The 2013 – 2017 Strategic Plan
Strategic Initiatives
The Division of Student Affairs, in support of the University’s Tier One status and in an effort to embody its own mission, vision and values, shall undertake the following strategic initiatives:
- Create new opportunities for student success through learning, engagement and discovery.
- Actualize and leverage the fiscal, human, technological, and facility resources that enhance the student experience.
- Foster the creation of a global learning community that actualizes and embraces inclusion while preparing students to become active citizens.
- Develop a culture of innovation and accountability in the redesign of Division policies, processes and procedures.
- Cultivate a collective identity that demonstrates a united vision.
- Create and engage in strategic partnerships.
Our Path to Progress
The Division of Student Affairs is on an exciting path in the implementation of a strategic plan to establish our vision for the future and to transform into a Tier One division to support student success. Our journey began in May 2012 with each department preparing a SWOT Analysis of the division which created the starting point for a retreat with our Senior Leadership Team to assess our own strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The outcome of the retreat was the formulation of a first draft mission, vision and a set of values for the division. In addition, the members of the Senior Leadership Team identified six strategic initiatives that would advance the division's programs, services, and facilities.
An Edit Team was appointed to modify the drafts of the documents between each phase of the process. The Edit Team prepared new drafts of the mission, vision, values statements along with the strategic initiatives. All members of the Division participated in a half-day retreat in July 2012 to evaluate and revise each document and create a series of action steps for each strategic initiative. Following the input from the division staff, the Edit Team created opportunities for additional feedback through the use of Share Point. The process was inclusive throughout the development of the strategic plan and a glossary of terms was created to ensure a common understanding of our collective work as we move forward.
The Division of Student Affairs will advance our contributions to student success with a common mission and vision. The values identified will guide our practice and our commitment to us, our students and the University of Houston. The six strategic initiatives challenge us to reach the next level and to aspire to be more. Our goal is to be a Tier One Division of Student Affairs and this strategic plan provides us with that path for success.
Special Thanks
DSA Executive Leadership Team, 2011-2012
- Dr. Richard Walker
- Floyd Robinson
- Daniel Maxwell
- Patricia Sayles
- Dr. William Munson
- Don Yackley
- Keith Kowalka
DSA Senior Leadership Team, 2011-2012
- Dr. Richard Walker
- Kimberly Clark
- Sherry Howard
- Daniel Maxwell
- Lawrence Daniel
- Marcella Leung
- Dr. William Munson
- Kristin Deville
- Dr. Norma Ngo
- Keith Kowalka
- Matthew Dulin
- Kamran Riaz
- Floyd Robinson
- Robbie Evans
- Dr. David Small
- Patricia Sayles
- Michael Fain, J.D.
- Donald Yackley
- Linda Garza
- Jason Bergeron
- Dr. Gail Gillan
- De'Awn Bunch
- Cheryl Grew-Gillen
Edit Team, 2011-2012
- Daniel M. Maxwell
- Dr. Gail Gillan
- Keith Kowalka
- De'Awn Bunch
Production Team, 2011-2012
- Matthew Dulin
- UH Printing & Postal
- Kyle Stehling
Pappas Consulting Group, Inc.