Engineering Thesis Guidelines
A Senior Honors Thesis in engineering typically arises from close collaboration with a faculty member on an existing research project. Ideally, you will identify a significant aspect of that research and craft a smaller project representing your own work.
The thesis should include an introduction explaining the relevance of your work to the broader field of study, a brief literature review, pertinent explanations of all technical innovations and processes and an appropriate representation of results achieved. On average, the thesis will be between 30-60 pages.
A senior honors thesis must demonstrate:
- Substantial research-based argumentation (with all the accompanying effective incorporation, analysis, and synthesis and citation of sources)
- Quality organization and prose
- Professional formatting
Deadlines and Procedures
Prepare the final copy for binding according to the binding and formatting guidelines for the College of Engineering. The deadline for submitting for college approval can also be found there.
A minimum of two bound copies are required from engineering students for:
- their department
- their major professor (unless they do not require it)
Vernon-Harrison will bind your copies for you. Your PeopleSoft account is charged $45 per copy.
You will also be required to submit an electronic copy of your thesis to the M.D. Anderson Library as outlined by the Honors College once your thesis is approved. The thesis defense form and directions for submitting the final approved thesis to the Honors College can be found on the Defense and Graduation page.
Senior Honors Thesis Representatives
Miranda Vernon-Harrison
Engineering Senior Honors Thesis Representative
Dr. Rikki Bettinger
Senior Honors Thesis Director