101 Workshop

    Learn about our program options, scholarships and funding opportunities, academic and program eligibility, and how to find the best program for you at our Learning Abroad 101 Workshops. Held virtually and in person, all students must attend an LA101 Workshop before they begin the advising process.

  • Hear Firsthand from our Global Guides

    Want to hear firsthand from UH students who have studied abroad? Come talk to our Global Guides! They are happy to share their experiences with you and answer any questions you may have. You can also find them tabling around campus every week.

  • Fund Your Program with Scholarships

    Many of our #CoogsAbroad fund their programs partially or fully with Learning Abroad schoalrships, like the UH International Education Scholarship or the Gilman International Scholarship. Learn more about your options and how to successfully apply on our website or at a scholarship session or workshop!

Plan ahead


Spend a semester abroad!

Keep on track with your degree plan and take courses abroad in your major and minor-even use your financial aid to help get you there. From business to languages, social sciences to STEM, there are so many courses and opportunities! Work with your advisor about what and where you'd like to study, and attend one of our Learning Abroad 101 workshops, visit the Programs page to see all of your opportunities, and get started today!

Learning Abroad by the numbers: 2023-2024

  • 427Coogs Abroad
  • 27Gilman Scholarship Recipients
  • $440,000+Student Scholarship Funding
  • 39Countries Visited

Alexa, Dora, Elizabeth, Leah, and Virginia join one of their faculty leaders, Dr. Kia Johnon, on an excursion through Mayan Ruins on their summer 2019 CommD faculty-led program to Belize.

Check out our #coogsabroad on Social Media!