Take this test and protect yourself against plagiarism!
Select the correct answer below each question.
Select the MOST complete answer first. After that, you may select other answers to see the response.
When you answer incorrectly, make sure to learn from your mistakes by reading the response!
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The words, ideas, arguments, and/or overall organization of a work are protected intellectual property,
unless the work appears on the Internet.
unless the copyright has run out on the work.
unless it is a work of fiction.
but may still be cited according to "fair use" restrictions.
Plagiarism can be defined as
representing another person's work--their words and/or ideas--as your own.
not acknowledging the sources your ideas build upon.
paraphrasing another's ideas with explicit attribution to the author.
A & B
When is it necessary to cite a source?
When your ideas build on someone else's.
When you are paraphrasing someone else's ideas.
When you use someone else's words.
If you are unsure whether you should cite the source.
All of the above.
In addition to citing sources for written texts, it is also important to reference
any information taken from standard reference works such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, or statistical sources.
ideas taken from a lecture by a professor.
information taken off the internet.
ideas gleaned from classroom discussion.
all of the above.
Turnitin.com is used in The Human Situation for the purposes of
automatic grading of papers.
tracking your cumulative grades throughout the semester.
detecting plagiarism in all papers.
preserving a database of student papers.
all of the above.
b, c, and d.
Two students work together on their papers. When they submit them to Turnitin.com, they turn up a 35% match. Their professors will find that
they are not guilty of plagiarism, since the ideas were derived in common.
only the student to submit his paper last is guilty of plagiarism.
regardless of intent, the students have committed plagiarism.
the students have committed plagiarism if evidence of the intent to plagiarize can be established.
Texts like Homer's Iliad or the Bible do not need referencing, since they are ancient and are not covered by copyright laws.
A student accused of plagiarism based upon evidence from Turnitin.com has no defence against being penalized.
A student caught plagiarizing will fail the course automatically.
If a student admits to plagiarism and accepts the penalty, the case is cleared up.