Brock Taylor wins October 2022 Golden Paw Employee of the Month Award
DSA News
November 03, 2022
Brock Taylor, residential life coordinator, in Student Housing and Residential Life (SHRL), has been named the Golden Paw Employee of the Month winner for October 2022.
Dr. Daniel Maxwell (left) and Brock Taylor (right)
Brock was recognized for going above and beyond in his position as residential life coordinator. Brock would consistently take on additional work to ease the burden for the new residential life coordinators as they learned the processes and procedures in SHRL. In addition, Brock took on additional responsibilities back-to-back for two weeks straight while continuing to provide exceptional customer service to our students. Brock also moved areas and apartments several times to service areas in need. Brock said, “thank you so much Juliann (nominator/supervisor)! I really appreciate what you have done and continue to do for me!! This truly made my day.”
Brock demonstrated an ability to adapt to maintain consistency for SHRL during the pandemic when the SHRL team experienced increased staff shortages. Brock also demonstrated going above and beyond by seeking out opportunities to ensure that the work at SHRL is more equitable and inclusive. Brock brought ideas to his supervisor to address inequities in the Residential Assistant (RA) position which gave them an opportunity to begin dialogue with their colleagues to better address these issues and align their goals of Diversity and Inclusion.
Congratulations again to Brock for being named our October’s 2022 Golden Paw Employee of the Month winner.
The Golden Paw Employee of the Month award program honors DSA staff members who have performed outstanding work over the past month.