CTAP Faculty FAQs
What is CTAP?
The Cougar Textbook Access Program (CTAP) is a program that provides undergraduate students access to all required course materials on or before the first day of class for a flat, per semester fee.
What is eligible to be covered by the CTAP fee?
The CTAP fee covers required course materials for undergraduate students. Course materials are defined as any item with an International Standard Book Number (ISBN) that is legally available for sale or distribution in the United States to the higher education market. This includes e-books, courseware, and clickers. Recommended materials are not included in the CTAP fee.
What is not covered by the CTAP fee?
Products and services that are not eligible for CTAP include but are not limited to web subscriptions such as Inchainge and Esri ArcGIS; software, survey, evaluation and assessment tools; and supplies such as goggles and science and art kits. In addition, recommended materials are not included in the CTAP fee.
Will CTAP affect my academic freedom to choose my own materials?
No. CTAP was built with the intent to ensure academic freedom remains intact. You will be able to use the same materials you do now, although you will need to be using the most recent edition available.
What are the Faculty benefits of CTAP?
Academic freedom is ensured by preserving faculty choice.
Course material adoption process and ancillary material delivery for PowerPoints, quizzes, test banks, solutions, etc. remains the same through Your UH Campus Store.
Materials are available digitally through the Canvas Learning Management System.
And most importantly, students are prepared for learning on day one!
How soon do I need to submit my course material adoptions to the UH Campus Store?
Course material adoption deadlines will remain the same:
Summer Deadline: March 15th
Fall Deadline: April 15th
Spring Deadline: October 15th
What if I would like to utilize physical desk copies of the course materials I teach?
The UH Campus Store will help faculty obtain instructor desk copies of current editions as needed.
How will ancillary materials be delivered to faculty?
Ancillary materials such as PowerPoints, quizzes, test banks, and solutions will be delivered in the same manner as they are now.
Where will I be able to access the digital learning materials I am teaching?
Digital materials will be available through the Canvas Learning Management System.
I have never used digital learning materials before. Will I receive training?
Yes, publishers will provide training opportunities for faculty to ensure you are comfortable working with your digital learning materials.
Will my students' ability to access their digital materials be interrupted during the semester?
Undergraduate students that choose to opt out of CTAP will lose access to their CTAP-provided digital course materials between 1 and 14 days after they opt out (longer in some cases.) At that point, those students will need to pay via the paywall to regain access to those materials.
Will CTAP have an impact on my students’ learning experience?
Yes! Students will receive course materials on or before the first day of class, which means they are prepared for learning on day one.
Do you have suggested language for CTAP that faculty may use on their syllabi?
Below is a template that you may want to consider using for your syllabi. Feel free to customize the message for your particular course.
Undergraduate students enrolled in this course have been automatically opted into the Cougar Textbook Access Program (CTAP). CTAP provides undergraduate students access to required course materials on or before the first day of class for a flat, per-semester fee. Digital materials are available through Canvas, our Learning Management System (LMS). If there are physical materials assigned in this course, Your UH Campus Store will email you when they are ready to be picked up. You may choose to opt out of the CTAP fee through your student account; however, if you opt out, you will need to procure the course materials for all your classes on your own. Please visit the CTAP website for more detailed information or email ctapuh@central.uh.edu.