A grant is a financial offer that does not need to be repaid. In other words, it's free money! Grants are typically offered based on your financial need, unlike scholarships, which are usually based on academic excellence.
Grants are available through federal, state, private and university sources. Funds are limited, so apply early!
For 2025-26, you must submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the Texas Application for State Financial Aid (TASFA) and all other financial aid documents by the state of Texas priority deadline, unless otherwise indicated, to get maximum consideration for grant funding. The state of Texas priority deadline for 2025-26 was Feb. 15, 2025, while the state of Texas priority deadline for 2024-25 was April 15, 2024.
Virtual Advising is now available
Questions? Contact the Financial Aid Office by emailing or calling (713-743-1010, option 5). Financial Aid Advisors are also available by virtual drop-in advising (via the Navigate app) to help you with questions about your financial aid process.
Please note: Certain grant offer amounts may be adjusted based on actual enrollment as of the Official Reporting Day (ORD) on the 12th day of class.
- Federal Pell Grant Program
- Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant Program (FSEOG)
- Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant
- Texas Public Educational Grant (TPEG)
- Texas Transfer Grant
- Towards Excellence, Access and Success (TEXAS) Grant
- UH Scholars' Grant
- Undergraduate Institutional Grant
- Federal Pell Grant Program
- Amount: $7,395
The Federal Pell Grant Program, unlike a loan, does not have to be repaid. The Federal Pell Grant Program is considered a foundation of federal financial aid, to which aid from other federal and non-federal sources may be added. The maximum Federal Pell Grant Program offer for the 2024-25 offer year (July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025) is $7,395. The maximum offer can change each offer year and is dependent upon program funding. Actual offer amounts are determined by the Student Aid Index (SAI), formerly known as Expected Family Contribution (EFC), and enrollment status. You can receive the Federal Pell Grant Program for no more than 12 semesters or the equivalent (roughly six years). You may not receive Federal Pell Grant Program funds from more than one school at a time.
Federal Pell Grant Program funds initially offered to you are based on an assumed full-time (12 hours) enrollment. The amount you will receive is based on the number of hours enrolled in, as of the 12th day of class; the information you provided on the FAFSA, and your lifetime limits already used. Your Federal Pell Grant Program funds will be prorated to reflect your actual enrollment hours after the 12th class day.
- Eligibility Requirements:
- Meet the eligibility requirements for federal student aid
- Must meet the Student Aid Index (SAI), formerly known as Expected Family Contribution (EFC)
- Undergraduate pursuing 1st bachelor's degree
- Must not have met Federal Pell Grant Program lifetime eligibility used (LEU) limits
- Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant Program (FSEOG)
- Amount: $100 to $2,000 per year
The Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant Program (FSEOG) is for undergraduate students with exceptional financial need. Schools are allocated a limited amount of funding. Just like the Federal Pell Grant Program, FSEOG does not have to be repaid. - Eligibility Requirements:
- Meet the eligibility requirements for federal student aid
- Enroll in at least 6 credit hours each semester to receive funds initially offered
- Grant will be prorated for enrollment in 1-5 credit hours
- Be an undergraduate pursuing a first bachelor's degree
- Have Student Aid Index (SAI), formerly known as Expected Family Contribution (EFC), of $0 or less, and be a Federal Pell Grant recipient
- Must meet the FAFSA state of Texas priority deadline
- 2025-26 state of Texas priority deadline was Feb. 15, 2025
- 2024-25 state of Texas priority deadline was April 15, 2024
- Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant
- Amount: Up to $4,000 per year
The Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant Program provides up to $4,000 per year in grants for: -
- Graduate students,
- Undergraduate students, and
- Students enrolled in post-baccalaureate teacher credential program
- These students sign an agreement with the US Department of Education indicating their intentions to teach full-time in high-need subject areas for at least four years at schools that serve students from low-income families. For students who do not meet the teaching obligation, the grant converts to a loan with interest accrued to the date of disbursement. Students may receive up to $16,000 for undergraduate study and up to $8,000 for graduate study. Part-time students are eligible, but the maximum grant will be reduced.
- Texas Public Educational Grant (TPEG)
- Amount: Varies
- This program, administered by the state of Texas, helps students with financial need who are seeking a first bachelor's degree, a graduate degree or professional degree. Texas residents and nonresidents who meet the state of Texas priority deadline are eligible. For 2025-26, the FAFSA/TASFA state of Texas priority deadline was Feb. 15, 2025. For 2024-25, the FAFSA state of Texas priority deadline was April 15, 2024.
- Eligibility Requirements:
- Complete the FAFSA or TASFA and submit all requested documents by the priority deadline
- Meet the eligibility requirements for federal or state aid
- Demonstrate financial need
- Enroll in at least three-quarter-time (nine credit hours for undergraduates/professionals, seven credit hours for graduates) through the 12 th class day each term
- Be pursuing a first bachelor's degree, a graduate degree or professional degree
- Register with selective service, or be exempt
- Texas Transfer Grant
- Amount: $10,788 per year ($5,394 per semester)
- The Texas Transfer Grant Program provides need-based grants to enable eligible students to transfer from two-year institutions of higher education to four-year ones in this state. Schools are allocated a limited amount of funding and funds are offered based on the criteria below and on a first-come, first-serve basis until funds are exhausted. A student may not receive a Transfer Grant while simultaneously receiving a Toward EXcellence, Access, and Success (TEXAS) Grant. The state of Texas priority deadline for the 2025-26 aid year was Feb. 15, 2025. The state of Texas priority deadline for 2024-25 was April 15, 2024.
- Eligibility Requirements:
- Complete the FAFSA or TASFA by the state of Texas priority deadline;
- Texas resident;
- Register with selective service , or be exempt;
- Have a Student Aid Index (SAI) at or below $6,472
- Show financial need in the semester(s) which the grant is offered;
- Be enrolled full-time (minimum 12 credit hours) in the semester(s) in which the grant is offered;
- Be enrolled in a baccalaureate degree program at an eligible institution, no later than the end of the 12th month after the calendar month the student earned an associate degree
- Meet satisfactory academic progress (SAP) requirements
- Not be more than 30 days delinquent on an obligation to pay child support (see TFC, 231.006)
- Have been awarded an associate degree by a public junior college, public state college or public technical institute, and credit hours earned toward completion of the associate degree must:
- include completion of the core curriculum or an abbreviated
- core curriculum related to a specific approved field of study
- curriculum transferable to one or more general academic teaching institution;
- have completed the associate degree with at least a 2.5 grade point average; and
- have completed the associate degree before enrolling in a baccalaureate degree program at the institution offering the Transfer Grant
Texas Transfer Grant Hardship Provision Policy:
Students not currently meeting eligibility requirements may complete and submit the Texas Transfer Grant Hardship form.
- If the student is enrolled in fewer semester hours than required
- If the student fails to meet SAP
- If the student requires an extension of the year limits to complete their degree
- If the student receives a grant after attempting more than 135 hours
- However, the total number of hours paid for, at least in part, with Texas Transfer Grant funds may not exceed 150 semester credit hours or the equivalent.
- If the student enrolls beyond the 12th month after the calendar month the student earned an associate degree.
Hardships circumstances which are reviewed include but not limited to:
- Medical/Illness
- Financial Difficulty
- Emotional/Extreme Stress
- Family Issues
Hardship requests are reviewed and approved by the program coordinator in the order in which they are received and are subject to funding availability.
Approved hardships are offered Texas Transfer Grant for the upcoming year.
- Towards Excellence, Access and Success (TEXAS) Grant
- Students who complete the Recommended, Foundation, or Distinguished Achievement High School Program in an accredited Texas high school and meet certain eligibility requirements are automatically considered for this state-sponsored program. The state of Texas priority deadline for the 2025-26 TEXAS Grant was Feb. 15, 2025. For 2024-25, the state of Texas priority deadline was April 15, 2024.
Eligibility Requirements for Initial Year (IY) offers:
For 2025-26, priority consideration will be given to students who apply to the University of Houston and submit all supporting admissions documents by Jan. 15, 2025, and submit their FAFSA/TASFA and all financial aid documents by Feb. 15, 2025.
- For 2024-25, priority consideration was given to students who applied to the University of Houston and submitted all supporting admissions documents by Jan. 15, 2024, submitted their FAFSA/TASFA and all financial aid documents by April 15, 2024.
- Students must also meet the basic requirements for the TEXAS Grant and additional requirements in at least two of the following four areas:
- Advanced Academic Program – 12 hours of college credit (dual credit or AP courses), complete the Distinguished Achievement Program
- TSI Readiness – Meet the Texas Success Initiative assessment thresholds or qualify for an exemption
- Class Standing – Graduate in the top 1/3 of the HS graduating class or have a B average on a 4.0 grading scale
- Advanced Math – Complete at least one math course beyond Algebra II
Students who meet the requirements for priority consideration must be offered before any other IY eligible students. If funding is available after all priority students are offered, offering will begin for students meeting the basic requirements.
Basic Eligibility Requirements for Initial Year offers:- Classification as a resident of Texas
- Graduation from a Texas public or private high school with the recommended, distinguished or foundation curriculum designation
- Complete the FAFSA or TASFA and submit all requested documents by the priority deadline
- Registration with selective service, or exemption
- No felony conviction or crime involving a controlled substance
- Not be more than 30 days delinquent on an obligation to pay child support (see TFC, 231.006 )
- Demonstration of financial need
- Enrolled in at least nine credit hours per semester of offer within 16 months after high school graduation
- Offers may be prorated based on hours and/or total tuition and fees
- Due to funding priorities defined by the state of Texas, UH has historically been unable to fund TEXAS Grants for transfer students.
- Eligibility Requirements for Continuing TEXAS Grant recipients:
- Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.50
- Complete at least 24 semester credit hours per academic year
- Enrolled in at least nine credit hours per semester of offer
- Offers may be prorated based on hours and/or total tuition and fees
- Have not been convicted of a felony or crime involving a controlled substance
- Not be more than 30 days delinquent on an obligation to pay child support (see TFC, 231.006 )
- Eligibility ends when one of the following has been met:
- 150 credit hours (90 credit hours if initially offered based on an associate degree) have been paid for by the grant
- 5 years or 10 semesters have passed since the initial offer (3 years or 6 semesters if initially offered based on an associate degree)
- An undergraduate degree has been granted
TEXAS Grant Hardship Provision Policy:
The state of texas requires that students who receive the TEXAS Grant must meet and maintain all following renewal requirements:
- Satisfactory Academic Progress
- Enroll in at least nine credit hours per semester of offer
- Cumulative GPA of 2.50
- Complete/Pass 24 credit hours in an academic year
- Students not currently meeting eligibility requirements may complete and submit the
- If summer grades are required for review, they are reviewed after summer grades have been posted (end of August).
Hardships circumstances which are reviewed include, but not limited to:
- Medical/Illness
- Financial Difficulty
- Emotional/Extreme Stress
- Family Issues
Hardship requests are reviewed and approved by the program coordinator. In the event the coordinator is unable to determine a decision, the hardship is forwarded to the supervisor over TEXAS Grant.
Approved hardships are offered TEXAS Grant for the upcoming year. The appropriate RY offer is placed on their account.
TEXAS Grant Review forms are reviewed in the order received and subject to fund availability.
- UH Scholars' Grant
- Amount: $500 to $1,000 per year
- The UH Scholars’ Grant was introduced in the 2020-21 offer year and retired after the 2023-24 aid year for initial year students. For current grant recipients, this grant is will continue to be renewable for the subsequent years of your undergraduate studies (for eight undergraduate semesters, or 10 semesters for architecture students), provided you meet the renewal criteria.
Renewable Requirements:- Complete the FAFSA and submit all requested documents by the state of Texas priority deadline each year
- 2025-26, the state of Texas priority deadline was Feb. 15, 2025
- 2024-25, the state of Texas priority deadline was April 15, 2024
- Meet the eligibility requirements to receive a Federal Pell Grant
- Meet the requirements for renewal of the Academic Excellence Scholarship
- Complete the FAFSA and submit all requested documents by the state of Texas priority deadline each year
- Undergraduate Institutional Grant
- This UH program offers grants to undergraduate students with exceptional need who meet the state of Texas priority deadline. For 2025-26, the FAFSA state of Texas priority deadline was Feb. 15, 2025. For 2024-25, the FAFSA state of Texas priority deadline was April 15, 2024. Students must be enrolled and maintain at least 12 hours enrollment each fall and spring term to be eligible for this offer. Eligibility is based on financial need and funding availability, which are subject to change from year to year.