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University Commencement

College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences

Fertitta Center, University of Houston

Thursday, May 8, 2025

Spring 2025 University Commencement for the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences will include all Spring and Summer 2025 bachelor's, master's and Ph.D. degree candidates. At University Commencement for CLASS all graduation candidates will be individually recognized on stage and have their names announced. In order to preserve the dignity of the program and honor all our graduates, we do not allow graduates to leave the floor before the ceremony is over. All graduates choosing to participate in our ceremonies will remain for the duration of the event.

CLASS Morning Ceremony, 9-11a

Departments Represented

  • African American Studies
  • Jack J. Valenti School of Communication
  • Communication Sciences and Disorders
  • Comparative Cultural Studies - Anthropology, Liberal Studies, Religious Studies
  • Economics
  • English
  • Health and Human Performance

CLASS Mid-Day Ceremony, 2-4p

Departments Represented

  • Hispanic Studies (Spanish)
  • History
  • Modern and Classical Languages – Chinese, French, Italian, World Cultures & Literature
  • Philosophy
  • Political Science
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies

CLASS Stage Page

Mandatory:  Each CLASS graduation candidate must arrive at the event with their own Stage Page.  This page will be e-mailed to each CLASS graduation candidate Friday, April 25, 2025.  Open the e-mail, read instructions and print the attached Stage Page.  You must have this Stage Page with you at the ceremony.  As you arrive on stage you will hand this paper to the reader who will announce your name. An image on your phone does not take the place of this actual printed page.

Guest Tickets Required

Guest tickets will be required for all University Commencement ceremonies.  A few weeks before your event, an alert with instructions to download six (6) general admission electronic guest tickets will be emailed to your University of Houston email address.  If you do not receive this email, check your spam folder for misdirected communications.  Distribute tickets to your guests before the day of your event.  Ticketing assistance is not available at graduation line-up. Tickets are ceremony-specific and may only be used for the ceremony displayed on the ticket.

Graduation candidates themselves will not require a ticket. Children two (2) years of age and younger will not require tickets.

All commencement tickets are complimentary, and any unused tickets should be returned to the commencement ticket pool.  The selling of commencement tickets is not condoned by the University and could constitute a violation of the Student Code of Conduct.  Failure to comply with this directive will result in a referral to the Dean of Students Office. 

Please find the latest ticketing updates including the Guest Ticket Lottery at 

Commencement Guest Ticket Lottery

  • Opens Mon. March 24, 10a
  • Closes Fri. March 28, 11:59p
  • Results by end of day Fri. April 4
  • Lottery Ticket Pick-up at Graduation Celebration Thurs. April 10, 10a - 4p, UH Campus Store
  • Lottery Additional Pick-Up Dates at UH Ticket Office:
    • Mon. April 14 - Fri. April 18 (9a-7p)
    • Mon. April 21 - Fri. April 25 (9a-7p)
    • Mon. April 28 - Fri. May 2 (9a-7p)
    • Sat. May 3 (9a-1p)
  • Distribution of 6 e-tickets:  April 9
  • or 832.842.GRAD

Accessibility Information for Guests

  • Recommended:  Guests with limited mobility should plan to arrive 1-1.5 hours prior to ceremony start time.
  • Fertitta Center is designed with ADA accessible parking, restrooms, concessions, and seating areas.
  • Closed captioning and ASL interpretation is provided for those in attendance and via livestream.
  • Guests needing mobility assistance should bring their own or rented wheelchairs or walkers.
    • These or other such devices and escorts are not provided; make accommodations prior to arriving.
  • Limited mobility parking is available to guests who have limited mobility and have a valid state-issued accessible parking license plate, placard or can show a disability-related need.

Where to Find all Commencement Updates

CLASS commencement updates are shared weekly during the Spring 2025 semester via e-mail using the college listserv - CLASS-STUDENTS@LISTSERV.UH.EDU 

Throughout the Spring 2025 semester please also refer to and for all updates as they are made available.


    • ATTENTION:  All current and future CLASS Candidates for Summer Graduation

      CLASS holds two commencement events each year – end of the spring semester, end of the fall semester.  There are no summer commencement events.

      Which CLASS Commencement are candidates for summer graduation eligible to participate in? Spring commencement events only.

      CLASS Spring Commencement is for all spring and summer graduation candidates.

      • Summer graduation candidates participate in spring commencement before all degree requirements are satisfied. 
      • Planning includes securing regalia at the spring grad fair before the summer grad application opens (April). 
      • Summer grad candidates are not allowed to participate in CLASS fall commencement ceremonies. 

      CLASS Fall Commencement is for all fall graduation candidates.

      • Summer graduation candidates are not allowed to participate in fall commencement.
      • Grad candidates completing the fall application for graduation are eligible to participate in the fall ceremony.
      • Fall grad candidates are not allowed to participate in CLASS spring commencement ceremonies.
    • 2025 Deadlines to Apply for Graduation

        • Students completing all degree requirements by end of Spring 2025
          - Apply Nov. 4, 2024 – Feb. 21, 2025
          - Late registration: Feb. 22, 2025 - March 21, 2025
        • Students completing all degree requirements by end of Summer 2025
          - Apply March 31 - July 4
          - Late registration: July 5 - July 18
        • Summer grads must apply by April 15 in order to be included in the commencement booklet

      Important: Students who apply for graduation during the late period will not have their names included in any printed or electronic commencement booklet.

    • When will the Grad Fair for Spring-Summer 2025 Graduation Candidates be held?

      • Grad vendor website: 
      • UH Grad Fair will be held: March 3-4, 10a - 4p, UH Campus Store
      • Grad Fair Order Pickups will begin April 10, 10a - 4p, UH Campus Store
      • Questions:  Contact the UH campus store at or call 713.741.7095
    • What Happens if I Miss the Graduation Application Deadline?

      Students who miss the deadline typically need to apply in the next term. Exceptions are considered for students who document job or program acceptance pending degree confirmation.

      • Required: Job offer letter, grad school acceptance letter, program acceptance letter
      • Letters should include a deadline for documentation of degree conferral and contact information for the employer or program (may be received via email).
      • Students with these circumstances should provide the documentation to their major advisor.
      • The major advisor will first verify the student is eligible for graduation for the current term.

      If eligible for current term graduation and documentation is provided of pending program/job, the student may submit a general petition to the major advisor requesting late application approval.

    • Photographs

      Flash Photography is the official photographer for the University of Houston commencement ceremonies. After the ceremony, Flash Photography will send proofs to you so that you can decide if you want to order prints. The photographer will already have your mailing address. If you do not receive the proofs within 30 days of your commencement, please contact Flash Photography at 800-410-8070.

    • Status of Your Graduation Application

      When an application to graduate is submitted, your college will receive notification. CLASS lead advisors will begin to review all information related to your degree progress and make a preliminary recommendation for degree conferral. If your graduation is contingent upon completing any coursework, you must first successfully complete those requirements before a decision can be made. If there are any other outstanding items that your major advisor is aware of and has already communicated with you about, these items will also need to be completed before a preliminary recommendation for degree conferral can be made.

      Your major advisor is your contact for questions related to the status of your application and the completion of your degree.

    • Conditions that Warrant Immediate Disapproval

      If there are requirements for your degree completion that will not be met by currently enrolled courses, and your major advisor is not already aware of these outstanding items, your application could be disapproved before the end of the semester that you have applied to graduate. A notification of that decision will be sent by UH (not CLASS) to you at your email address listed on your record. You will then need to work with your major advisor to complete any remaining requirements and apply for graduation again in the next feasible semester.

      Your major advisor is your contact for questions related to the status of your application and the completion of your degree.

    • Approval Process

      Once the semester officially closes and all grades are posted, the college Dean’s Office for Academic Affairs will begin their final review for degree conferral.

      If you have successfully completed all requirements of your degree program, your application will be approved by CLASS and then sent to UH with final recommendation for degree conferral. After UH has completed their review and has determined that all degree requirements have been satisfied, a final approval decision will be made and posted to your record. A notification of that decision will be sent by UH (not CLASS) to you at your email address listed on your record.

    • Disapproval Process

      Once the semester officially closes and all grades are posted, the college Dean’s Office for Academic Affairs will begin their final review for degree conferral.

      If you have not successfully completed all pending requirements by that date, your application will be disapproved. A notification of that decision will be sent by UH (not CLASS) to you at your email address listed on your record. You will then need to work with your major advisor to complete any remaining requirements and apply for graduation again in the next feasible semester.

    • Digital University Commencement Program

      In line with our commitment to responsible resource use, all commencement ceremonies feature digital programs.  Programs will be accessible via QR code displayed throughout the venue on the day of the ceremony.  The digital program will include the names of all students who applied for graduation on time.  Each graduating student participating in the ceremony will receive one printed copy during the ceremony.

      We make every effort to ensure all graduating students who applied on time are listed in the digital commencement program.

      Only those Spring 2025 graduation candidates who apply to graduate by February 21, 2025 will have their names included in the digital program.

      Important!  The graduation application for Summer 2025 graduation candidates will open March 31, 2025.  Only those Summer 2025 graduation candidates who apply to graduate by Thursday April 15, 2025 will have their names included in the digital program.

      Please also be aware of the following information:

      • If at any time you have requested privacy protection for your academic records, your name cannot be published in any program by law unless you have indicated on your application for graduation that you desire your name be included in such program.
      • Although your name might not be included in any printed or digital program, you will still be individually recognized by name as you cross the stage.
    • Baccalaureate Candidates Graduating with Honors

      Graduation with Honors

      Undergraduate students who have completed the graduation requirements of the Honors College, including a senior honors thesis or senior honors project, are graduated with “University Honors with Honors in Major.” Undergraduate students who have completed all requirements of the Honors College except for the thesis or project are graduated with “University Honors.”

      Undergraduate students who successfully complete a senior honors thesis or senior honors project and who are not members of the Honors College are graduated with “Honors in Major.”

      Undergraduate students will graduate with the stated academic honors if they complete at least fifty-four (54) hours at UH and achieve the following grade point averages earned in the last fifty-four (54) hours (all of which must be A, B, C,… letter grade courses) completed at the University of Houston.

      Honors Designations:

      3.90 to 4.0 GPA Summa Cum Laude (with highest honors)
      3.70 to 3.89 GPA Magna Cum Laude (with high honors)
      3.50 to 3.69 GPA Cum Laude (with honors)

    • Where is My Diploma?

      It takes approximately 6–8 weeks from the close of the term for colleges to review graduation applications and submit their decisions to the registrar’s office for processing. Diplomas are ordered once students have been approved and degrees officially conferred and posted.

      Your diploma will be mailed directly to you at the most current address provided through your myUH student account. The diploma printing company also will send email notifications to you indicating when your diploma has been mailed. It’s important to keep contact information updated in myUH to avoid shipment delays.

    • For Questions Not Answered on this Website

      Undergraduate Students – Your major advisor is your contact for questions related to the status of your application and the completion of your degree. For all other event-related questions, please contact: CLASS Undergraduate Commencement.

      Graduate Students – Master and Ph.D. students who have questions about the ceremony and degree conferral process are asked to email Anna Marchese, CLASS Graduate Studies Program Director,

    • ATTENTION: All current and future CLASS Summer Graduation Candidates

      There are no summer commencement events.  

      Which CLASS Commencement are summer graduation candidates eligible to participate in? Spring commencement events only.

      Overview: CLASS holds two commencement events each year – end of the spring semester, end of the fall semester.

      CLASS Spring Commencement is for all spring and summer graduation candidates.

      • Summer graduation candidates participate in spring commencement before all degree requirements are satisfied.
      • Planning should include securing regalia at the spring grad fair before the summer grad application opens (April).
      • Summer grad candidates are not allowed to participate in CLASS fall commencement ceremonies.

      CLASS Fall Commencement is for all fall graduation candidates.

      • Summer graduation candidates are not allowed to participate in fall commencement.
      • Grad candidates completing the fall application for graduation are eligible to participate in the fall ceremony.
      • Fall grad candidates are not allowed to participate in CLASS spring commencement ceremonies.

Ticket Lottery 

Students interested in entering the commencement lottery to receive additional tickets can submit a request​ for more tickets. The commencement lottery will open to submit your request beginning November 2 at 10:00am through November 7 at 11:59pm CST. Please note, the availability of extra tickets is not guaranteed and depends on the number of graduates and amount of returned or unclaimed tickets; please plan accordingly. 

Students will be notified of the commencement lottery results by end of day November 10. If selected, your additional tickets will be available for pickup at the Graduation Celebration taking place on November 30 from 9:00am – 4:00pm at the University of Houston Campus Store located at 4455 University Dr #130, Houston, TX 77204 in the Student Center South.

For questions about commencement tickets please email